Chapter 109 Ice Cave
Seeing Xu Minghao hesitate to speak, everyone's eyes could not help becoming anxious. This is the time when lives are at stake, how can they be so calm?

"Oh, hurry up and talk." Taitong always speaks in a hurry, as if his ass is on fire. Seeing Xu Minghao's hesitant speech, he is almost dying of anxiety.

Zhang Xiao raised his hand to signal Taitong not to speak. At this moment, Xu Minghao was still immersed in the sadness of recalling his grandfather, so he could not interfere with him too much.

"After my grandfather and I were trapped here, we tried to get out, but we couldn't find an exit. Finally, we were teleported out by a woman at the end of that road." Although it has been a long time, Xu Minghao is Never to be forgotten.

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed, it was a very ordinary road, nothing out of the ordinary, the place where they were located was a small lake, on the shore of the lake, there were only two small roads, the rest of the place was a loess.

On both sides of the lake, surrounded by some undulating hills, there are no other obvious things.

The road Xu Minghao pointed to was a relatively short road, as if there was a cave at the end of the road, because that road led to a mountain peak.There is also a small mountain near them, but it is very close, and it is easy to observe that there is nothing unusual.

"Just go to that cave?" Yue Cheng asked thoughtfully, because the cave was no more than 500 meters away from them, and with the vision of their soul masters, they could easily see it.

The reason for the doubt is because it feels unbelievable. If it is so simple, why did those strong people fall?

Xu Minghao shook his head lightly, "No, that cave is only a small part of here, and my grandfather and I should have only walked part of it at the beginning." When he said this, Xu Minghao's eyes obviously dimmed a bit.

Everyone took a deep breath and left part of it, so what about all of them?
No one asked more, because they knew that what happened later would inevitably involve Xu Minghao's grandfather, which was absolutely no intention of offending them.

Haha, Yuecheng said: "Don't think about it, let's go there quickly." Instead of wasting time here, it's better to find a way to get out, after all, what kind of terrifying creatures are there in this place? And know.

So the group got up and walked towards the somewhat blue cave.

From a distance, at the end of that road, the cave seemed too quiet, as if it was independent of this world.

Zhang Xiao asked while walking: "Minghao, what's in that cave?"

"It's very dark inside. Grandpa and I walked by, but there was nothing there." Xu Minghao said as if recalling.

At this time, on the top of the Youlan cave, a young girl quietly watched the group of people walking below, her eyes were indifferent, as if she was thinking about something.

The cave became bigger and bigger before their eyes, and everyone gradually saw some clues. The peaks beside the cave were covered with a thin layer of snow and frost, as if the temperature was very low, but there was no snowflakes in other places.

The road was already rough, and everyone's footsteps couldn't help but feel a little strange. The closer they got to the cave, the road seemed to become more and more uneven.

After finally walking to a place only 50 meters away from the cave, everyone couldn't help but stop. Everything in front of them surprised them. At the place where the road connects to the cave, there is a single bridge, or in other words, a narrow bridge. Connect the road.

Below the path, there is a bottomless abyss, everyone gasped, especially Xu Minghao, when he came here six years ago, there was no such abyss!

"Shall we go there?" Luo Yuxi frowned slightly, as if she was worried.

Her worry was not unreasonable, because everyone had observed that in that dark blue cave, there seemed to be many icicles made of frozen ice, and it was unknown what danger there might be.

In fact, this is not the main reason. What is even more frightening is that the entrance of the cave is more like the mouth of a giant monster, and the mountain peak is like the head of a monster.

Although it is composed of strange rocky rocks, at least visually it looks more trembling.

"It's okay, let's go in and have a look." Zhang Xiao thought for a while and said.

He knew that even if they didn't go in, there was nothing they could do. At least Xu Minghao had walked this path, and they could use their experience. If they took any other path and encountered a very powerful soul beast, the loss outweighed the gain. At this time, you should be more cautious.

But Zhang Xiao didn't know that Xu Minghao was already sluggish. The cave was not like this six years ago. There was no ice, let alone this connecting bridge. According to Xu Minghao's impression, the road here should lead to the cave. That's right.

But he didn't say much. After all, there might be some changes in six years. If he said that this place is different, it might make everyone feel scared, so he kept silent.

Zhang Xiao walked in the front, but his heart was also very disturbed. The bridge became narrower and narrower. If two people could walk side by side at first, it would have turned into a single bridge when it was 20 meters away from the cave. Foot width; at the end, it's probably tightrope walking.

None of them thought they could walk on a tightrope. Under the bridge was the abyss with light blue light. Under the abyss, there was a faint cold air rising upwards. Everyone was shocked and suddenly became sober.

Seeing the bridge, Ouyang Zili snorted, the wings of the phoenix spread wide, the flames soared into the sky, accelerated instantly in the air, and with a dodge, her figure accurately landed at the entrance of the cave.

Zhang Xiao looked back at the crowd and said, "Qinyao, come here."

"Well, cousin." Tang Qinyao walked up to him, showing a questioning expression.

"Stretch out your hand."

Although Zhang Xiao didn't mean anything else when he said this, Luo Yuxi looked at him with a slightly sullen look, as if he was thinking about something.

Fortunately, Zhang Xiao didn't see it, "We will release the blue silver grass later, I will send you there, and then let Zili catch you. Then when you get there, release the blue silver grass, and prepare to use the thrown blue silver grass to catch you." It's an emergency." Zhang Xiao deliberately slowed down when she spoke, because she was afraid that Tang Qinyao might not understand.

But his worry was unnecessary, Tang Qinyao nodded lightly, and then opened his arms.

Since Zhang Xiao and Tang Qinyao were relatively close to the front and everyone was behind, and Zhang Xiao deliberately slowed down his speech and his voice was low, so no one heard their conversation.

Everyone only knew that Zhang Xiao called Tang Qinyao over, and Tang Qinyao opened her arms.

It has to be said that this is an action that is easily misunderstood. Obviously, Luo Yuxi really misunderstood.

Taitong and Mo Binglin also misunderstood, this action is to hug?

Angrily ran behind Zhang Xiao,

It was a very loud sound, and a palm print was printed on the back of Zhang Xiao's neck. It was very red, as if it had been burned through.

Nothing appeared in Zhang Xiao's raised hands, because he was stupid, he didn't understand who would hit him at this time, there was no reason for it!It's just his own thoughts, some girl doesn't think so.

Turning around slowly, Zhang Xiao's facial muscles twitched, it turned out to be this little witch again!

"What's the matter?" Although he was beaten, Zhang Xiao had no temper when facing Luo Yuxi, and even if he did, he couldn't express it, not because he was afraid, but because he wouldn't lose his temper with her.

"What do you think?" These words were said through gritted teeth.

If there is anything that can describe his current mood, then it must be that he doesn't know what to say. He really doesn't understand what Luo Yuxi is talking about.

Tang Qinyao is a girl, obviously she guessed the meaning, so she hurriedly said: "Cousin, you release the blue silver grass, send me there."

Hearing this, Luo Yuxi blushed, her eyes became a little gentler, but her tone remained the same, "Xiao Xiao, my sister blamed you wrongly, remember, you can't use public interests for personal gain!"

Zhang Xiao was confused by what she said, so she shook her head, what the hell, so she released the blue silver grass, and a faint black light lingered on the leaves of the blue silver grass, so black that it made people feel fearful.

But Tang Qinyao didn't care, and let Zhang Xiao help her tie the blue silver grass around her waist.

Turning to Ouyang Zili on the opposite side, he said loudly: "I will try my best to follow them later." The reason why I try my best is that I am afraid that if I say too serious, it will make people nervous. Not only himself, but also Ouyang Zili, accidents always happen. not good.

Taking a deep breath, with a light wave of his hand, the blue silver grass swung back, and then quickly flung it towards the cave. Tang Qinyao was thrown to the front of the cave without any mistakes. Of course, Ouyang Zili caught her Otherwise, with such a big inertia, even a soul master would have to be dumped.

Then Zhang Xiao did the same and threw everyone over, without exception, everyone was caught by Ouyang Zili.

In the end, only Zhang Xiao was left. Tang Qinyao was very smart. Her martial spirit was also blue silver grass, but it was obviously much more beautiful than Zhang Xiao's in color. The life green color made Tang Qinyao's blue silver grass The grass looks very pleasing to the eye, and it is in sharp contrast to Zhang Xiao's dark blue silver grass. Although everyone does not reject him, it is still impossible to say that there is no rejection at all. Let them deceive themselves.

However, in this regard, there are three people who absolutely don't believe it. They support Zhang Xiao unconditionally. Among them, Luo Yuxi and Yue Cheng grew up with her. Naturally, they don't care about the things that the world cares about. They only care about Zhang Xiao. This person, nothing more.

Tang Qinyao, on the other hand, was related to him by blood. Blood is thicker than water, so naturally she would not reject him. There are problems, but his consciousness is not evil, and this bloodline can be purified.

And Tang Qinyao was the only family member left, no matter what, Tang Qinyao vowed not to leave him.

The blue silver grass gradually grew longer, and when it stretched to Zhang Xiao's side, it circled around his waist twice, and finally retracted suddenly, dragging Zhang Xiao to the cave like a cannonball.

"Oh, my waist—" A scream resounded through the mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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