Chapter 16 Class Preselection

A few days later, Zhang Xiao and his party returned to South Sea City in a carriage.

On the way, by the way, I celebrated Yuecheng's eighth birthday.The three of them went to school the next morning after returning to South Sea City.

Zhang Xiao and Luo Yuxi returned to class one, and the whole class was listening to what Yang Xiaoran was saying in silence.Seeing Zhang Xiao and Luo Yuxi coming in, she nodded slightly to signal them to sit down.At this time, Taitong looked at the two of them with strange eyes.

"Students, I want to emphasize it again now. There are still two months before the college's Great Chaos Struggle Tournament. The students who have won the top three in each grade will be recommended students to Shrek Academy to participate in the election after graduation. There are only three places in each college. Everyone should do their best, and there will be re-election every year, and the results of the final year of graduation will be the final result."

"The rules are very fair, relying on everyone's ability. There are ten classes in our grade, and each class will have seven students participating. I believe everyone has heard that the rules of the Continental Senior Academy Soul Master Elite Competition, Since ancient times, seven people form a team. The reason why we are also like this is because the chaos is not only a chaos between individuals, but also a team. That is to say, our students who participate in the competition may also be selected as students from our own class. opponents, and only one of the two sides can win. A certain amount of points from the team can be deducted to revive a certain student’s chance to participate in the battle. The team with the top three scores in the end will have a chaotic competition, and the top three will be finally determined.” Yang Xiaoran Explain all the rules and precautions one by one.

Cleared his throat: "We will choose the strongest seven in the form of a single-player battle in the class, which is also fair. Secondly, auxiliary soul masters will not participate in the battle."

All the students from Class [-] entered the battle field, Yang Xiaoran had already asked the academy for instructions, and Class [-] will use this place all morning.

"Taitong vs. Li Qinghai." Yang Xiaoran said loudly while holding a randomly drawn list of matches.

Taitong stood on the area opposite the platform, looked at Li Qinghai on the opposite side, and snorted disdainfully, it seemed that he was weak.He thought that Zhang Xiao didn't fight because he was careless, and these little guys in the same class, couldn't they get it done in minutes?
Standing up with both legs, the Gale Wolf martial spirit was released, his arms suddenly swelled, his hair instantly lengthened, and with a simple fist, he rushed towards Li Qinghai with concentrated strength.Li Qinghai also released the martial spirit in a regular manner. It was a little hedgehog, but after being released by Li Qinghai, it was much larger in size.

The barb covering almost the whole body was more than two inches long. Li Qinghai's soul power level was not high, just a little more than three levels, which was indeed not small compared with Taitong.However, Taitong didn't pay attention to it at all, and the wolf fist kept bombarding Li Qinghai.

Li Qinghai didn't think he would win, but he had heard Zhang Xiao tell the whole class that failure is not terrible, what is afraid of is giving up hard work, not even a glimmer of hope.

At that time, he said to himself that no matter what happens in the future, he will never admit defeat.Therefore, Li Qinghai focused on urging the relatively weak soul power.The barbs all over his body tensed up instantly. Although Taitong saw it, he still didn't stop. He felt that it was impossible to block his own wolf punch with just that little stab.

However, there was no so-called bombardment and collision, and all the students in the first class only heard Taitong's exclamation.

It turned out that Li Qinghai's barbs were all on his back, he just lay on the ground with all his barbs open.

When Taitong's wolf fist came into contact with Li Qinghai's barb, only the tip of the stab pierced it, and the wolf fist was almost dripping with blood.
"Li Qinghai won." Yang Xiaoran's voice floated over.

"Why?" Taitong protested angrily.

Yang Xiaoran was not annoyed either: "If you all have a soul ring, you will have already lost when you come into contact with him." He didn't bother Taitong any more, and continued to read the list.

"Zhang Xiao will fight against Xu Minghao." When Li Qinghai heard that Zhang Xiao was going to fight, Li Qinghai's eyes burned a lot. He also saw the fight between Zhang Xiao and Taitong. From then on, he believed that Zhang Xiao was the His idol now.

Xu Minghao was a boy exuding a cold aura, with half-long golden hair that shone even brighter in the sun, which was incompatible with the cold aura emanating from him.

Zhang Xiao had no impression of him.Xu Minghao didn't seem to have any outstanding performance in the selection of the squad leader or the physical training before.

Zhang Xiao had a serious expression on his face. He knew that it was not scary to face a powerful opponent; what he was afraid of was an unknown opponent. The unknown would maximize his sense of fear, and he didn't know how to face the opponent.

Although none of them had spirit rings now, the unknown nature of Wuhun still made Zhang Xiao very cautious about this battle.

Xu Minghao still nodded to Zhang Xiao in a friendly manner before slowly releasing his martial soul.

It turned out to be a lion and scorpion martial soul, no wonder he was a little cold.Yang Xiaoran's pupils also froze suddenly, this Martial Soul is not very high-level, but its power is like that of an immortal fart - extraordinary!
Yang Xiaoran didn't want to let this battle go on, the reason was very straightforward, this lion and scorpion martial spirit was somewhat similar to that of an evil soul master, in the early stage, it could easily defeat several soul masters of the same rank.And these are only because of the characteristics of the lion and scorpion martial soul: poison!
The poison of this lion and scorpion martial soul cannot be resisted by soul masters of the same level. Once it invades the soul master's body, without enough resistance and soul power, they can only wait for disability.

But Yang Xiaoran is actually an auxiliary soul master, so she is not worried that Zhang Xiao will be disabled if injured, even if the poisonous power of the lion and scorpion martial soul is huge.But after all, Xu Minghao's cultivation base doesn't even have a soul ring, and with her five rings cultivation base, it's just a joke.

She knew it when a class of classmates entered school, but the lion and scorpion spirit is indeed not an evil spirit, just because its own characteristics are poisonous, and it is very domineering.

After hesitating for a while, she decided to seek Zhang Xiao's opinion: "Xiao Xiao, his martial spirit is poisonous, I'm afraid you may not be able to bear it, you can choose not to fight him, and then change someone, maybe with Xu Minghao's ability, You are all eligible."

Without even thinking about it, Zhang Xiao said directly, "It's okay, I'm honored to fight against him."

When Luo Yuxi heard that Xu Minghao's martial soul was poisonous, her face changed continuously, because she knew that Zhang Xiao was bitten by a poisonous snake when she was a child, and she was always afraid of the feeling of being poisoned.

It has actually been more than a year since Xu Minghao's martial soul awakened. However, he studied late for a year, so he was only in the same class as Zhang Xiao and the others.A year ago, when many people knew about his martial spirit, most of them rejected him, alienated him, and didn't really make friends with him.

And what Zhang Xiao said just now undoubtedly treated him as a normal person, and didn't hate him after knowing what his martial spirit was like.Xu Minghao felt very warm, he liked people like Zhang Xiao very much.

The lion and scorpion martial soul has the head of a lion and the body of a scorpion, with a barbed tail shining with a poisonous light.But at this moment, Xu Minghao gave people a very sunny feeling, which was the opposite of his martial soul aura.

Zhang Xiao smiled at him, raised his right hand slowly, a dazzled blue light flickered, a pure, deep and boundless blue sword quietly appeared in Zhang Xiao's palm, the blade pointed to the ground, streamers of light lingered on the sword, Be around for a long time.
(End of this chapter)

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