Chapter 81
Facing Zhang Xiao's right fist again, Chen Tianying snorted coldly, your soul power level is so different from mine, why should you confront me head-on?

The brown bear's body was completely possessed, and the iron fist with a diameter of more than one meter hit Zhang Xiao's right fist directly.

This time, the blue light on Zhang Xiaoquan flickered, and the water element absorbed the aura of heaven and earth in the air,


The water element gushed out suddenly, forming a nine-edged plane one foot away from the fist, which stretched backwards like a glove.

Zhang Xiao took a step back and stabilized his figure.

Chen Tianying's iron fist made a dull clicking sound, and his body flew backwards uncontrollably. There was a loud sound like a sound wave, and he broke a willow tree and fell to the sea god lake. Into the lake.

Chen Tianying's follower widened his eyes and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. At this moment, Huo Snake stood up, "You are only one person, do you really think you can fight against all of us?"

More than a dozen people behind Huo Snake also stood in a row, forming a circle, enclosing Zhang Xiao inside.

Fire Snake's martial soul is Dreadclaw Bear, and its soul power level is comparable to that of Chen Tianying. In fact, Fire Snake's innate talent far exceeds that of Chen Tianying, whose martial soul is a brown bear, but he was saved by Chen Tianying, and his cultivation resources are not enough Many, even if it can reach the current level, it is because of the help of Chen Tianying's family.

It's just that they didn't notice the strong murderous look in the blue-eyed boy's eyes.This is the person he once said he wanted to protect. At this moment, the blue-eyed boy is like a super-high-temperature volcano that is about to erupt, as if there is a fire burning in his chest.

"Who said he was alone?" The blue-eyed boy was in a trance when he heard this sentence, which was so familiar.Immediately afterwards, a tall figure quietly appeared beside the blue-eyed boy.

"elder brother?"

Fire Snake's pupils froze suddenly, and the person who came out halfway looked very dangerous, at least intuitively, he felt that he could threaten him.

The long purple hair made him look seductive, but a cold and domineering aura surged out uncontrollably, and the boys felt as if they had entered the hunting ground of the purple-haired boy.

Looking at the blue-eyed boy with a slightly complicated look, the purple-haired boy said to the boys, "How do you want to get out?"

Hearing this, those boys quit immediately, "Let us go? You don't think about whether you have the ability." The boy with fair skin who looks like a girl said angrily.

"You'll know soon." The figure of the purple-haired boy was like a puff of smoke, and when his figure appeared in the sight of everyone again, the boy who spoke flew upside down like flying through the clouds.

Those few male students who came to Shrek Academy obviously had certain qualifications.

"Roar!" The Fire Snake possessed his martial soul instantly, his muscles swelled instantly, his gorgeous clothes were torn apart, his sharp claws popped out like blades, and two yellow soul rings slowly floated from his feet.

He saw that the characteristic of the purple-haired boy was his fast speed, so he should be a soul master of the agility attack system.So directly with the martial soul, he believed that the weight of his own martial soul was completely beyond his ability to fly.

The purple-haired boy curled his lips in disdain, Dreadclaw bear?

Roaring up to the sky, the purple-haired boy's height soared to more than three meters in an instant, and his muscles swelled suddenly. Although he didn't look as tall as the fire snake, his aura was unyielding.

The electric-colored hair on the leopard's head also elongated instantly, and there was a photoelectric wave.The fur on the leopard's body is mixed with a dazzling blue thunder color.The fangs were several feet away, completely exposed, and lightning flashed in the leopard's pupils.Three soul rings, two yellow and one purple, have slowly risen from the feet of the purple-haired boy.

Several male students suddenly felt a violent aura rushing towards their faces from all directions, layer upon layer, like ocean waves.

"Soul Venerable?" A trace of fear appeared in the eyes of those boys. You must know that the purple-haired boy is as big as they look, and they also took some expensive medicinal liquids to reach their current level. That is around seventeen or eighteen.

The soul power level is more than 20, but the strength is very low, and it can only be used for viewing.In actual combat, if you encounter a strong opponent, you can only be beaten passively, and a soul master suddenly appears, and those male students have only one thought in their minds, they are causing trouble today!

Zhang Xiao stopped Yuecheng Shuxian, and said, "I can solve it."

The Fire Snake on the opposite side was speechless in surprise, he was the Dreadclaw Bear Wuhun!Attacking and defending a high-level Martial Spirit, the person on the opposite side seems to be as easy as catching a mouse?

The Fire Snake who had released his martial spirit looked at Zhang Xiao suspiciously, and thought to himself, what is he doing?
Ignoring that there was another Soul Master on the opposite side, the Fire Snake roared up to the sky, and its thick bear arms swept towards the blue-eyed boy rushing towards him like a pillar.

While the bear arm was sweeping across, the figure of the blue-eyed boy had already met the bear's paw that was slapped brazenly in the blink of an eye. It felt as if it was being slapped on a copper wall, the bear's arm suddenly went numb, and then everyone was dumbfounded as a bear flew fiercely into Sea God Lake like a hill.

The sound of "plop--" fell into the water, and the Dreadclaw Bear flew more than ten meters before falling into the lake. The calm lake surface stirred up a huge water curtain because of its fall, and circles of circular lakes Waves rippling in the lake.

Huo Snake's little brother couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva secretly, is this still human?You know, the weight of the Dreadclaw bear that released the martial spirit will definitely not be less than a thousand kilograms!

Zhang Xiao's figure suddenly became unreal, and faint afterimages condensed and dispersed in the air. The fleeing person suddenly felt his body lighten, and he flew towards the Direclaw Bear who was still struggling in the lake.

With the same fate as him, there are more than ten figures who also suddenly felt their bodies lighten, and then flew towards the Dreadclaw bear in the lake.

In just a few breaths, everyone was thrown into the Sea God Lake by Zhang Xiao. After stopping, the blue-eyed boy's eyes were oozing with bloodshot eyes. The successive battles, even with his physique, were a little weak. Don't make up for it.

Zhang Xiao walked to Luo Yuxi's side, many willow branches fluttered in the wind, feeling the coolness by the lake in midsummer, the boy smiled slightly at the girl, "Don't be afraid."

Seeing the girl with pear blossoms like rain, the blue-eyed boy felt a dull pain in his heart. It was all his fault that he failed to protect her in time.

"Ahem." The purple-haired boy made a discordant sound.

Zhang Xiao looked at him blankly, and the purple-haired boy shrugged nonchalantly, "Forget about friends!"

See sex and forget friends, do I really have one?The blue-eyed boy smiled helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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