Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 108 A Place Without the Sun

Chapter 108 A Place Without the Sun

The things in front of her eyes were a little blurry, as if she had just woken up, Zhang Xiao opened her eyes, feeling some pain in her head, she couldn't help shaking her head with her forehead, after a few breaths, she tilted her head to the side, and finally saw everything in front of her clearly .

There were several people lying in disorder in the shallow water, and upon careful inspection, he suddenly became sober.

There is a floating bead in front of him, Zhang Xiao naturally knows what it is, snake pill.

"I was the first to wake up, Snake Pill, could it be it?"

When he found Luo Yuxi, he slowly moved over. The reason why he didn't leave was because he couldn't feel his legs, so he had to do so.

As for why Luo Yuxi was awakened first, it was naturally because she had the best relationship with her.Of course, he has a good relationship with other people, but he is undoubtedly the closest to Luo Yuxi and Yue Cheng, after all, they are relatives, even if they are not related by blood.

Everyone was drenched, but there was not a single drop of water around, and the monstrous waves that roared furiously before disappeared without a trace.

The light was rather dim, but for some reason, Zhang Xiao didn't seem to see the sun, maybe it was covered by dark clouds, Zhang Xiao thought so.

Surviving a catastrophe, in fact, there is no disturbance in Zhang Xiao's heart, not because he is not afraid, but because he feels that the world is impermanent, and until the last moment, he will not be affected by any happy or sad things.

Slowly put away the snake pill, he knew that this ability should not be known by everyone, it is not the ability of Wuhun, it is difficult to explain.

After finally crawling to Luo Yuxi's side, Zhang Xiao's heart beat a little faster, because he was the only one who fell to the ground, and everyone else fell into the water, so only his clothes were dry.

As for Luo Yuxi, like most people, her clothes were completely soaked, and her figure was completely outlined. Zhang Xiao saw something she shouldn't have seen.

The cheeks became slightly hot, and the beating speed of the heart had reached an overloaded state.

The blue hair floated on the shallow water surface, the height of the water surface did not exceed one inch, and everyone's heads were lying on their sides in the water, the height of the water surface did not even reach the corners of their mouths.It's just that some people's bodies stretched towards the depth of the water, so their clothes were completely soaked. Zhang Xiao didn't know how long they had been in a coma. After all, such a big wave was smashed hard With one click, even if you don't die, you have to peel off your skin.

The places that shouldn't be seen became clearer in his eyes, which made his eyes hurt a little, but he had no choice but to crawl towards Luo Yuxi, because they were by the water at this time, and their bodies were very tight. Weakness, if any soul beasts appear, they will definitely be wiped out.

Zhang Xiao knew that his combat power at this time was not even one-thirtieth of his peak state. At this time, a ten-year soul beast came, and Zhang Xiao didn't know if he could protect himself.

While crawling in pain, he couldn't stop bleeding from his nose. He only felt that he was going to die weakly.

What to do, Zhang Xiao tried hard not to look, but it seemed that his eyes would track automatically, and after a while, he moved to the place he shouldn't be looking at.

The ground is wet, and during the crawling process, an irregular ravine was brought out on the ground, very shallow, like the traces of a snail crawling.

Suddenly laying his face on the ground, he felt that he had lost to himself, why did he always do some weird things?
His forehead felt a little hot, and Zhang Xiao fell asleep again.

It can be seen that the place where they are is very open, and there is no end in sight, and the sky is very dark. Now they are just thrown by the waves of a small river, an unknown river.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhang Xiao felt someone shaking her, and suddenly opened her eyes in a daze.

"Wake up." When she opened her eyes, she saw Luo Yuxi's eager face. Zhang Xiao shivered in fright. Are they all awake?

Seeing him open his eyes, Luo Yuxi breathed a long sigh of relief. She was afraid that the water waves would kill him, because when everyone woke up, they found themselves in the water, but he was the only one on the ground. Up, this is worrying.

Even if the ground is wet and not very hard, the impact force is much heavier than falling into the water.

"Well, you are all awake." Zhang Xiao uttered a word inarticulately, and Zhang Xiao sat up.

Everyone looked at him like a monster, as if nothing happened.

Zhang Xiao noticed that everyone's clothes were dry, and immediately knew that they had been awake for more than a while, at least several hours.

"Where is this?" Xiao Ning asked.

"I don't know, we were swept here by the waves, maybe we were washed out of the Grand Canyon of Death by the waves." Mo Binglin guessed.

"I don't think so. Does this place seem to be on the mainland?"

"Brother Yue, isn't it scary to say that? Isn't this the mainland?"

"I don't think Brother Yue is alarmist. If you take a closer look at the things here, it looks like a deserted place. As far as I know, even if the big water waves can roll us out for hundreds of miles, there is absolutely no place on the mainland. Without such a desolate place, could there be such a scene in the mountains?" Chen Ling analyzed calmly.

From the beginning to the end, Xu Minghao never said a word, even if he was being hunted down, even if there was a huge water wave, even if he was about to die, he still didn't say a single word.

At this time, he said, "I know where this is."

Everyone looked at each other, even Zhang Xiao looked at him dumbfounded, did he know where this was?
"Minghao, is what you said true?" Zhang Xiao asked slowly, suppressing her thoughts.

With a strange look on his face, Xu Minghao said, "This is the Grand Canyon of Death."

Everyone's facial muscles twitched. The so-called canyon must at least have a valley, but there is not even a mountain to be seen here.

"The real core of the Grand Canyon of Death is here. The place we were in before was only its entrance." Xu Minghao explained slowly.

Yuecheng looked at him strangely: "How do you know?"

Sighing lightly, Xu Minghao originally wanted to forget that memory, but it seemed that God would not let him forget it.

"When I was young, Wuhun had just awakened. No one wanted to be friends with me. Everyone rejected me. When I was supposed to be in the first grade. No college was willing to accept me, so I lived with my grandfather."

Maybe it was because that memory was too painful, Xu Minghao couldn't control his emotions while talking, Zhang Xiao patted him on the back lightly, "Speak slowly."

After sorting out his thoughts, Xu Minghao continued: "Later, my grandpa took me out to play, and was trapped here by accident. In the end, my grandpa sent me out, but he stayed here forever." , Xu Minghao's tears fell, she never cried normally, in Zhang Xiao's view, he is a very sunny boy.

It's just that he didn't expect that he still had such a past.

"Don't be sad, Minghao, let him pass the past," Zhang Xiao comforted him.

Gently nodded, Xu Minghao said: "This is underground, we can't rush out, there is only one way to get out."

(End of this chapter)

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