Chapter 112 Strange Pattern

His eyes were purple, and the ice mist in front of him gradually dissipated. Zhang Xiao frowned. He could feel that the ice mist floating in this space carried an intoxicating aura, which was hard to detect, but secretly paralyzed people's spirits. sensing ability.

Looking at each other with Tang Qinyao, the two already understood what each other meant, so they quickly searched for something in the cave.

After only a while, everyone except Zhang Xiao and Tang Qinyao fell down, and a fierce brilliance flashed in Zhang Xiao's eyes. This place actually has this kind of ice mist poison, which made him so surprised.

Generally speaking, ice mist toxins are rare among all poisons, and it is almost impossible to achieve them by manpower. In other words, these ice mist poisons are naturally formed.

And places with this kind of toxin, no accident, will be guarded by some evil things, which shows how dangerous this place is.

What could it be, Zhang Xiao had no idea, and there was no related record in "Xuantian Treasure Record", even the Tang Sect had hardly encountered such a situation, let alone a solution.

"Qinyao, do you know about this kind of toxin?" When encountering such a thing, Zhang Xiao also became serious in speaking.

Tang Qinyao couldn't help wiping off her sweat, and she also broke into a cold sweat anxiously. Although she is the young master of the Tang Sect and has indeed read all the books in the Tang Sect collection, in her impression, there is nothing about this toxin at all. information.

After thinking for a long time, Tang Qinyao had no choice but to tell Zhang Xiao the truth: "Brother, I don't remember."

The scene when he came in appeared in his mind, and he started talking to himself, the ice cave, the fog, the entrance, the entrance
Suddenly slapping his forehead, Zhang Xiao turned around and squatted down in front of the entrance of the cave, sniffed the scent with his nose, and then stood up slowly, with a thoughtful look on his face.

After turning around, Zhang Xiao's gaze inadvertently glanced at a supporting pillar, and there seemed to be some pattern in the middle of the supporting pillar.

Ice fog still filled the small space, and there seemed to be a strange howl coming from every corner of the cave, echoing in the cave.

Turning around and looking at the other three pillars, Zhang Xiao said to himself, sure enough, they all have patterns, and it seems that there must be a certain connection.

"Qinyao, come here." Zhang Xiao waved her hand.

Both of them were also affected by the ice mist toxin, but because of the Ziji magic pupil, the impact was not deep, and they were barely able to keep moving.Zhang Xiao knew that if they also fell, what would follow would be a unilateral massacre.

If this place is really natural, then there must be spirit beasts here, if it is man-made, then there must be people guarding it, no matter what kind it is, it is a nightmare for them.

Now there were waves of dizziness in the head, and the eyelids began to fight uncontrollably, and Zhang Xiao had become half-opened and half-closed.

"Do you know these patterns?" Zhang Xiao could clearly see the patterns carved on the icicles, but he didn't understand what they meant, but he felt a little familiar, as if he had seen them somewhere.

The more anxious Zhang Xiao was, the more drowsy Zhang Xiao became. His eyes were about to close, but he held his forehead with his hands, and waited for Tang Qinyao's answer unsteadily.

The Ziji magic pupil burst out streaks of purple light again, Zhang Xiao regained consciousness, and then looked at Tang Qinyao.

"Well, it seems to describe the direction. I remember it was recorded in an ancient book." Tang Qinyao explained on her own.

position?Zhang Xiao scratched his scalp, got up and looked at the other patterns, and understood a little bit in his heart.

"Woooo—" Another wail came, and the sound seemed to be right next to my ears.What's even weirder is that the icy fog became thicker in an instant, Zhang Xiao and Tang Qinyao were only ten steps away, but Zhang Xiao couldn't see Tang Qinyao at all.

Tang Qinyao's condition was the same as his, and she could only see a white mist in front of her eyes.

Taking a breath, the flaming sword quietly appeared in Zhang Xiao's hand. The fiery red light shone with a strong brilliance. Visible speed melts away.

A smile appeared on his face, and he was really afraid of fire. Although he thought that the ice mist was different from ordinary poison, the origin of it belonged to the category of poison after all.

But Zhang Xiao was not very excited, because although the effect was obvious, the fog seemed endless. He could only keep the ice fog within five feet around him from eroding him, but he couldn't completely dispel it.

But it was enough, at least it gave him enough time to think about what those patterns were.

"Qinyao, come here quickly, there is no more ice fog here."

Moving slowly in the direction of the sound and fire, Tang Qinyao saw Zhang Xiao, and then entered the safe range.

However, as soon as she entered, Zhang Xiao found that the two of them were very crowded inside. If he was alone, there would be enough space, but when Tang Qinyao was added, they were almost stuck together.

Zhang Xiao said silently in her heart, I should concentrate on looking at the pattern, look at the pattern
But Tang Qinyao seemed to be very afraid of being exposed to the poisonous mist, so she tried her best to squeeze in the middle, and Zhang Xiao's nose had already started to bleed.

Taking a deep breath again, I strengthened my belief, and then continued to check other pillars.

After a while, Zhang Xiao suddenly smiled wryly and said, "It's better for you to hold the sword, and I'll watch from the front."

With a humming sound, Tang Qinyao took the Chiyan Sword from Zhang Xiao's hand, and then stood in the middle, letting Zhang Xiao look at the pattern in front.

After finishing these, he began to observe carefully. Although there were no clues, after a while, he still sighed softly, and then his eyes shone with confidence, and walked towards the middle of the cave.

Before taking a few steps, Zhang Xiao was surrounded by ice mist and coughed dryly twice. Only then did Tang Qinyao come back to his senses and hurried to his side. The flame of Chiyan Sword dispelled the ice mist again, The sight returns to clarity.

Zhang Xiao thought to himself, although the ice mist only numbs the nerves, but if you hear it too much, it may also affect other aspects, so it's better to solve it as soon as possible.

"Give me the sword."

Tang Qinyao handed it over, Zhang Xiao grabbed the hilt of the sword and moved it to the ground.

The bright firelight illuminated the mirror-like ground with thousands of brilliance, and through reflection, it also lightened a little bit the ice fog that hovered above their heads.

A huge ice crystal appeared in the field of vision of the two of them. It was a polygonal ice crystal, and even some daughter ice crystals condensed out of its mother ice crystal.A turquoise halo covers it, and there doesn't seem to be anything unusual about it.

Seeing the ice crystal blooming like a lotus flower, Zhang Xiaowu smiled to himself, and then prepared to insert the Chi Yan Sword into the ice crystal,


There was a clear crisp sound, which was the sound only made when the blade of the sword collided with a hard object.

Tang Qinyao stared at the cyan ice crystal in astonishment. Zhang Xiao's Blazing Sword only left a shallow scratch on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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