Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 80 Reunion After Farewell

Chapter 80 Reunion After Farewell

Shrek City, Shrek Academy, the shore of Sea God Lake.

A pretty girl walked quietly by the lake, her long blue hair fluttered in the wind, her eyes were as clear as water, but there seemed to be a faint sadness lingering in her eyes middle.The slender and delicate body faintly reveals a bit of mature charm, and the slender waist is full of grip, which makes people look sideways invisibly.Of course, most of them were boys, and some girls looked at her enviously.

Behind her, there were a few boys following her, who didn't look like good people no matter what.It seems to be discussing something.But for these, the girl didn't know anything about it.

The voices of those boys talking were so small that they could hardly be heard, but one of them was faintly heard saying: "She is also one of the most beautiful girls in the whole academy, but it seems that she has never seen it before." The boy's stature is tall, and his appearance is relatively outstanding, but his voice sounds very pervasive.

Next to the dormitory near Sea God Lake, a young man is sitting on a small rock by the lake and looking into the distance. Breeze blows on the mirror-like lake from time to time. It is midsummer at this time, and the green wicker is blowing in the wind. drift.

There is no one around him, most of them come and go in a hurry, and no one notices his existence, as if he is dispensable in this world.

The young man has a pair of light blue ethereal eyes, which do not seem to be as turbulent as sea water, but are indeed as transparent as the sky.The short black hair looks like an ordinary teenager, but there is a faint scholarly temperament exuding from his body.

At this time, his hair was wet with sweat. Just now he defeated dozens of soul masters of the same rank in succession in the battle arena, no matter whether it was soul power, physical strength or energy, he was exhausted to a terrifying level.His current physical state is like a death state on the verge of collapse. Of course, because he is a soul master, his soul power is recovering all the time, so he is not worried about himself.

The young man gave a helpless wry smile, he didn't even know what he was doing, he raised his right palm, a blue water ball rose from the palm, the young man said thoughtfully: "Now I have no idea what Wuhun is doing. The control of the attributes of the soul can already be separated for a short time, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to make great progress before the soul power level breaks through the soul sect, and the improvement of the soul power level is what I need to do most now."

There is a word in his mind that is always flashing, but this word is very hazy, it seems to him a dream that can never be touched, it is so far away, it seems to be in another plane, any He exhausted all the planes that he could not pry into.

"Are you okay? These three months are so long for me. If I knew what you were going to do, I wouldn't be like this. But where are you? Even he is not here, is it because I am too bad. "

There was a hint of sadness on the boy's resolute face, and even a few tears seemed to want to drip out, but they stopped in the eye sockets after all.

He closed his eyes, as if trying to stop the tears from flowing down.

Thinking of this, the boy stopped his tears, and continued to look at the blue sky that was gradually darkening in the distance, and the old things continued to flash in his mind.

Not long after, the boy suddenly heard some noisy voices behind him, as if a girl was calling.Feeling puzzled, he turned his head and looked back. About [-] meters away, there seemed to be several people forming a semi-circle, surrounding a girl by the lake and a willow tree.

Taking a deep breath, the boy's figure left a faint afterimage in the air, and in the blink of an eye, he quietly appeared behind those boys.

The young man just heard the girl coldly say, "Get out of the way." Hearing this voice, the young man seemed to be moved, as if he heard a familiar voice.

Zhang Xiao's eyes moved to the girl, and he was speechless immediately, "Is it you?"

The leader among them, the boy named Chen Tianying said: "So it's you, a little genius in the first grade, and there's nothing wrong with you here."

Zhang Xiao didn't make a sound, stretched out his right hand, and a circle of blue ripples swayed out,


The strong buzzing sound made a piercing sound, and the blue light burst out instantly. Chen Tianying's eyes were fixed, and his arms suddenly became thicker.

After the blue light ball wrapped around Zhang Xiao's palm collided with the palm of the brown bear, he immediately took a step back, and the blue ripples on his hand faded away.

Chen Tianying's soul power has reached the peak of level 34, and will soon break through level 35. He is extremely confident in his own strength. Although he has heard that Zhang Xiao is extremely talented in the first grade, he doesn't care much about it.

Fighting at this time, the outcome is decided, and it is even more proud.

Several male students behind Chen Tianying applauded and applauded when they saw the boss easily repelling the "nosy" Zhang Xiao.

"The boss is worthy of being an elite in the outer court. He only needs a light slap to repel the talented student who has been in the limelight for a while."

"The boss's cultivation speed is also extremely good among all the students in the outer court. As long as he is in the sixth grade, he can be said to be admitted to the inner court. He, Zhang Xiao, has just entered the first grade, and the minimum soul power requirement for freshmen is level 25. , even if he is very talented, it is difficult to reach level [-] spirit power, so how could he be the boss' opponent?"

Chen Tianying said: "I don't intend to offend, but I like this girl very much. If you are willing to step aside, I can ignore the offense you just did to me."

Zhang Xiao frowned, clenched his right hand, and stretched out again.

Chen Tianying is extremely proud in his heart. His distinguished family background and outstanding talent make him always the best among his peers. Except for a few geniuses who are hard for him to match, he thinks that he is invincible.

The soul power reached level 34 in the third grade. As long as there is enough support from heaven and earth, there is no problem in entering the inner court after graduating from sixth grade. You must know that the bottom line for entering the inner court is level [-]!
When a soul master cultivates before the [-]th level, the cultivation speed is slow, because the soul master is still far from being able to mobilize a stable soul power, and after the [-]th level, the cultivation speed will increase greatly. After the tenth level, you can increase it by three or even four levels every year. After the seventyth level, the speed of cultivation will decrease again, because it is already difficult to increase the soul power with the accumulation of meditation alone.

This is why many soul masters have stayed at the level of great soul masters for a lifetime. Similarly, this is also the reason why thousands of soul saints can be found in the entire Douluo Continent, but there are only less than two hundred soul fights.

At the level of Titled Douluo, there are only about 20 people in the three major empires on the entire continent.

Not surprisingly, Chen Tianying's soul power level can increase by four levels every year, and after four years, he can barely pass the bottom line of level [-] soul power, which is why he is so proud in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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