Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 70 Help me take care of him

Chapter 70 Help me take care of him
"Zi Li." When Zhang Xiao saw the people around her clearly, she immediately became excited and got up quickly, but fell off the bed.He raised his head and screamed in pain, trying to get up, but he didn't have the strength to stand up.

"Pfft, are you awake?" The girl hurried to his side and helped him up.

"Well, do you know where Yu Xi has gone?" Zhang Xiao asked the girl in a hurry while she was still awake.

The girl frowned slightly, and said after a little hesitation, "I don't know either."

"You don't know?" Shaking his head thoughtfully, Zhang Xiao sat on the edge of the bed in a daze.

There was a vague smile on the corner of her mouth, "Is it because Yuxi won't let you tell me? If so, you can just tell me, at least I can know that she left for a reason."

Obviously Zhang Xiao was right, the girl was slightly startled, and after a long time she said slowly: "It's not because Yuxi didn't let me tell you, but because she didn't tell me where I went. Here you go, see for yourself .” As she spoke, the girl handed him a slightly wrinkled note.

After receiving the note, Zhang Xiao recognized who wrote the handwriting on the note at the first glance. The familiar handwriting was written by Luo Yuxi!How could he not recognize it, this handwriting is so kind to him, as if it is a part of his life.

"Zili, I'm leaving, and I don't know how long it will take to come back. Don't tell Xiaoxiao, he cries easily, and has always been like a child. Help me take care of him when I'm away, and I will come back as soon as possible. ——Luo Yuxi"

The note slipped from Zhang Xiao's hand and landed lightly on the ground. At this moment, the helplessness, loss and sadness in his heart all rushed to his heart. For more than two months, he just thought that Luo Yuxi might have something urgent. I didn't have time to talk to myself.However, judging from the note she left, she didn't leave without reason, and she really didn't want to tell herself.Now he only wants Luo Yuxi and Yuecheng to come back, and he has lived with him for more than ten years, and he only has a few relatives, so he has almost all his emotional sustenance for them.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Xiao calmed down, "Zili, how did you find me?"

Ouyang Zili sighed softly, "Actually, I saw you before reporting for duty, even when you were fighting. Because I was afraid that you would ask me about Yu Xi, so I never showed up. Last night, I wanted to talk to you about this matter, but before I went in, I saw a black shadow rushing out of the dormitory building and jumping out of the college wall. I didn't pay attention at first, but I saw you following Jumped out, so just followed you.

Because when I went out of the city, I didn't see clearly at once, and then I couldn't find you.Later, I stood on a giant tree and saw a huge ball of light. I knew you were there, so I flew over.

Then I saw that you were injured. I was scared to death. I thought you were going to die. Yuxi asked me to take care of you. If I didn’t do it, I would blame myself. "

Shaking his head helplessly, Zhang Xiao said: "That is to say, if Yuxi didn't let you follow me, wouldn't you be sad if I died?"

"Get out." The simple and rude word made Zhang Xiao speechless.

Staring at the bright morning light outside the window, he suddenly thought of a question, "Zili, is this the boys' dormitory? Why are you still here?"

The hot-tempered Ouyang Zili raised her hand and punched it, and suddenly a big bump appeared on someone's head, "I don't want to take care of you, really, let me take care of others, it would be nice to be able to look after you. So much nonsense."

Zhang Xiao seemed to be aware of this problem, so she kept silent.

Compared with three years ago, Ouyang Zili's appearance has changed a lot.

Her bright pale green eyes are crystal clear, her brows are dreamy and blurred like a painting, her figure is extremely tall, and her long dark blue hair has turned into a light purple.Her fair skin could be broken with blows, and the clothes on her chest seemed to be unable to restrain her plumpness.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help thinking of Xiao Ning, whom he had mistaken for that day. Compared with Ouyang Zili, she seemed a little less wild.Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao shuddered, girls are always careless after all, it's not good after all, not to mention just judging from Zili's appearance, people would mistake her for an elegant and gentle girl.

"Zili, I saw a girl who looks similar to you, on the day of reporting, did you see it?"

A strange color flashed in Ouyang Zili's pale green eyes, as if she wanted to tell something, but Zhang Xiao didn't catch it after all.

"The world is so big, there are so many wonders. What does it mean to have the same appearance? Anyway, it's not me. You just need to know that I and you are partners. What else do you care about?" Ouyang Zili said evasively.

"She seems to be pretty." Zhang Xiao added.

With a sound of "Duang—" another big bump appeared on someone's head.

Ouyang Zili said viciously: "Don't be bothered, isn't it enough to have Yuxi? You still eat what's in the bowl and think about what's in the pot. Be careful, I'll ruin you!"

Zhang Xiao cried, "I want to say that you look similar to her, so you are also very beautiful. Are you going to hit me?"

Ouyang Zili's pretty face immediately turned red, "Uh, I'm sorry, I'm too anxious."

After being speechless for a while, Zhang Xiaoyan returned to the main topic: "Listen to what you said just now, that is, I have been in a coma for less than a day. So tomorrow we will go to class, but after the test that day, I don't know which class I am in. Yes, you know what?"

"I haven't taken the test yet. Today is the last day. I'll go to the test first. You stay here. If you can't do well tomorrow, I'll help you ask the grade director for leave. Okay?"

After Zhang Xiao nodded in acquiescence, Ouyang Zili walked out of the room, and after walking out the door, she smiled at Zhang Xiao, and stretched out her pink tongue mischievously, and then gently closed the door.

Seeing her like this, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but burst out laughing, her character and appearance really don't match!

After shaking his head helplessly, Zhang Xiao began to practice cross-legged, and he was startled when he just settled down.His martial soul and physical condition really made him break out in a cold sweat. If he doesn't recuperate now, it will be bad if there are any sequelae.

The meridians have been completely disordered, and there seem to be many impurities in them. When the soul power circulates in the meridians, it will be hindered by these impurities, and the soul power that can be mobilized is extremely weak.But the body seemed to be full of energy, the body obviously couldn't bear the expansion of energy, but it just didn't explode, as if it was sealed by some force.

Although his body was as dangerous as a volcano that could erupt at any time, Zhang Xiao didn't worry about it, because his instinct told him that there was no problem.Although people who believe in intuition are generally not very lucky, Zhang Xiao just believes in her intuition.

(End of this chapter)

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