Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 111 Drilling the "Dog" Hole

Chapter 111 Drilling the "Dog" Hole
Phew, Zhang Xiao wiped off a few drops of sweat on his forehead with his hand, and then looked at the pool that was almost exhausted.

The temperature in the cave seems to have increased, but there is still a bone-chilling chill permeating every corner of the cave.

"Go in." Zhang Xiao hesitated for a moment, because he seemed to hear something roaring inside, but the voice was very small.The others didn't hear it, they all happily walked inside.

Although this place is very gloomy, everyone thinks it is very interesting. They have seen most of the outside world. Although this kind of place is a bit dangerous, it is very interesting.

After walking for a while, Zhang Xiao said in a deep voice, "Do you think this corridor is getting shorter and shorter?"

Everyone nodded one after another. It was indeed the case. The further you walked in, not only did the width gradually narrow, but even the height began to become a little narrow.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Xiao felt that he couldn't move forward blindly. It seemed that there was indeed some truth in it, and there seemed to be a constant coldness eroding them upwards under their feet. The changes were obvious, and everyone could clearly notice it.

While walking in, Luo Yuxi hugged Zhang Xiao's arm tightly with her hands, with a look of fear on her face.But the other girls were all enthusiastic, as if they were going to some fun place next, but the two boys, Taitong and Mo Binglin, hid behind Xiaoning and Tang Qinyao like girls
Although Bingyao Sword basically absorbed all the stagnant water, there was still some residue, so when they stepped on it, they still felt a cold feeling, and the atmosphere became even more eerie.

At Ouyang Zili's fingertips, the flames danced more violently, and when a gust of wind blew, the raging fire seemed a little crumbling, which made Ouyang Zili unable to help but increase the output of soul power, so as to make the raging fire burn more violently.

A soft fiery red halo sprinkled on the cave walls, brightening the darkness inside.

After about a cup of tea, everyone came to the end of the cave, yes, it was the end, there was no way, and the final corridor had become about five inches high and one foot three inches wide.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the passage in front of them, and Mo Binglin cursed directly: "What a hole, how can we live like this!" When he said the word "broken", he even spit out his saliva.

Zhang Xiao, who was standing in front of him, was unfortunately sprayed, so he wiped it calmly with his hand, and said, "Next time, face the wall."

Mo Binglin nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Brother, I was wrong."

Zhang Xiao didn't answer, walked straight to the small cave, bent down to look inside, and was a little surprised. How thick is rice.

Everyone looked at his movements, and couldn't help feeling suspicious. They really didn't want to climb in. The faces of the girls obviously became displeased. How dirty it was, they all love to be clean. , When I saw that I was going to climb the hole, I suddenly became unhappy.

Sure enough, after Zhang Xiao stood up, he continued: "There is still a big cave inside, but you can only see a part of it. The most important thing is that there may be a way out of it, and if we don't go in, obviously there will be no way out." But let’s go, the back road has been cut off.”

Ah, everyone is frowning, yes, there is no way out, even if there is something inside, they have to fight with their backs, they don't have much food on them, if they sit and wait, then there is only one dead end.

Scratching his scalp, Tai said, "Let Zili take us all out, she can fly."

At this time, Ouyang Zili's expression became weird. Zhang Xiao knew that she didn't want to say it, but if it affected everyone's fighting spirit, it would be very bad.

"Her phoenix wings were hit by huge waves and couldn't bear a lot of weight. Even one person couldn't carry it. If she couldn't fly the 50-meter distance, do you know the consequences?" Zhang Xiao stared at Taitong with fiery eyes.

"Uh..." Taitong was so asked that he couldn't speak, so he had to give up resentfully.

Turning around and looking at everyone, Zhang Xiao paused and said, "We have no way out, we can only give it a go."

In an instant, everyone's eyes suddenly became fierce. Indeed, if they couldn't find food to satisfy their hunger, let alone get out of this damned Grand Canyon of Death, they couldn't even get out of this cave. They could only be trapped here forever until they died.

"I'll go in first, everyone come one by one." After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiao climbed into the small hole first.

Only after climbing in did Zhang Xiao realize that the hole is really small!Even the head can barely pass through, and you have to lie on your stomach. If you hold your head upright, you can't see the way at all, and your jaw will be worn out.

Fumbled forward in the dark, but in the eyes of everyone, Zhang Xiao's upper body went in, and his lower body got stuck outside.
"Damn it, I can't get in." Zhang Xiao said helplessly.

Everyone laughed, and Taitong snickered, "It's like drilling a dog's hole."

Mo Binglin answered: "The main reason is that the butt is too big."

Luo Yuxi blushed when she heard this, Zhang Xiao's face was already livid with anger, and said hysterically, "Get lost!"

Ouyang Zili was more direct, walked up behind Zhang Xiao, kicked up, and then
"Hey, hello—"

Turning over, Zhang Xiao entered the cave, but when he got up, he couldn't help covering his buttocks, a burst of burning pain came from his buttocks, he thought to himself, this Zili is too cruel, as expected, even her buttocks are fine Such a kick!
Knowing that I was the last one, she shook her head suddenly, Zhang Xiao realized that something was wrong, the last one would be stuck, it seemed that it would be better to be kicked, and she nodded her head self-consciously after speaking.

Looking at the space inside the cave, Zhang Xiao's eyes became stagnant, as if frozen by frost, because this space was almost covered with ice crystals, and the crystal clear ice reflected a faint texture.

But what puzzles him even more is that this cave is more like a room, because there are icicles supporting the four corners of the cave in the inner position, and it seems that at least one person's arms are needed to embrace it. live.

The ground is made of frozen water, but it is extremely smooth, just like a mirror. If it weren't for the real feeling, Zhang Xiao would have mistakenly thought it was a mirror, because it was so clear that it reflected Zhang Xiao's reflection , there was almost no change, and even gave Zhang Xiao an illusion that the person on the ground was himself, and this atmosphere made him a little intoxicated.

After a while, the people behind all crawled in one after another, perhaps because they were afraid of being kicked by others, Ouyang Zili was the last to climb in.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." Xiao Ning couldn't help sighing.

Not only her, everyone was fascinated by the scene here, whether it was the glistening ice crystals or the permeating icy mist, they all gave people a dreamlike sense of infatuation, as if they had fallen into a picture scroll.

Zhang Xiao's eyes seemed to be attracted by something, and two purple beams of light that were more than a foot long shot out suddenly, and Zhang Xiao's mind suddenly woke up. Like him, there was also Tang Qinyao, both of them were purple. The extreme magic pupil is activated by itself.

(End of this chapter)

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