Chapter 52 Graduation Party
The referee seemed a little unresponsive, and paused for a few seconds before using the amplified soul guide to say: "Class [-] fights Class [-], and Class [-] wins."

Facing the wild shouts, the referee chose to be silent for a second, until the cheers stopped, and then said slowly: "In the end, our class will determine the top three in individual combat strength, and the top three students will enjoy our class. The college's recommended quota."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiao walked out of the queue slowly, bowed slightly to the referee to signal to borrow the amplified soul guide, and said, "I quit this game."

Ouyang Zili and Luo Yuxi also backed out, looking at the students below with firm eyes, the meaning was self-evident.

What was even more surprising was that Chen Ling also came out and stopped beside Zhang Xiao and the other three.

Originally, Mo Binglin wanted to stand up, but Chen Ling had already stood up. They all knew Chen Ling, and the decision he made would never be changed unless Zhang Xiao persuaded him.

But it was obvious that Zhang Xiao and Chen Ling were the same kind, so it was impossible for Zhang Xiao to persuade him.

Because after the strongest class is determined, it is actually very cruel to determine the three strongest people to get the recommended places. The classmates who have been with each other for six years may even turn against each other because of this small three places. .

In fact, this has been the case in all previous graduation grades. Many good friends broke up because of this game.

Xingao Academy is not like this year every year, like this year, it is probably a rare situation in a hundred years.

However, the seven of them are very good partners, whether it is Zhang Xiao, Ouyang Zili or Luo Yuxi, they are all enough to pass the admission requirements of Shrek Academy without relying on the number of recommended places.

Especially Ouyang Zili, who entered Shrek Academy is also an absolute genius!
So Zhang Xiao decided to give up the quota to Xu Minghao and Taitong at the last moment, although they did not necessarily accept it.

Even Xu Minghao and Taitong are actually enough to enter Shrek Academy, but I heard that Shrek Academy's enrollment is becoming more and more strict. If they can't get in, their partners will go their separate ways, and it is very likely that they will never have another What intersection.

The recommended students can have some privileges, such as reducing the difficulty of the assessment, and even reducing some tests, so they are more confident.

Obviously, Zhang Xiao didn't expect Chen Ling to stand up so soon, because his strength was indeed relatively weak. Of course, they had never seen a better food-type soul master than Chen Ling.

Yang Xiaoran also feels incredible about Chen Ling's progress, because his Ganlanye Wuhun is indeed a waste Wuhun. This year, like Zhang Xiao, he is a waste Wuhun, but he has cultivated a different way of Wuhun .

Blue Silver Grass and Ganlanye Martial Souls have never been heard that can be cultivated, and no soul master with such a Martial Soul can cultivate to the first ring.

Like the ancestor of the Tang Sect thousands of years ago, that was the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Soul, the emperor of the Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul, and his cultivation speed was naturally not the same as that of ordinary Blue Silver Grass.

But Zhang Xiao's Martial Soul is really Blue Silver Grass!No mutations were produced.

So Yang Xiaoran racked her brains and couldn't figure out what was going on, but she had her way.It's just that Zhang Xiao and the others won't know that their teacher won't leave them.

When Zhang Xiao finished speaking, and Ouyang Zili and others also stood up, the audience was dead silent.

Students and teachers of any grade are already speechless. How fierce is the previous competition?Some senior teachers couldn't be more clear, but the boys and girls in front of them said this sentence calmly.

Even some teachers and classmates in the same grade thought they were just grandstanding.

However, Zhang Xiao and the others made a move, and they didn't think so, because they walked off the stage.

Except for the competition area, it means that they have lost their qualifications for the competition. Regardless of the reason, it is too late for them to repent.

Seeing this, the crowd below was silent for a few seconds, and then there was a sudden burst of applause like a storm, and the applause gradually subsided after they returned to the class position.

There are a few drops of crystal tears in Yang Xiaoran's eye sockets reflecting a faint luster, these children!Really grown up and sensible.

Xu Minghao's heart warmed up, why didn't he know that his friends were helping them, remembering that when he was a child, no one paid attention to him, everyone stayed away from him, but now his friends treat him like a family member, his heart is very warm .

Taitong is usually quite rough, but he was almost moved to tears. He originally thought that he would be able to stand down a few times today, but his partners did not abandon him.

Although his family is an upstart, no matter how rich his family is, it has nothing to do with Shrek Academy.

Shrek Academy doesn't even give face to the royal family, let alone rich upstarts.

With his aptitude, it is still very difficult to enter Shrek Academy, but once there is a recommended student quota, he has full confidence to enter Shrek Academy. Xu Minghao's situation is similar to his.

At this time, only Mo Binglin, Xu Minghao and Taitong were standing on the competition stage, and the referee had no choice but to announce that Mo Binglin and the three had won the recommended places.

Afterwards, the dean of Xing'ao Academy personally put on the medals for the three of them, and with the blessing of applause, the three of them returned to the class.

In the end, the dean gave a lot of closing speeches, and few people listened to them. This once extremely cruel competition ended in a perfect and peaceful ending.

Yang Xiaoran took one last look at the students he had taught for six years, and said with great reluctance: "I've finished what I need to say, students, let's go home, today's competition ends early, so you don't have to wait until night to finish school."

In fact, she really wanted to stay with her group of students for a while longer, even if it was only for a while, she would feel very happy.

She has been a student for 14 years, but now times have changed, she has been a teacher for six years.

Feeling a little sour in her heart, she walked out of the teacher with a smile. She didn't want to make the students worry too much. What should be experienced must be experienced. After all, avoiding is not the correct solution.

Seeing that Teacher Yang was gone, the students didn't make any noise. Whether it was when they first entered school, they needed the teacher's understanding and tolerance, or when they grew up and made the teacher worry and worry, or they were about to part. Make them feel uncomfortable.

I thought it would be six years early, but now, it's time to say goodbye, and it will be dark in an hour or so. This group of partners who have lived together for six years will go their separate ways.

They still remember that they nicknamed the teacher in private, and in class, the girls who had a better relationship passed notes to each other, and there were a few boys making trouble in the middle. Everything was vividly remembered, as if it was just yesterday.

Maybe these things will still be fresh in this life, Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing bitterly when she thought of this.

In the next moment, it seemed that some thought flashed through his mind.

Then he stood up excitedly, walked quickly to the podium, cleared his throat, and said happily: "Students, let's give Teacher Yang a surprise! She has taught us for six years and takes care of us every day. , we can't understand how hard she has worked."

"Teacher Yang is just a girl, shall we give her a graduation gift? How about we have a party tonight? We have only caused trouble for the teacher all these years, but we are also friends after all."

What Zhang Xiao said immediately won the approval of the whole class. The whole class was really reluctant, so they all wanted to have this party.

After a burst of cheers, someone asked: "Deputy class, how do we hold this party?"

Zhang Xiao thought for a while, and said, "Tonight we will go home late, turn on the soul guide lamp and hold this party in the classroom, and it will be dark in two hours."

"How about this, let's separate out several groups of students to complete the tasks assigned by their own groups. In this way, Taitong, you guys go to the shop outside the college to buy some delicious food and drinks."

"Yuxi, can you girls finish the theme painting for the party?"

"Then, Minghao, you guys clean up, okay? After half an hour, I will invite Teacher Yang to come over, and then we will start to have fun! But maybe I need to brew some words, so I will go out first, if there is still time , I will also come back to help you clean up."

"Yeah." After speaking briefly, Taitong led the boys and ran downstairs quickly to go shopping.

Luo Yuxi also took a few girls to draw on the blackboard.

Xu Minghao also led a group of boys to sweep the floor, mop the floor, clean the windows, and set up the tables and chairs.Even the tables and chairs are ingeniously placed in a heart shape representing gratitude.

It can be said that Zhang Xiao was not thoughtful. Titong's upstart family gave him the quota today, and it was right for him to spend money.In fact, they are good partners and don't care about these.

Zhang Xiao didn't really ask him to spend the money on purpose, he thought that he would return the money to him after the party was over.

Half an hour later, Xu Minghao and those boys cleaned the classroom cleanly, as if they had refurbished the entire classroom.

Taitong and the others are also back, a giant round cake with layers of cream giving off an enticing fragrance.There are also all kinds of snacks and drinks. Taitong did not dare to buy alcohol, although he usually drinks a lot.

Seeing the delicious snacks, Luo Yuxi and Ouyang Zili's eyes burned.The two of them have been playing together for a long time, and even their hobbies are the same.

Several girls in the class are very talented in drawing, and they draw quickly and well. No, in just half an hour, they drew exquisite patterns. The patterns on the blackboard are exquisite in style, and the transition of light and shadow is natural, lifelike The picture even made Zhang Xiao mistakenly think it was real.

 I suddenly remembered when I graduated from primary school, I really miss it, maybe everyone thinks that what I said in this chapter is all nonsense, right?How many times in your life can you miss?Cherish it well.

(End of this chapter)

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