Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 69 The Essence of Extreme Cold and Fiery

Chapter 69 The Essence of Extreme Cold and Fiery
In the distant sky, there seemed to be a gorgeous flame burning, flying towards their position quickly.

Zhang Xiao found out, and the man in black obviously found out too, but in terms of strength, it was definitely not higher than the man in black's cultivation, and it was just that ray of light.But the man in black is very cautious, after all his soul power is less than [-]%.

The two Shrek Academy freshmen had disappeared long before he collided with the man in black, and they might have returned to Shrek Academy.

Before that ray of light came, the man in black was fully capable of killing Zhang Xiao. He raised his wolf claws, and several cyan light blades slashed towards Zhang Xiao through the air.

The speed of the light blade was very fast, however, a black light suddenly soared into the sky between Zhang Xiao's eyebrows, and instantly scattered the blue light blade.

A pitch-black bead quietly emerged on Zhang Xiao's chest.The bead was as black as a sinking abyss, and the terrifying aura emanating from it made people feel a strong chest tightness.

Not seeing any movement from him, the black bead moved up a distance of about three feet in an instant.Immediately afterwards, the pitch-black bead slowly released a blue ring rune upward toward the sky.From the size of a fist when it was first released, it suddenly enlarged, covering a circular area with a diameter of about 20 meters in just the blink of an eye.

From a distance, the terrifying energy even looked like an uncontrollable eruption of a prehistoric giant beast.

While the man in black was shocked, the fiery red light in the distance had grown bigger and bigger. Judging by her speed, it would take at most ten breaths of work to reach their position.

Without further hesitation, he jumped up and left in the distance in an instant.With the speed of his Soul Emperor cultivation base, the owner of that blaze obviously couldn't catch up with him.

Zhang Xiao's eyes had become dull and his face was pale. Before he could see the person clearly, he fell down uncontrollably. After falling to the ground, he fell into a deep coma.

The fiery red flames subsided, and a figure jumped out of the flames, the light green eyes shone with anxiety, and the wild aura seemed like a volcano about to erupt.Almost before he stopped, a faint afterimage flashed to Zhang Xiao's side.

Shrek Academy, dormitory No. [-].

Zhang Xiao, who was in a deep coma, lay quietly on the bed. Beside him, there was a handsome young girl whose face changed various expressions uncertainly.Sometimes worried, sometimes angry, but not happy.

The girl suddenly heard a voice muttering to herself, "Sister, come back soon, okay?"

However, Zhang Xiao turned over and there was no follow-up sound.

The girl sighed softly, why did Yu Xi leave without saying a word, she just left me a note.The long dark blue hair hung over the girl's shoulders, and there was a hint of sadness on her beautiful face.

Zhang Xiao was still wandering in his mind at this time, and was once again in that magical illusion.A pale golden light filled his spiritual sea, two long swords quietly floated in the air, one red, one blue, two extreme forces collided with each other, each sword seemed to occupy half of the world, The two swords were close together, as if the whole world was filled with their energy.

It seems to be pulling something in the dark, his body is transparent, I can see it, but I can't touch it, I reached out and touched my body, but the hand passed through the body directly, without touching to any object.

He walked quickly to the position of the two long swords, but no matter how hard Zhang Xiao ran, the two long swords were actually moving, and at exactly the same speed as him.The faster Zhang Xiao walked, the faster the two long swords moved, and once Zhang Xiao stopped, the two swords also stopped, regardless of the time and speed.Zhang Xiao couldn't help but wonder why he couldn't catch up?
Sitting down a bit dejectedly, he didn't remember what happened in the end, only that he lost consciousness the moment the man in black released the blue light blade.Could it be that he was killed?

But where is this?Just after saying this, he saw two long swords in the distance shattered!Like a smooth lens, it was instantly fragmented and turned into two streams of light intertwined together. The two colors of light blended together, and finally merged into a huge two-color beam of light that soared into the sky. The dazzling colors made people dazzled for a while, as if the soul It's like they've all been absorbed into it.

Moreover, the coverage area of ​​the beam of light is extending, covering Zhang Xiao in a short while. The dazzling light made Zhang Xiao close his eyes tightly and cover his eyes with his hands, but the light passed through him as if unstoppable hands, and finally felt the two extreme forces in that light.As early as when he was able to use it, he had discovered that the energies of these two swords were completely opposite.One is extremely hot, and the other is extremely cold. The combination of these two completely incompatible forces produces unparalleled power.

It was as if the soul was being scorched by flames, but it was also like being buried in extremely frozen ice and snow. The feeling of wanting to die made Zhang Xiao lose his perception of the outside world.

The girl saw that someone on the bed seemed to be wriggling slightly, and a strange color flashed in her pale green eyes. What is he doing, it's really evil.She didn't know, in fact, she was wrong. Zhang Xiao didn't mean that at all, but because the severe pain had made him almost unable to control the operation of his own body. Not bad.

The whole body was soaked in it, and the bright eyes slowly opened. Zhang Xiao saw that in the center of the beam of light, only the hilts remained of the two swords, and the swords had become gray without any other colors at all. A death-like silence began to permeate, and the two sword hilts were quietly pushed aside, as if floating on the water, the distance between the two sword hilts gradually became farther and farther away.

At this moment, a dark bead quietly emerged from the palm of Zhang Xiao's right hand. The moment Zhang Xiao saw this bead, a violent throb came to his heart. He was indescribably kind, but at the same time resisted it. like.

The black bead vibrated violently for a few times, and then a strong attraction was produced. With the black bead as the center, all the two-color rays of light began to frantically pour into the bead.Zhang Xiao had just experienced the dominance of those two kinds of energy just now, and only got a little bit of it, but this bead was so powerful that it absorbed all the two-colored energies as quickly as a tornado.In the frantic absorption, Zhang Xiao clearly saw that the two-color light around his body seemed to be diluted. It was no longer a strong color, but gradually faded, and the area covered became smaller and smaller.

this is?Zhang Xiao stretched out his hand to try to touch the bead, but the black bead suddenly soared up, the frequency of the vibration began to accelerate, and the speed of absorbing energy also increased rapidly, and finally it vibrated suddenly, and all the energy was absorbed by it in an instant .

Zhang Xiao couldn't help moaning from the pain in his limbs. With a shock in his head, he opened his eyes suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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