Chapter 61
Somewhat frustrated, he followed to the second assessment area. Mo Binglin was so depressed, he knew that he was the first test.

The male teacher shook his head helplessly, "Okay, don't pretend to be stupid from now on, just say that and you take it seriously." Hearing this sentence, Mo Binglin raised his head, his eyes were full of cunning, but The male teacher didn't see it.

The male teacher took out a few more cards from the drawer, walked to Tang Qinyao and Xiao Ning, and handed the two black cards to their hands.

Tang Qinyao nodded, "Thank you teacher." Xiao Ning didn't say anything, but just hummed.

Also accepting the black sign handed over by the male teacher, Mo Binglin smiled wretchedly.

Zhang Xiao was speechless, this Mo Binglin was really weird, he just didn't like girls, but liked boys.Could it be that even middle-aged people in their 40s have to be in the bag now?
Shaking his head vigorously, Zhang Xiao quickly dismissed the idea.

Raising his hand as a signal, he walked through some teams and walked to the fourth assessment area. After a closer look, he discovered that the area of ​​the fourth assessment area was the largest. The area enclosed in the north was at least six hundred square meters, this area alone accounts for most of the whole.

Standing there were two middle-aged men who looked like teachers. One was tall, about two meters long, with a pair of small eyes shining brightly.

Compared to the ability of the first person, the middle-aged man next to him is like a frail scholar, standing there quietly, waiting for the new students to take the test.

Obviously, the two of them should be the teachers in charge of the fourth assessment.

Zhang Xiao's thoughts changed. Since these two are responsible for testing the actual combat, their strength will definitely not be low, but they will not be high either. After all, they are both freshmen.But at what stage will their cultivation base be?

Walking in front of the two middle-aged men, Zhang Xiao handed over the cards of the three of them.

In fact, no candidates have come to their level today, so they also have the energy to observe the situation of the first three levels of assessment.

The frail teacher took three cards with two blacks and one red, and there was something in his eyes, but he didn't show it too much.Afterwards, Tang Qinyao and Xiao Ning also handed over two black cards.

The capable teacher said neatly, "Are you sure you are all at this level?"

Zhang Xiao thought to himself, the teacher must have his own intentions in asking this question, what exactly is he trying to trick us out of?
After thinking for a while, Zhang Xiao said confidently, "I'm sure."

"What about you?" He pointed at the other four.

The four replied in unison, "We are sure."

"Very good, you have passed." Then the able teacher sat on the cool chair and closed his eyes.

The corner of Zhang Xiao's mouth couldn't help twitching, what kind of actual combat assessment is this? "Teacher, don't we need to conduct actual combat?"

"Of course, as long as you have the logo, you can pass the level." His answer is always so concise.

Although he was a little surprised by the Shrek Academy's model, he couldn't help it. This was their rule, and he had to abide by it no matter how bad it felt.

Just about to turn around and leave, the able teacher said: "Bring here your key, your key can't open the door."

A big question mark appeared in Tang Qinyao's heart, "Why?"

"The people who lined up at the door just now were all idiots. We planned not to charge students for queuing at the door, but we had no choice but to queue up with you all, so we made an exception." The male teacher replied.

After what he said, Zhang Xiao immediately understood that there were four assessments to be carried out, and if he failed to pass, he would still have to leave. How could he give the dormitory keys and cards? It was all a prank by Shrek Academy.

It's just that he doesn't understand, how could this Shrek Academy make such a joke, is it really to test IQ?

I was thinking about Yuxi just now, but I didn't notice it for a while, I didn't expect that there is such a meaning in it.

"Here are new keys for you." As he spoke, he dug out a few new keys from a box next to the cool chair, and handed three keys to the five people.

"You have one more person, so I will give you another hand. You can go now." He added.

Some couldn't laugh or cry, Zhang Xiao didn't expect this to be over, and saw that it was getting hot, so she waved to Chen Ling and the two to leave, and then walked towards the dormitory.

He was still holding the package in his left hand, and the clothes were not heavy, but it was a little uncomfortable to hold it all the time.

Tang Qinyao followed Zhang Xiao lightly, "Didn't we agree to have dinner together?"

Zhang Xiao's advance stopped immediately, and she looked back at Tang Qinyao who existed like a snake demon at a young age. Because it was very hot, there were some fine beads of sweat on her little face, and she had a lovely smile It seems sincere.

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, "Miss Qinyao, it seems that I don't know you very well."

Tang Qinyao obviously didn't expect him to say that, so Xiao Ning quit immediately, "What do you mean, we Qinyao invited you in person, but we still can't invite you? You think you are awesome, don't you just have two Is it a thousand year soul ring?"

Zhang Xiao pursed her lips, "Miss Xiaoning seems to be too irritable. I only said that we didn't know each other very well, but didn't I say that I didn't want to go?"

Xiao Ning was speechless at what he said, so she pouted angrily.

Seeing her like this, Zhang Xiao couldn't help smiling, this silly girl is quite cute, but the next moment his heart suddenly ached, Yu Xi was the cutest in his eyes, two months, Where are you?
Everyone didn't see it. After they left, the two teachers in charge started to have fun, each with a popsicle.

The capable one said, "It's really cool to finally get those little ghosts away. In summer, you can sit in a cool chair under the shade of a tree, enjoy the breeze, and eat a popsicle. Life should be so sweet!"

The weak teacher said slowly, "A popsicle, you deserve it."

Fortunately, the seven of Zhang Xiao didn't hear it, or they would have laughed so hard that they couldn't eat for a week, they were teachers like that, they were just two urchins.

Tang Qinyao smiled sweetly, "Let's go."

After speaking, he took the lead and walked to the cafeteria. At this time, the three famous big light bulbs, Taitong, Mo Binglin, and Xu Minghao, began to increase the power to transmit electricity, "Beauty, take some of us too?"

Xiao Ning returned a vicious look, and the three of them immediately froze, not daring to move.

In fact, another reason why they are afraid of Xiaoning is that they subconsciously think that she is Ouyang Zili. They have witnessed Ouyang Zili's violent temper countless times, and if something goes wrong, the barbecue will end!
Xiao Ning looks very similar to Ouyang Zili, Mo Binglin thought to himself that the two of them could not be half-sisters, right?
Today, Xiao Ning didn't know that the string was wrong, so she looked back and smiled, then grabbed Mo Binglin's hand, and led him to the cafeteria.

Mo Binglin's heart beat, she, she holding my hand?

(End of this chapter)

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