Chapter 106
A few rays of morning light shone into the house from the window, and the soft light made the whole house bright.

"Wake up." Looking helplessly at Zhang Xiao who was still meditating, Luo Yuxi kept shaking his shoulders, but there was no reaction.

Ouyang Zili, who was already impatient at the side, grabbed his ear, twisted his wrist, and lifted it into the air, the unlucky person couldn't help shouting in pain: "What the hell?"

First, several girls laughed out loud, and then everyone who heard it burst into laughter.

Doubt flashed in his eyes, Zhang Xiao looked at them and said, "What are you laughing at, you are not allowed to complain if you pull other people's ears?"

Yue Cheng spread his hands and said, "Who knows, get ready to go."

They had already greeted the elders of the Qibao Glazed Tile Sect last night, and they set off this morning to Yuecheng's family place.

In fact, Luo Yuxi's grandfather wanted to keep them, because almost all the disciples in the sect were auxiliary soul masters. Although the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is based on the principle of saving the world, the soul masters who can help are limited after all.

And even if there were some battle soul masters, even with the assistance of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School martial soul, their fighting power was not very dazzling.

Therefore, even though many powerful soul masters fought hard for the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda soul masters, they still could not change the fate of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda soul masters needing to be protected.

If it is useful, those soul masters will naturally not abandon them, but once there is a fatal threat, the soul masters of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda not only have no ability to protect themselves, they may even be abandoned by the soul masters.

Auxiliary system soul masters are all in danger, even if a battle soul master invites them to go with them, they don't dare to agree rashly.

So Luo Yuxi's grandfather wanted to keep them for a competition. Firstly, he could observe the strength of Zhang Xiao and others, and secondly, he could encourage the outer disciples to work hard and kill two birds with one stone. Naturally, he would not let go of such a good thing. Pass.

But Yuecheng refused straight away, Zhang Xiao's condition is unstable, if he fights again, he might be irritated.

"Hey, to put it bluntly, I just want to observe my grandson-in-law!" Mo Binglin's shameless voice was everywhere
Soon, a row of eyes swept over him, and he was so frightened that he didn't dare to take a breath.

Stretching his sore arms, Zhang Xiao said slowly, "Although I think it's important to start, it seems like I'm hungry."

A flock of crows flew by.
Soon, everyone packed up and saluted, took some dry food with them, and set off.

Of course, one person was dragged out the door.

Walking out of the gate of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, you came to the side of the stream, the gurgling water was crystal clear, and the cool breath enveloped your body instantly, as if the summer heat had dissipated.

Several boatmen were already waiting on the bamboo raft, Yue Cheng smiled slightly, it seemed that the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect was very respectful, making people wait so early.

Jumped on the bamboo raft, under the control of the boatman, the small bamboo raft moved slowly on the stream, slowly approaching the exit of the valley.

When they reached the shore, everyone jumped out of the boat. Luo Yuxi said something to the boatman, and then the boatman left.

Slowly paddling the bamboo raft, the boatman felt warm for the old suzerain, because what Luo Yuxi said to him just now was: "Please tell my grandpa, I know he was pressured by several elders, so we will leave Let him not worry too much."

While walking out, Yuecheng asked Luo Yuxi: "What did you just say? If you asked him to tell something, he might not do it. I don't think any of the elders of your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School are good. .”

Luo Yuxi shook her head to herself: "No, they were saved by my grandfather, and they are very loyal to my grandfather."

Without asking any more questions, the group followed Yue Cheng to his family's land.

It was early morning before, and the temperature was not so high. The feeling of coolness next to the stream kept everyone lingering. At this time, the sun was shining brightly, and everyone was sweating profusely. Instead of running forward, they moved step by step. pace.

"Oh, it's too much, it's too much, let's take a break." Taitong couldn't take it anymore, so he sat down on the ground.

The soul master's physical strength far exceeds that of ordinary people, even if he walks two hundred miles a day, he can still support it.

Looking at the venomous sun in the sky, everyone couldn't bear it any longer. The heat from their bodies seemed to never dissipate, as if they were thrown into a frying pan.

They found a towering tree that shaded the sky, and everyone hid under it. Feeling the heat dissipate slightly, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, "It's so comfortable." Taitong and Mo Binglin said in unison.

Yue Cheng's body trembled slightly, why did it feel a little strange to say these words from the two of them?

Gently wiped the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand, Luo Yuxi looked at the clouds in the sky, turned around and asked Yuecheng, "Where is this? Why does it feel like I haven't passed by here before?"

Shaking his head, Yue Cheng was too hotheaded and a little dizzy. He didn't see the way clearly just now, so he led them on this road.He thought that it was a road anyway, and it would lead to the family, so it didn't matter.

However, since he raised his head and saw everything in front of him seriously, his heart became as cold as ice.

There was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't help saying: "It's over, it's over"

Ouyang Zili shook him, "Why is it over?"

For a moment, everyone's hearts were raised. Yuecheng can be said to be one of the strongest existences among them. Apart from Ouyang Zili, the strongest is him. He can finish saying this word, then I'm afraid there really is something wrong.

His eyes became a little lax, and he asked indifferently, "Yuxi, do you still remember your father?"

"Nonsense, can my father remember?" When she said this, Luo Yuxi's face became obviously displeased because her father disappeared.And it wasn't a normal disappearance, it was being forced into a death zone, and there was no news of it in the end.

Suddenly, Luo Yuxi's eyes lit up, and her voice became a little trembling: "You mean?"

With a long sigh, Yuecheng confirmed her thoughts, "Yes."

Now, everyone was about to be driven crazy, these two were talking dumb!They didn't understand at all, but seeing the dignified faces of both of them, they couldn't help but get a little crazy.

Zhang Xiao had been listening all the time, and he could hear the conversation between the two of them clearly, but he didn't make a sound.

Chen Ling was also sitting beside Zhang Xiao, looking into the distance, Chen Ling said, "You know what they said, right?"

"Grand Canyon of Death." Zhang Xiao's floating voice was not loud, but it was just enough for everyone to hear, and most of them had a trace of doubt on their faces.

Chen Ling's voice became a little hoarse. He was well-read since he was a child, so he had naturally heard of this place, and he understood the horror of this place better. Unfortunately, other people didn't know about it.

Chen Ling said silently in his heart: "The Grand Canyon of Death?"

(End of this chapter)

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