Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 53 Six years of wind and rain, we have gone through together

Chapter 53 Six years of wind and rain, we walked together

Put the big cakes on the four tables in the center, and distribute the snacks and drinks to the students.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help secretly praising that Taitong is worthy of being a rich second generation. He bought these things and spent dozens of gold soul coins, right?The annual net income of an ordinary family is only two gold soul coins!

This Taitong bought all the most expensive snacks and drinks, and Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel a pang of pain for him.

Of course, it was Zhang Xiao who was really hurt soon, because in the end Zhang Xiao said that he would return it to him. Although he hadn't told him yet, Zhang Xiao believed that once a word is said, it is hard to follow. He will not lie to himself.

Gently pushing open the door, Yang Xiaoran burst into tears. She saw under the bright light, this group of children sitting quietly at the heart-shaped table, looking at her with respect.

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, "Teacher, go in quickly, everyone has been waiting for a long time."

Just now it took Zhang Xiao a long time to find a reason to trick Yang Xiaoran over. Although he often lied, but this time he blushed when he lied. It turned out that Zhang Xiao never blushed when he lied, and was often called by the teacher that his face is better than the city wall. thick.

After lightly urging the teacher, Zhang Xiao waited for Yang Xiaoran to enter, and closed the classroom door behind her.

"Teacher, let me have a theme for our party."

After all, Zhang Xiao nervously picked up a piece of white chalk, and wrote eleven words in the gap left by the realization of the picture.

"Six years of wind and rain, we have gone through together."

The writing of these eleven characters is not very beautiful, even a bit flamboyant, but it’s not because Zhang Xiao’s writing is not good-looking, on the contrary, he is the best-looking handwriting in the class. Luo Yuxi even joked that he is a girl who writes well. Like girls.

These simple eleven words contain Zhang Xiao's experience in the past six years. No wind and rain can overcome time. The time we have passed is our best memory.

After writing these few words, Zhang Xiao herself had tears in her eyes.

"Okay, teacher, let's eat cake!" Zhang Xiao's voice changed slightly as if choked up.

A few girls started cutting the cake, put it on a paper plate, and handed it to Yang Xiaoran.

There was some emotion in her heart, Yang Xiaoran's nose was sore, these children are really sensible, she gently inserted a small piece of cake and put it in her mouth, she felt a different taste.

Although she usually eats cakes, none of the cakes she has eaten is sweeter than this one.

Tears wet her eyes, Yang Xiaoran looked at her students, and said, "Thank you students, the teacher thinks that you have grown up, although the teacher will not be able to live with you in the future, everyone should take care of themselves, understand?"

In the words, there is the teacher's endless love for the students, and there is also the love for his own children.

In the end, Titong still bought wine. Zhang Xiao had never drunk alcohol, but that day, he drank it, and he was so drunk that he really felt heartbroken and didn't want to leave his teacher and partner, but the truth always Give people the most real and heaviest blow.

The boys end up drunk, and the girls help them get hot water to help them sober up.

How it ended in the end, Zhang Xiao can't remember clearly, and no one remembers clearly.

None of them saw that the stern teacher in their eyes was lying on the desk in tears.

Not only because of these children, but also because she also thought of her teacher, but she...
This time, it was Luo Yuxi who brought Zhang Xiao back home half-supported and half-backed.

Along the way, the tired Luo Yuxi was not brisk, it was late at night, but Luo Yuxi was still sweating.

Finally, after finally returning home, she pushed open the door of Zhang Xiao's room and put Zhang Xiao on the bed.

Luo Yuxi also felt very tired, and fell asleep in his bed with Zhang Xiao without going back to her room.

She doesn't mind this, she has slept with Yue Cheng before, the three of them often slept together when they were young.

In the middle of the night, Zhang Xiao felt a pain in his head, and sat up from the bed all of a sudden, drinking is really bad, Zhang Xiao murmured.

He didn't see Luo Yuxi, and he didn't think that Luo Yuxi was still there.

Looking out the window, there was still a beautiful night scene, and I felt a little inexplicably lost, is it really over?
Turning around to get dressed, Zhang Xiao turned into petrification, and Luo Yuxi was soundly asleep on the pillow next to him.

Because of being too tired, almost all the students did not meditate that night, Zhang Xiao and Luo Yuxi were no exception.

Now it is impossible to say that Zhang Xiao doesn't feel anything at all. After all, they have grown up. Although they are not very big, they still understand some truths.

But Zhang Xiao didn't have any evil thoughts in his heart. Although his feelings for Luo Yuxi were not limited to the relationship between siblings, no, in fact Zhang Xiao was half a year older than Luo Yuxi, but Luo Yuxi was helpless because Luo Yuxi always claimed to be her sister. .

There seemed to be a faint fragrance emanating from Luo Yuxi's body, it should be the fragrance of a virgin, Zhang Xiao thought so.

He took a deep breath greedily, as if the fragrance had revived Zhang Xiao once.

She frantically shook her head, what am I doing, this is really wretched, Zhang Xiao said to herself annoyed.

In fact, Zhang Xiao didn't drink much, but she was too sensitive to alcohol by nature, and she would get drunk after a little.

And soul masters usually detoxify alcohol very quickly, so Zhang Xiao is now sober, but as soon as he sobered up, he saw a beauty, Zhang Xiao really regretted that he woke up.

After all, he was almost 13 years old. Alas, he sighed softly. After lying down, he turned to look at Luo Yuxi. Because the lights were not turned off, he could clearly see her pink face.

Zhang Xiao desperately wanted to close her eyes, but Chuzi Youxiang was restless at all and ran around.

Then, the eyes that had just been closed opened again.

Another sigh, Yuxi, why are you so beautiful?As he said that, Zhang Xiao couldn't help touching Luo Yuxi's long blue hair, and he found a faint smile on her delicate and lovely face.

Youxiang still floated towards Zhang Xiao like a thread, thinking about it, Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing out loud.


Zhang Xiao froze, Luo Yuxi opened her bell pupils, and looked at him sleepily.

Can't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, it's over!Zhang Xiao only had this thought in his mind.

"Ah—" As expected, Luo Yuxi screamed.

Seeing everything in front of her clearly, Luo Yuxi tilted her head and looked at him, "Shameless!" After uttering these words, she fell asleep and ignored Zhang Xiao's feelings.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing wryly, why am I shameless?
(End of this chapter)

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