Chapter 62 Joining the Sect ([-])

The next moment, Mo Binglin broke free from her hand, "Don't tell me, I really changed it, and I don't dare to do it again." She said tremblingly.

Sure enough, the next moment Xiao Ning's face changed back to its original appearance, "See if you dare next time, you are lucky today, this girl is in a good mood, if you dare to mess with me again, you will die!"

Hearing these words, Zhang Xiao staggered, and the faces of Chen Ling and the others also turned into bitter faces.

It's like this when you're in a good mood, but what's it like when you're in a bad mood!
Following Tang Qinyao through the dormitory area and into the canteen of Shrek Academy, Zhang Xiao was shocked. Why doesn't this canteen even have a seat?At this time, because it was the first day of the entrance test, some students were preparing to take the test tomorrow, so there were very few people.

It looks quite empty, but there are people in the sales window. There are five windows in total, and the price increases from the southernmost side to the northernmost side.

And the most expensive one is dozens of times the cheapest one, which is really appalling.

Seeing Zhang Xiao's surprised look, Tang Qinyao thought he was out of pocket, so she hurriedly said, "I invite you, what do you want to eat?"

With a chuckle, Zhang Xiao half-jokingly said, "Well, I eat the most expensive one."

Seeing that Xiao Ning was about to have another attack, Tang Qinyao hurriedly smoothed things over and said, "Okay, Xiao Ning, you can go with me."

Dissatisfied, Xiao Ning gave Zhang Xiao a blank look, and reluctantly followed Tang Qinyao to the northernmost window.

It made Taitong jealous, "Brother, why do you have beautiful women to treat you, but we don't? Alas, life is hard!" He also made a very painful look.

A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, this Tang Qinyao and I have never met before, why would he suddenly want to invite me to dinner.

After a while, Tang Qinyao and Xiao Ning came back with three high-end meals. Chen Ling and the others smiled wryly, and went to cook by themselves.

Because there were no seats, everyone sat down on the stone steps at the entrance. There was a green tree on the left side of the cafeteria entrance. At this time, it blocked the direct sunlight, and only the faint yellow glow pierced through the leaves. It felt very cool under the shade. Refreshing.

Tang Qinyao was sitting next to Zhang Xiao. While chewing the delicious food, she said, "Can I ask you a question? If you think my question is too abrupt, you can refuse me."

The eyes of Xiao Ning and the four people squatting under the shade of the tree suddenly widened. Is this the rhythm of confession?

Zhang Xiao smiled lightly, "But it's okay to say."

The two looked at each other, and Tang Qinyao said seriously, "Have you thought about joining any sect?"

She was taken aback by her question, what the hell is Zongmen?

"Why do you ask that? Don't you want me to join your sect?"

Tang Qinyao nodded again and again, "That's exactly what I mean."

When she said this, Zhang Xiao stopped talking. Although he was not deeply involved in the world, he also knew that the sect could not be joined casually. Once he joined, he was not allowed to join other sects.

It is equivalent to Zongmen is the harbor of life, this cannot be decided arbitrarily.

After pondering for a while, Zhang Xiao said, "I don't know which sect Miss Qinyao is talking about?"

Seeing that although he did not agree, but did not refuse, Tang Qinyao knew that as long as he could explain clearly to him and the sect had something that could attract him, the matter would be considered a success.

A look of pride flashed in the beautiful big eyes, "Tang Sect!"

When saying these two words, the pride in Tang Qinyao's heart was revealed unnaturally.

"Tang Sect, the legendary sect on the mainland?"

Tang Qinyao nodded, then looked at him quietly, waiting for his reply.

Not knowing whether it was because of the dry weather or some other reason, Zhang Xiao pursed her lips unconsciously, "I'm just an ordinary person, how did Miss Qinyao remember to let me join the noble sect?"

"Because you are the Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul, the inheritance of our Tang Sect is the Blue Silver Grass. Although it is not absolute, we still respect the Blue Silver Grass." Tang Qinyao smiled.

Zhang Xiao smiled lightly, "Miss Qinyao was joking, if you refuse to tell me the real reason, what's the point of me joining the noble sect?"

Xiumei frowned slightly, "So, you don't want to join us?"

After finishing the meal soon, Zhang Xiao got up and put the bowls and chopsticks into the sink outside the cafeteria, "Thank you Miss Qinyao for your kindness." After speaking, she turned around and was about to leave.

Tang Qinyao lowered her head, her face flushed slightly: "I'll tell you later, okay, don't leave yet."

"Ming people don't talk dark words, I'll wait for you for a while." Walking in front of Mo Binglin and Taitong, and lifting their dislocated jaws, Zhang Xiao said flatly.

But just as Zhang Xiao let go, the jaws of two people dropped again.Shaking his head helplessly, these two good friends have stayed together for a long time, and even their habits have become the same.

Tang Qinyao quickly swept away the food, but she still looked like a lady when she was eating. Zhang Xiao couldn't help thinking of Luo Yuxi's appearance again. Could she be eating now?I wish I could be with her.

After telling Xiao Ning, you should go back first, and then drag Zhang Xiao to the dormitory building.

The eyes of Taitong and Mo Binglin instantly became more obscene, looked at each other, and said almost at the same time: "His boy is lucky!"

Before they could finish speaking, their ears were twisted almost 180 degrees by a beautiful woman, causing them to grin in pain.

Zhang Xiao didn't know what the two of them were talking about. Although it felt awkward, she didn't break away from Tang Qinyao. It wasn't because he was moved, but because he could feel that Tang Qinyao seemed to be in a strange mood at this moment.

He was most afraid of the girl crying, so he didn't break free from her hand.Tang Qinyao's little hands are indeed very delicate, as elastic as a baby's skin, and there is a bit of coolness oozing out of the warmth.

After a while, he walked into the student dormitory of Shrek Academy, and there was a public notice board at the door.

After reading it, Zhang Xiao realized that there is no dormitory supervisor in Shrek Academy, and the student dormitory is completely managed independently.Of course, there will be teachers who conduct spot checks from time to time.

"Uh, Miss Qinyao, it's not good, it's not good if the people in the dormitory with me are also in there."

Tang Qinyao shook her head slightly, "No, there are only two people in each dormitory, and the keys given to you belong to you and your friend. So the five of us gave three keys, and one of them was alone."

Seeing Zhang Xiao's embarrassing expression, as if she still wanted to say something, Tang Qinyao said angrily, "What are you thinking about, I just have something to tell you. By the way, you also have to pack your luggage, don't you?"

Looking at the package in her hand, Zhang Xiao's expression gradually eased, "That's good."

According to the number identification on the key, Zhang Xiao quickly found his dormitory, the [-] dormitory, Zhang Xiao secretly cursed, "I'll go, I met this kind of dormitory number."

He smiled helplessly, could it be that he is really two hundred and five?
As soon as Zhang Xiao took the key to open the door, Tang Qinyao dragged him in, then quickly closed the door, leaning her arms on the door as if she couldn't breathe, then lay her head on her arms and sobbed softly .

(End of this chapter)

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