Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 36 Infernal Absorption

Chapter 36 Infernal Absorption
"No, do you think this is just a joke?" Hearing Zhang Xiao say this, Yue Cheng shook his head repeatedly.

"If you are a little older, my brother will not stop you. I know your physical fitness is far superior to ours, but do you think you may absorb a thousand-year soul ring?" Yue Cheng looked at the still struggling The resentful eyes of the Man Faced Demon Spider.

There was a trace of uncontrollable pain on Zhang Xiao's face. He had actually listened to what Yue Cheng said since he was a child.

But this time, he really chose to absorb the thousand-year spirit ring of the Man Faced Demon Spider.

Biting her lower lip hard: "Brother, although I know it's impossible to convince you, I must choose to absorb this soul ring."

His eyes drifted to Luo Yuxi unconsciously, and he continued: "If I absorb this spirit ring, we don't have to take risks to find the spirit ring again. Moreover, this spirit ring is very suitable for me."

Seeing that Yuecheng's face was still grim, Zhang Xiao said, "Yu Xi also knows, the teacher said that this spirit ring is more suitable for plant control system spirit masters."

"I don't want to know why you want to absorb this spirit ring, and I don't care about the reason, it's just not possible."

Although Zhang Xiao was unwilling to disobey Yuecheng's intentions, he really had no choice.

Between the opening and closing of the eyes, the blue ocean was already flooding, a faint blue light was swallowed, and two feet of substantial azure blue light suddenly spewed out.

With a wave of Zhang Xiao's right hand, the blue sword descended from the sky, and the blade was inserted straight into the center of the spider's head, and a foul-smelling black liquid splashed out, dyeing the surrounding land black.

The Man-faced Demon Spider let out a series of mournful cries. At this time, the power of lightning on its body had not disappeared, and after being pierced by Zhang Xiaolan's sword, its body functions began to decline crazily, reaching a minimum peak.

Without a few flops, the Man Faced Demon Spider stopped moving, and beside the Man Faced Demon Spider's torso, a circle of purple soul rings quietly floated up.

Zhang Xiao looked at Yuecheng, and finally looked at Luo Yuxi, and said softly: "I can do it."

Without waiting for any reaction from them, Zhang Xiao sat down cross-legged, he could already feel the existence of the soul ring in his mind, and initiated guidance to it, and the purple soul ring flew towards Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao had heard from the teacher a long time ago about the precautions for absorbing spirit rings. Absorbing spirit rings was something he had been looking forward to for a long time.

Although he is in the class, he is considered to have medium spirit power.

However, for him, this is not enough, he doesn't want to leave Luo Yuxi or his brother or his friends in the future.

He knew that he was blessed with twin martial spirits, but for the past three years, he tried to release the second martial spirit every day. After more than a thousand efforts, the number of successful releases was very few, not even one-tenth of it. No.

He almost has no confidence in the second martial spirit, he can't even release it, what else can he say?
He longs to become stronger, but reality will always hit him so hard that he can't lift his head up, making him suffocate to the point where he can hardly breathe.

This time, there is a chance to become stronger, why not?
Yue Cheng was surprisingly silent. The first reason was that he knew that he couldn't be persuaded. There was nothing wrong with his desire to catch up with them. Moreover, in the past three years, he had paid more than his peers. It was not as simple as that. It is no exaggeration to say that at least half more.

Luo Yuxi's mind flashed a picture of Zhang Xiao when he was at school.

When everyone was eating, he just grabbed a few mouthfuls of food in a hurry, and then rushed to run with a load. There was only a short break between classes, but he still went to the soul master's power enhancement room to increase his strength crazily. It was only a short break between classes , When I returned to the classroom to attend class, my whole body was already drenched with sweat.

When he practiced at night, he would go into the room and meditate cross-legged almost when he got home. Almost every time he ran to school when it was almost time for class, and in the past three years, he had never been late once.

Whenever the teacher asks any kind of question in class, he must be the first one to raise his hand, and he has never made a mistake. Zhang Xiao's memory and comprehension are extremely amazing.

Whether it was about soul masters or soul beasts, he only had to memorize them in class.

difficulty?Holding her voice and holding her breath, Zhang Xiao's arms suddenly exerted strength, and the power of the thousand-year soul ring poured out, but the pain at that moment almost made Zhang Xiao collapse.

However, Zhang Xiao remained motionless, all the energy was as hot as if ignited by a raging flame, burning Zhang Xiao's soul.

It felt like he was about to burst into flames. Zhang Xiao's skin surface had already begun to emit a layer of dark red luster, and the temperature was getting higher and higher. It really looked like a piece of red-hot iron. .

That kind of power Zhang Xiao could feel its uncontrollability, it was too violent, rampaging through all of Zhang Xiao's meridians, organs, and even blood, making Zhang Xiao moan.

Luo Yuxi watched Zhang Xiao's condition nervously, and held Yue Cheng's arm tightly, and Yue Cheng's arm also began to turn redder and redder.

From time to time, the purple light ran around and disappeared instantly, and the purple light became more and more intense, and it became more and more, almost occupying every space around Zhang Xiao's body.

As if there was an endless source of energy, the power of the man-faced spider began to wreak havoc, and the surrounding space seemed to be a little sluggish because of this energy. Zhang Xiao's figure began to be faintly visible, and it was almost invisible from the outside. It's Zhang Xiao.

The overwhelming pressure is like a raging wave, rushing violently against Zhang Xiao's body and against his will. As long as his mind relaxes, the violent energy can easily destroy him, leaving him alone. He disappeared from this world.

Zhang Xiao's soul power couldn't sustain such consumption at all, so he only drew [-]% of his soul power to protect the meridians and important parts, saving his soul power as much as possible.

The reason why he can hold on is more because of Zhang Xiao's physical training in the past three years.

No, it should be said that the hell-style training endowed him with an improvement in physical function, and his physical fitness surpassed Yuecheng's. In terms of physical strength, he was qualified to absorb a thousand-year-old soul ring.

In terms of physical strength, it is more than four times that of Yue Cheng, and in terms of endurance, it even surpasses Yue Cheng, a soul master of the agility department.

However, this is not the most important thing. Even if Zhang Xiao has reached or even surpassed Yuecheng in some aspects, it is far from enough to absorb the thousand-year soul ring.

Because Yuecheng's second spirit ring is only of 900-year quality, this is only achieved when Yuecheng's martial spirit is a top-level martial spirit, and he has practiced hard.And Zhang Xiao is far from his level of cultivation.

Now, his whole body is like hundreds of millions of ants crawling, wriggling, itchy and painful, but Zhang Xiao is still clenching his teeth, not letting go.

Even so, Zhang Xiao's situation is not optimistic, because the energy of the Man Faced Demon Spider is still like an ocean to Zhang Xiao, boundless and endless, as if it will never end.

And Zhang Xiao's soul power is already less than [-]%. Judging from the current situation, Zhang Xiao is likely to be torn to pieces by this energy in the near future.

For the past three years, Zhang Xiao has been completely self-abuse and crazy towards himself, but he never imagined that the pain he endured in those three years would be a precious magic weapon to save his life today three years later.

Right now, he seems to be in death hell.

In the dark and boundless world, dark red magma like boiling water is slowly flowing, with a scorching burst temperature and the breath of death, approaching Zhang Xiao little by little, trying to bring him into that fearful world. ,dark world.

Dare to try to absorb this bomb-like soul ring, Zhang Xiao's greatest strength is not his physical fitness, but his faith!

(End of this chapter)

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