Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 79 The Grand Canyon of Death

Chapter 79 The Grand Canyon of Death

After careful observation, the white-clothed man broke out in a cold sweat. It turned out that it was this place where not a single blade of grass grew.After carefully recalling the records about this place, the man in white realized that he had rushed into the area of ​​the Grand Canyon of Death in his haste to catch up with the Great Elder!
As the name suggests, the most terrifying part of this Grand Canyon of Death lies in the word death.It is said that the soul masters who entered this death canyon area, the powerhouses of the title Douluo level have also fallen from here!
The Yuecheng family is not too far away from the Grand Canyon of Death, but it is by no means too close.It's just that when chasing the Great Elder, time flew by invisibly, and the man in white didn't realize that half an hour had passed.

What level of soul master is the man in white?A powerhouse at the title Douluo level, his speed is completely comparable to that of an eight-ring agility attack system soul master.This is why the soul master's strength will change qualitatively after breaking through Title Douluo.

Not only has the physical function been greatly improved, but the increase in various attributes is also staggering.

It's just that the man in white was severely injured, so there is still a certain gap between his physical fitness and a normal Title Douluo, which is why the First Elder was able to escape for so long under his pursuit.

The Grand Canyon of Death got its name because of an accident. In the past, there was nothing unusual about this canyon, until the Xingluo Royal Family sent a Super Douluo-level powerhouse with a cultivation level of 97 to carry out a secret mission. The task, the world knows how powerful this valley is.

According to intelligence, this Super Douluo passed through this valley on his last trip, and it was from here that he lost his news.Emperor Xingluo was very annoyed by this, the royal family's soul master resource reserves were extremely scarce, in fact, the strongest combat power of the Xingluo royal family was this Super Douluo.

The most strange thing is that this valley is not so scary, it even looks more like a fairyland like a paradise.The first thing the man in white did after he landed here was to fly back, and he couldn't help but do so.

What is Super Douluo?Not to mention how powerful it is, at least it is more than one grade stronger than his injured Title Douluo.Super Douluo has fallen, can he do better than Super Douluo?The answer is obviously no.

Feeling the air whizzing past his face, the man in white heaved a long sigh of relief as if relieved from a heavy burden.

Not long after, the man in white saw the old man surnamed Tang from a distance, he was surprised, why no one was there, could it be that the old man smashed them all into powder?Then there shouldn't be any scum left!
"Uncle?" The man in white called softly, even if it was such a soft voice, there was a kind of majesty hidden in it.

Looking at the man in white in a complicated manner, the old man slowly opened his closed eyes, and the spirit ring on his body had already been put away, which also allowed the man in white to speak more smoothly. Suppressed, coupled with his injury, he couldn't speak at all.

Sighing helplessly, the man in white said: "He actually ran towards the Grand Canyon of Death. I didn't pay attention for a while while flying in the sky, and I almost touched the secret inside."

There was a look of fear on the old man's old face, obviously he also knew the pros and cons, "Unexpectedly, there are so many evil soul masters, and even I couldn't keep them."

"What?" The white-clothed man turned pale with shock. The evil soul master has become so powerful?As the son of the old man's best brother, how could he not know what the old man's spirit is.

The old man's martial soul is the top martial soul on the mainland!The word Haotian is enough to prove its power, the overbearing martial soul of the most powerful force in the mainland, the Haotian Hammer!Even in battles of the same level, the owner of the Haotian Hammer soul master also has an absolute advantage.

How powerful is this evil soul master?Well, the man in white seems to have thought of some terrible scene. When he was chasing the great elder just now, he still felt that if the old man hadn't made a surprise visit, he could barely protect his son with his own strength.But the old man actually said that even he failed to keep the nineteen evil soul masters. This is clearly walking in front of the gate of hell!

Seeing that the man in white was lost in thought, the old man asked, "Did you catch him?"

The man in white smiled wryly and shook his head, "No, he disappeared when I entered the Grand Canyon of Death. I didn't dare to stay for long, so I came back."

The old man said thoughtfully: "Forget it, but do you have any remedial measures in the sect?"

"There are always ways, I'm just worried that Xian'er will be targeted by them, but I have to stay and rectify the sect. But they are in Shrek Academy, I believe they will not be in danger there. Although the evil soul master The strength is extremely strong, but even if I think about it, I wouldn't dare to make a mistake in Shrek Academy."

The old man nodded slightly, "The foundation of Shrek Academy as the number one soul master academy in the mainland cannot be shaken by evil soul masters. Uncle has something else to do, so he can't stay with you to reorganize the sect." The man in white nodded respectfully , the old man waved his hand, and before he could say anything, he disappeared.

Looking at the space in the empty mountain range, many huge rocks have been shaken by the impact of powerful soul power fluctuations, and a large tree was broken down the middle, which shows how tragic the battle just now was.

Sighing softly, the white-clothed man looked at the Zongmen's house in a daze, and it almost disappeared. The dilapidated house couldn't even provide shelter from the wind and rain.Fortunately, Xian'er is fine, the man in white thought with a little relief.

Two figures were walking on the mountain road, the dense forests scattered here and there seemed to make the air very humid here, and the soil seemed to be exuding a faint fragrance.The mountains and rocks form a path, and the winding path leads to seclusion. Looking down from this steep cliff, you will suddenly feel refreshed.

It's just that these two figures are very quiet, no one speaks, only two teenagers can be vaguely seen, a boy and a girl, about 13 years old, walking down, and the boy looks back from time to time.

"Oh, what a big commotion, is my dad okay?" The boy asked the girl beside him a little uneasy.

The girl shook her head, "I don't know, but with so many elders around, it should be fine."

Frowning tightly, the boy stopped in his tracks immediately, "No, I have to go back, what if something happens to my dad? How about this, you go to the academy by yourself, I'll go back first, and I'll go back to catch up with you if there's nothing wrong, okay?" Here you are." After speaking, the boy took out a token-shaped object from his arms and handed it to the girl, then walked back.

The girl pulled him back, "Brother, you will only cause trouble when you go back. Your father told us to go first. He must be afraid that you will be in danger. If you go back, don't you want to burden him?"

The young man was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, he didn't want to go, and he didn't want to go.

"What's more, your dad wrote those words for you, but you didn't remember them? The most urgent thing is to complete the task your dad gave you. It's written clearly on this paper. Don't tell me you can't read?" The boy hesitated, and the girl hit the railway while it was hot.

With a low sigh, the boy stopped talking and walked ahead to lead the way, while the girl followed closely behind him and walked down together.

(End of this chapter)

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