Chapter 37
In Zhang Xiao's spiritual world, there seems to be endless majestic darkness in the distance, and the super-high-temperature volcano that is so powerful that it is about to erupt seems to be pressing towards Zhang Xiao's position at high speed, but it is actually approaching slowly.

This feeling is as if there is nowhere to use the power. Whenever Zhang Xiao wants to mobilize the soul power to resist its invasion, it is still watching from afar, eager to collapse Zhang Xiao's psychological defense.

Once Zhang Xiao showed a little bit of cheating, the next moment, it was the time when Zhang Xiao's soul flew away.

However, there is still a strange energy inside Zhang Xiao's body. This kind of power is invisible but has an unparalleled effect.

The belief in the existence of dreams, the power is unimaginable, Zhang Xiao only has a few words in his mind at this time, I like the strong, I like the strong.These words are Luo Yuxi's request, which is also Zhang Xiao's goal.

He knew that he didn't have much ability, so he was unwilling to let go of this opportunity. It had been four full hours since he started absorbing it.

It was almost dusk at this time, if Zhang Xiao could not finish absorbing the spirit ring before dark, then even if this was a safe zone, their danger factor would increase greatly.

Because many soul beasts like to come and go at night, they hunt low-level soul beasts for food during this time period.

Luo Yuxi was also sweating profusely. She would rather Zhang Xiao would always be an ordinary soul master than let him take risks in order to become stronger. What's more, this thousand-year soul ring is qualitatively better than a century-old soul ring. The gap.

The temperature was still rising continuously, and had already reached an extremely terrifying height. For Zhang Xiao, it was already a miracle that he could sustain his belief that he would not be destroyed.

The air was constantly twisting strangely, and the dark red halo fluctuated slightly. The soul power in Zhang Xiao's body was less than [-]%, but the violent energy of the thousand-year soul ring seemed to have infinite stamina.

The light blue light slowly circulated around Zhang Xiao, bringing a cool feeling around Zhang Xiao's body.

But Zhang Xiao is not in the mood to experience this feeling at all, and he can't feel it at all.

Yuecheng bowed his head and pondered for a while, then said to Luo Yuxi: "We can't disturb him, and we have to protect him. We can't help him, but we must avoid other threats."

As he said that, Yue Cheng dragged all the surrounding bushes to the outer circle of Zhang Xiao's body, surrounded him, and covered Zhang Xiao inside.

Luo Yuxi also helped to drag the bushes as far as possible, leaving only one entrance and exit.

After finishing their work, they also entered the safety circle and meditated cross-legged. They must restore their soul power to the best state, so as to ensure that the threat of external changes to Zhang Xiao is as far as possible.

It was getting dark soon, and in this dangerous Star Dou Forest, staying vigilant was the only option to survive.

Zhang Xiao's situation is not optimistic, she has tried her best, and she is also sweating profusely at this time, even some blood droplets are mixed in the sweat, slowly overflowing the surface of the skin with the sweat.

His throat had protruded violently, his fists were clenched tightly, and his not very long nails had been firmly inserted into his palms, and he didn't even know he was bleeding.

That power still showed no signs of disappearing, and it was still attacking Zhang Xiao's thoughts continuously, as if it contained the crazy and bloodthirsty resentment of the Man-faced Demon Spider.

That energy seemed to have life, as if he would only give up after vowing to destroy Zhang Xiao.

The overwhelming pressure is still there, but Zhang Xiao is much more relaxed, because he is somewhat used to this state, and his physical advantage is becoming more and more obvious.

After an unknown period of time, he could feel that the energy was no longer so strong. The impact force was stronger than the wave, but the back force was obviously not that thick. This is a sign that the energy is about to be exhausted!

Sure enough, in Zhang Xiao's spiritual world, that purple energy turned into a purple-black light curtain that soared into the sky, and smashed fiercely at Zhang Xiao, who was transformed from spiritual power. Zhang Xiao's soul power had been exhausted. At this time, I'm afraid I can't hold it with only physical strength and faith.

Even so, Zhang Xiao's faith never loosened a bit, a stream of azure blue light danced quietly on his shoulder, and then disappeared in an instant.

After the last violent collision, the aftermath and residual energy of that force had become insignificant to Zhang Xiao.

The violent energy that was about to move in the body gradually calmed down, and the purple light converged, disappearing in the vast night.

Zhang Xiao slowly opened those eyes that were as clear as sapphires, and the faint blue light flickered away, giving people the feeling that he had changed into a different person, the aura of the whole person had undergone earth-shaking changes.

At this time, Zhang Xiao's still slightly delicate face showed a faint smile, a little excited, but very reserved.

Looking at Luo Yuxi and Yuecheng who were still meditating, he also noticed the bushes surrounding them, and he already understood what happened in his heart.

Feeling the sweat soaking his back, Zhang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. The night was slightly cool, and the leaves in the forest were already rustling after being blown by the evening wind, which added a little tranquility to this already wonderful night. .

Walking towards Yuecheng, she sat gently beside them without making a sound. Seeing their current appearance, Zhang Xiao had mixed feelings in her heart.

He couldn't remember when he started cultivating desperately, and he couldn't remember why he worked so hard. Everything seemed to be living in a dream world.

But now, although it's not enough to catch up with Luo Yuxi and the others, he has narrowed the gap with Luo Yuxi and the others.

Stretching her sore back, Zhang Xiao couldn't help crying out in pain, feeling that her body strength was stronger than before absorbing it, and it didn't seem to be a matter of improving a level, but a qualitative leap.

It's just that this process of becoming stronger is really uncomfortable. He can feel that this feeling is at least much more painful than running [-] kilometers with a weight of [-] kilograms.

It's even several times his size, and it's really too much for me to bear his pressure head-on all of a sudden.

In any case, it can be regarded as the end of all hardships, Zhang Xiao couldn't help shaking his head in self-deprecating, after all, it was really too risky to do so.

Zhang Xiao didn't even know why she chose that way, she just felt that something in her heart was driving her, and she did it subconsciously.

At this moment, Luo Yuxi opened her bell pupils, the melancholy on her face was swept away, she jumped up and threw herself on Zhang Xiao.

"Don't do this next time, it's so dangerous, my sister is so worried about you." Before finishing speaking, Luo Yuxi sobbed softly, and beat Zhang Xiao's not-so-generous chest vigorously.

With a silly smile, Zhang Xiao said, "Brother Yuecheng is still here."

Luo Yuxi's pretty face instantly turned red like a ripe cherry, and she pushed Zhang Xiao away instantly: "You are good or bad."

Yue Cheng felt that there was something wrong with his ears, as if he heard something he shouldn't hear, and then opened his eyes in confusion.

Seeing that Zhang Xiao was fine, Yue Cheng also jumped up excitedly, hugged Zhang Xiao and said, "Xiao Xiao, you are fine, that's great! You will not be allowed to do this in the future. To my brother, what are you better than?" Cultivation is much more important, understand?" His care for Zhang Xiao was beyond words.

Zhang Xiao said softly: "Brother, let's call it the end of all hardships, right? I'm fine, let's go home now."

(End of this chapter)

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