Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 107 The Impassable Barrier

Chapter 107 The Impassable Barrier

Yue Cheng stood up abruptly, looked into the distance, but found nothing unusual.

With a dejected sigh, Yue Cheng turned his head and said solemnly: "The less abnormal we can detect, the more dangerous our situation will be."

The light of the sun in the sky was still fierce, distorting the air, and everything became a bit blurred. No one could believe that it was such an ordinary weather. In this place, there was an indescribable sense of fear.

Everyone's brows were tightly furrowed, Ouyang Zili took a deep breath, "Let's go out quickly."

The answer, as she had imagined, was, "It's useless, no one's going to get out alive."

Although he knew it was bad to say this and would have an unspeakable impact on people's hearts, Yue Cheng still said it truthfully.

The reason why I said it clearly is because I want everyone to get nervous and not take it lightly. In this, how many strong people have fallen, it is already difficult to tell the details, because there are too many.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, the shade of the trees had just covered the sun, Yuecheng said as if recalling: "A long time ago, probably less than a hundred years ago, the Xingluo royal family once sent a peak Douluo to carry out a secret mission, but, After passing here, he lost all news."

Xiao Ning couldn't help but cover her mouth with her hands. Peak Douluo's soul power was at least over level 95, at least hundreds of times the combined soul power of all of them present!Can even a peak Douluo not get out of here?
Although they were all shocking, no one made a sound. The relevant information here is very important. We must understand it, otherwise we will only be in a passive position.

"Even the Xingluo Royal Family sent dozens of Contra level powerhouses to investigate, but without exception, all of them."

While saying these words, the corners of Yue Cheng's eyes kept twitching, as if he was responding to what he said.

Under the green shade, the turbid shadow suddenly extended outward at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a huge cloud suddenly enveloped the distant sky, as if covering the sky and covering the sun.

Everyone raised their heads and looked up, feeling terrified at once, but felt a turbulent air wave blowing towards their faces, and in an instant, everyone even felt that they had been swept away by it.

Stand up one by one, all staring at the giant clouds covering the sky.

Mo Binglin's voice trembled, "What is this?"

His voice was not heard by the people around, because above the distant mountain peak, a curtain of water stretching from heaven to earth was set off, and the blue water curtain was as high as a thousand feet. At this time, everyone's heartbeat seemed to stop average.

The water curtain surged over with a tyrannical oppressive force in the sky, Zhang Xiao's heart trembled, "Run!"

Everyone immediately comprehended, Ouyang Zili spread his wings wide and flew out towards the opposite direction of the water curtain, Yue Cheng also brought out afterimages and jumped out, the others had no time to think, and ran desperately into the distance.

At this time, the dry heat that belongs to midsummer has completely disappeared, not only because the heart is so cold, but also because the strange water curtain has absorbed almost all the heat in this valley, and the temperature has plummeted, but no one feels it. To comfort, some, just the fear that spreads infinitely in my heart.

Although everyone's speed had reached their own limit, but the shadow of that water curtain was gradually approaching them, and everyone's hearts began to become disorganized.

Yuecheng knew that running was useless, even Peak Douluo couldn't escape, let alone them?
After running for a quarter of an hour, everyone saw the exit of the valley!

It only takes a stick of incense at most before they can run out of this damned valley!A sense of security and ecstasy crazily occupied everyone's hearts, and everyone saw hope.

Finally, everyone ran to the exit of the valley, and the one running in the front was not Ouyang Zili who could fly, nor Yuecheng, a soul master of the agility department, but Taitong, who had the lowest cultivation level!
He was so fast that he left Yuecheng far behind, making everyone's hair black. This guy is so greedy for life and afraid of death!

Reality is often cruel. Taitong was at the forefront, and he was about to run out of the valley. However, the moment he went out, he seemed to have hit some invisible barrier, and he was directly knocked backwards ten times. Domi landed beside the people who were still running.

Due to the high speed, after being hit back, he even spat out a mouthful of blood.

Everyone stopped, staring dumbfounded at the exit where there was nothing in front of them, then looked down at Taitong who fell beside him, and finally turned their eyes to the water curtain that was constantly chasing after them, and their hearts suddenly became cold.

The blue-colored giant water looks like a monster that chooses to eat people, and it looks down on everyone like it is preparing to eat its delicious meal.

Although everyone is almost already a relatively good existence among soul masters of the same age, and there are even a few outstanding soul masters of the same age among them, facing this water curtain, no one has the confidence to escape it.

In the face of absolute strength, any skill is useless, just like them now, facing the water waves, they are so small, like a drop in the ocean, a weak grass between heaven and earth, without Resistance.

So what?Slowly raising her head, two long swords of different colors flashed out of Zhang Xiao's hands, and the two colors of light shone brightly in her eyes, as if she was smiling.

Everyone stared at him blankly, what is this going to do?Could it be that he still wants to break through the water waves?
Luo Yuxi glanced at the torrential water waves two or three hundred meters away, and grabbed his arm, "What are you doing? Forget it, we can't escape."

Looking at her calmly, Zhang Xiao pointed at the sky with his sword.

Everyone looked up at the sky, and saw a few little sparrows flying past.

Suddenly, Mo Binglin screamed, "Height limit!"

And Zhang Xiao's meaning is exactly the same, this invisible barrier is not sky-high, there is a certain height limit, as long as you jump out of this height, you can escape.

"Stand together, hand in hand!" After saying these words as quickly as possible, Zhang Xiao stood opposite them, with her back to the water waves.

Although Zhang Xiao's strength is not the strongest among the crowd, many people have a sense of blind faith in him. After saying this sentence, everyone has already stood together holding hands.

Holding the hilt tightly with both hands, overlapping the tips of the two long swords, the fiery red light burned violently like a flame, and the blue light below surged like sea water with super tension, The left foot is in front, and the right toe is stepping on the ground. In the next moment, the whole body is ejected, and the two swords are held high, and then they slash towards the feet of everyone with lightning speed.

A burst of fierce sparks suddenly burst out in the air, and even streaks of blazing light were drawn on the tip of the sword, bringing out two slanted gorgeous orbits from the sky, and the extremely dazzling two-color rays of light intersected in the daytime. At the same time, the strong fluctuations in soul power made everyone who had already held hands feel a little unstable.

At the corner of Zhang Xiao's mouth, a faint smile emerged, and it was this smile that made Yuecheng suddenly understand what he was going to do.

Dazzling light erupted. At this time, the monstrous water curtain was less than 50 meters away from them. Everyone felt a strong impact from their feet, and then they were thrown high into the sky. Mans blasted a huge gap.

Zhang Xiao turned his back to the water waves, raised two swords lightly, looked up at the crowd, and gave a knowing smile. His shadow was about to be swallowed by the howling water waves.

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect Zhang Xiao to mean this. The meaning of smiling at them at the end was to ask them to use their soul power to impact and pop out of the barrier when they reached the highest point.

He has already calculated that the highest point of the barrier is about 300 meters above the ground. Even with wings, Ouyang Zili can't fly out, but if he borrows the anti-shock force, he can help them bounce about [-] meters away. If you hit the water waves below at an angle of more than eighty degrees, you can continue to climb upwards. If you start from the ground, it will be too late, but it is probably still too late.

However, a few figures didn't move at all, and even used their soul power to counter-shock the barrier, and fell straight to the ground.

Looking at the few people who jumped down without hesitation, Zhang Xiao didn't know why, but felt a little calm in her heart. Maybe this is also the ending.

The height of these water waves reached thousands of feet, and the impact of these waters alone was enough to smash their bodies into pieces, but he still felt a little regretful that he couldn't let his relatives out.

Xiao Ning also realized that the reason why she didn't move as fast as those people was only because she and Zhang Xiao didn't have many intersections.Even when she came here, she followed Tang Qinyao.

Xiaoning's height has already exceeded 200 meters, and she can jump into this place of life and death with the help of a few soul power shocks.

In fact, she didn't jump down, Zhang Xiao thought it was right, after all, she didn't belong to their team, or in other words, their family.

What's more, everyone is afraid of death, even if it is not because of fear of death, who would not cherish their own life?There is only one life, this is not a joke, even if Xiao Ning jumps down, there is no practical significance, the ending seems to have been set, no matter what you do, there is only one dead word.

Death is terrible.

But sometimes, the word death can't make everyone succumb to his lust, because there are many things in this world that are far more frightening than the so-called death, not just physically, but more, It is spiritual.

However, everyone underestimated this girl, and she also jumped down. Seeing that she was about to fall to the ground, the water wave smashed down, submerging everyone in the boundless and monstrous waves.

(End of this chapter)

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