Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Another Martial Soul Hidden in Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Another Hidden Martial Soul

There was something more in Xu Minghao's eyes. The lion's mouth opened, and its claws crawled rapidly. The speed did not match such a large body.

At this moment, the blue sword in Zhang Xiao's hand disappeared, facing Xu Minghao who was rushing towards him empty.

Xu Minghao was slightly taken aback, doesn't he even use martial soul?The next moment, everyone's expressions changed, because a few blue silver grass sprang out from Zhang Xiao's palm, and the not so wide and long leaf body gave people an unparalleled visual impact!

It's not because of how powerful the Blue Silver Grass Wuhun is, it's because it shows that Zhang Xiao has twin Wuhuns!
Once you have twin martial souls, no matter where they appear, they are the existence that attracts everyone's attention, just because the potential of these twin martial souls is too great, and they are the object of attention of many big forces and big sects.

Xu Minghao was really shocked, and his pace slowed down.

Luo Yuxi's heart skipped a beat. She had never heard Zhang Xiao say that he had two martial arts spirits, and she kept releasing that strange sword.

Yang Xiaoran was even more surprised and speechless, firstly because Zhang Xiao has twin martial souls; secondly, the twin martial souls, why is the first martial soul not on the same level as this Blue Silver Grass at all!
White light shot out from Zhang Xiao's eyebrows, and the next moment, Xu Minghao's scorpion pincers were entangled by two blue silver grasses, and Zhang Xiao's soul power was along the blue silver grass, and Xu Minghao was dragged towards him. Glide forward for a few meters.Xu Minghao's scorpion-tail hook quickly cut the blue silver grass, and Zhang Xiao's blue silver grass broke with a snap.Free up a scorpion claw and cut off another blue silver grass, Zhang Xiao's control is over.

Relying on the two blue silver grasses, Zhang Xiao has already judged that Xu Minghao's strength is relatively small, and the main offensive force should be the scorpion tail hook and the two scorpion claws.

Two strands of blue silver grass suddenly gushed out from the palm of his left hand, instantly entangled Xu Minghao's two scorpion claws, and a strand of blue silver grass suddenly extended from the palm of his right hand, restraining Xu Minghao's scorpion tail hook, and then tightened instantly.

I saw a purplish-black liquid splashing out of Xu Minghao's lion mouth. The liquid seemed to come alive, and it went upstream along the blue silver grass connecting Zhang Xiao to Xu Minghao.Wherever they passed, it was scorched black, and Luo Yuxi couldn't help but tremble when she saw it.In the next second, Zhang Xiao gave her a reassurance.

In order to ensure that Xu Minghao broke free again, Zhang Xiao didn't stop this time, and directly kicked the ground with his legs, smashing the blue silver grass horizontally, throwing Xu Minghao out of the competition range.At the same time as he threw it, Zhang Xiao cut off his connection with the blue silver grass, and the blue silver grass broke from his palm instantly.

So Zhang Xiao didn't come into contact with the venom, but because of inertia, Xu Minghao still drew a beautiful arc in the air
In regular matches, it only protects against the overflow of soul power, and does not block entities.

What's more, the arena is not that big. The circular area with a diameter of about 30 meters is not far from being thrown out of the arena according to the distance Xu Minghao had previously traveled.

With Zhang Xiao's help, drawing an arc with Zhang Xiao as the origin and the radius of the blue silver grass, and then loosening the end connected to Xu Minghao, cutting off the blue silver grass connected to him, the next moment, everyone only heard a scream A scream came from below the stage.
"Zhang Xiaosheng wins this game." It was still a brief concluding remark.

Zhang Xiao jumped off the stage, stretched out his hand and pulled Xu Minghao up: "Sorry, I didn't mean it." She said with an apologetic smile.

Luo Yuxi looked at Zhang Xiao with an unkind expression: "It's been said that his martial spirit is poisonous, why are you taking risks? Can't you let my sister worry?"

"Uh, I just want to try, I won't do it next time." With a smile, Zhang Xiao scratched her head in embarrassment.

Xu Minghao looked at Zhang Xiao with a look of surprise, he knew how to do it at such a young age.
The sky in the distance was finally dimmed, and the setting sun shaded it, rendering the clouds brilliant but gradually dissipating.

After returning to the class, Yang Xiaoran took a look at the battle situation: "The players in our class are Zhang Xiao, Luo Yuxi, Chen Ling, Mo Binglin, Ouyang Zili, Xu Minghao, and Taitong."

Looking down at the constant discussions in the class, Yang Xiaoran said slowly: "Everyone doesn't need to discuss anything, it's not because Luo Yuxi is the class monitor, but because of her martial soul, everyone knows about it, I won't say much about it. Although Xu Minghao and Taitong lost one game, they won two games in a row and were finally selected. Not to mention Zhang Xiao, Ouyang Zili and Mo Binglin, they won three games in a row ;As for Chen Ling, I can only tell you that he has a special duty, so he doesn't need to participate in the battle, and is directly selected. This is indeed my choice of conscience."

No more words, Yang Xiaoran said: "Now you can go home, our class ends early today, and the seven students who entered the competition stayed here. I have something to say."

Scanning everyone with a stern look: "In this competition, we don't actually require to win the championship. Everyone just needs to ensure their own safety."

"Why?" Ouyang Zili, who was always not good at words, asked back.

Staring at her, Yang Xiaoran said helplessly: "Because there are two new geniuses in class ten, according to sources, the spirit power of the weaker of these two geniuses has already reached the eleventh level. And there is only one student in our class whose spirit power has reached the twelfth level, and that is Xiaoxi."

At this moment, everyone's eyes widened, and Taitong was even more surprised.

Didn't the news from the family say that this college has the highest soul power?What's the situation? !Moreover, there are still two more than ten levels?There is one in our class too?Taitong just wanted to cry at this time, but he wanted to cry without tears.

The others were also surprised, the squad leader's soul power is level [-]?Did she and Zhang Xiao go out to get the soul ring?This idea appeared in everyone's mind.

"Although Xiaoxi's martial spirit is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, she is an auxiliary soul master after all. With her strength, it is not enough to fill the gap between us and the tenth class."

"No, teacher, we will win the championship." Zhang Xiao said slowly at this time.

"Oh?" Everyone looked at him curiously.

Zhang Xiao looked at everyone sincerely: "We have a chance to win the championship, so we must try our best to fight for it. It is a coward not to fight for it."

Yang Xiaoran looked at Zhang Xiao with some regret. She thought of her teacher and said the same thing to herself.But I escaped, and now, aren't I regretting my previous escape?

Now I am only 23 years old, but because of that escape, my cultivation has hindered my state of mind. My cultivation has been stagnant for more than a year, and my soul power has been stagnant at level 57.Thinking of these, Yang Xiaoran couldn't help revealing a look of pain.

Looking at the burning fighting spirit in Zhang Xiao's eyes.Yang Xiaoran couldn't help being moved: "Okay, what a coward who dares not fight for it! What do you guys think?"

Looking at each other for a few seconds, everyone saw the crazy burning fighting spirit in each other's eyes. That kind of belief only represented these two words-champion!
"Our goal can be to be the champion, but we still have to ensure the safety of all the students. This is the most important thing." Yang Xiaoran couldn't help but burst into tears. Now this kid is already so aggressive.

Because of reminiscing about the past, Yang Xiaoran even forgot to ask Zhang Xiao about the second martial soul, and let them go home.

Everyone was also a little tired, and went home after packing up their things.

In the end, only Zhang Xiao and Luo Yuxi bowed to Yang Xiaoran and left.

Just sitting on the podium alone, looking at the empty classroom, something seemed to ignite in Yang Xiaoran's heart, I must not just give in to reality like this!
(End of this chapter)

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