Chapter 84 Breakfast
Before they knew it, the three of them had left Shrek Academy through the east gate, and were walking on the broad streets of Shrek City.

Shrek City is worthy of being a famous city in the mainland, with a constant flow of people covering almost every street, and most of the bustling crowd are here to buy things.Many vendors are selling goods, most of which are all kinds of delicacies. Luo Yuxi's beautiful big eyes are shining brightly, and her already beautiful face is even more innocent.

"Are you hungry?" Luo Yuxi suppressed her greed and asked Zhang Xiao and Yue Cheng.

Just as Yue Cheng wanted to say something, Zhang Xiao's stomach made a strange sound, "I'm hungry."

Hearing the two of them singing together, Yue Cheng was in a bad mood, "Can't you two just say you want to eat?"

This time Zhang Xiao and Luo Yuxi had a tacit understanding and replied in unison, "Okay!"

Seeing Yue Cheng's pale face, Zhang Xiao quickly changed the subject, "Why are there so many vendors in Shrek City? I feel so crowded, and we don't know when we will be able to find a place."

Hearing Zhang Xiao's question, Yue Cheng's face turned better, "The commodity trading volume in Shrek City is extremely huge, and there are not many cities in the entire continent whose commodity trading volume can be compared with him. As far as I know Only the capitals of the three major empires can barely match the income of Shrek City. Do you know why?"

Because Luo Yuxi had been staring at the food on the street, she simply replied, "I don't know." Zhang Xiao also shook her head, expressing that she didn't understand.

Yuecheng Shuxian was wilting in an instant, these two people really don't know anything except what they eat, "According to the investigation, the total annual income of Shrek City is an astronomical figure of hundreds of millions of gold soul coins, but where did he come from?" How much money? The resident population of Shrek City is only one million people, and the personal disposable income of an ordinary family is only a few gold soul coins a year, so how much can the tax be collected?"

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but widen his eyes, a few million gold soul coins is a lot, and he really has no idea about hundreds of millions of gold soul coins.But just looking at the order of magnitude, you can know how terrifying it is.

"Shrek City is not only a holy place for soul masters, but also a holy place for merchants. Unlike some kingdoms and principalities, there is no phenomenon of arbitrary tax collection. This is Shrek's principle. On the surface, it seems that Shrek City will lose Some income, as everyone knows, this is the real main income for Shrek. Because the trading rules are transparent, traders will come here to do business, and the annual turnover of merchants is billions of dollars, which is why Shrek City It's so crowded."

"Most of the vendors in Shrek City should be related to the latest soul guides, although most of the ones that can be seen everywhere are low-end and inferior soul guides."

"No, Shrek City is directly under the Shrek Academy. The main focus of the academy is the ability of the soul master. Although the soul guide has also received a certain amount of attention from the high-level of the academy, it is not that important. On the mainland, the ability of the soul master is far away. Far beyond the influence of soul guides. Although the future development of soul guides is still hard to say, this is the current situation."

"You know a lot, I admire you!" Zhang Xiao said, tilting her head.

Luo Yuxi said pitifully, "Have you finished talking? Take me to eat after you finish talking."

After finally squeezing out from the crowd, Yuecheng took the two of them to a stall selling steamed buns.

The steamed stuffed bun stand doesn't look very noticeable, but just look at the line from the front of the stall to the city gate, and it's not hard to find that the steamed stuffed buns are absolutely delicious.Just like that, the light in Luo Yuxi's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Seeing that there were not many people in the seat next to him, Zhang Xiao was very puzzled, "Why don't they come to sit?"

"Maybe there is a fee for the seat. After all, there are so many people who come to eat, and they are usually ordinary people. If there is a fee, it is natural to buy it back and eat it. You sit here and I will queue up." After finishing speaking, Yue Cheng trotted to the back of the team.

I can't help but he is not like this, he is also hungry!No more queuing, let alone when you will be able to eat this delicious bun.

Zhang Xiao and Luo Yuxi were a little quieter at this meeting. After all, there is no use in worrying. The line is still so long. Anyway, they will eat sooner or later.Zhang Xiao had nothing to do, so he could only silently observe the advantages of this steamed stuffed bun stall that could attract so many people.

Ordinary objects, ordinary people, don't seem to have any unique features, he shrugged helplessly, anyway, he couldn't think of any reason.

After about half an hour, it was finally Yuecheng's turn, and Luo Yuxi was so excited that she could hardly sit still.

Zhang Xiao pressed Luo Yuxi, "Can you be a lady? Why don't you act like a boy after giving birth to a girl?"

She rolled Zhang Xiao's eyes slightly annoyed, and Luo Yuxi was so angry that she stopped talking.

Yuecheng first paid a Gintama coin for the seat fee, and then under the watchful eyes of everyone, he bought all the steamed buns from the steamed stuffed bun stall owner, hating the teeth of the people in line behind.

The owner of the steamed stuffed bun stall is a middle-aged man in his 40s, with a fat body, and a big beer belly makes him look like a kind uncle.A look of surprise flashed across his face, and then he let a middle-aged woman behind him continue to look at the booth, and then helped Yuecheng move all the cages containing the buns.

This boss is worthy of making steamed stuffed buns, and he even moved one-third of the work of moving the cages effortlessly.Yue Cheng held the remaining two-thirds of the cages in one hand, and a rather thick white air flow lingered beside the cages, and then let Yue Cheng carry them back to the seat next to the two stacks of cages.

The crowd who were still a little noisy before became quiet in an instant, this must be a soul master!The most noble profession on the Douluo Continent is the soul master, and ordinary people have always kept a respectful distance from soul masters.

The owner of the steamed stuffed bun stall didn't say anything after helping to bring it over. He went back to the stall to maintain order, and told those who were still in line to wait a little longer.

Luo Yuxi didn't care so much, she would eat when she was hungry.

I couldn't wait to lift the lid of the cage, and the first thing that caught my eye was the steaming steaming mist. The faint heat enveloped the whole steamed stuffed bun like smoke, and then the fragrant steamed buns became faintly visible. .

Zhang Xiao's Purple Demon Eyes would not be affected by the heat, he only found out that there were ten small steamed buns in the cage the moment he opened the cage.I also immediately understood why the cage was so small, it turned out to be selling Xiaolongbao.

There are even some fine droplets of water on the wooden xiaolongbao that condense over time. The kneading part of the xiaolongbao has a simple spiral pattern, and some xiaolongbao has some oil flowing out. It looks so tempting to take a bite.

Then Zhang Xiao and Yue Cheng saw the demeanor of Luo Yuxi's God of Cookery, but in their eyes, the God of Cookery just took a bite of the bun and stopped eating.

Zhang Xiao was very surprised, "Isn't it delicious?" Luo Yuxi always eats delicious food like wind and clouds. They have never seen such a quiet atmosphere since birth. Yue Cheng even rubbed his eyes, thinking that he appeared hallucinated
"No, it's delicious, it's so delicious!" Luo Yuxi's eyes were full of happiness. Seeing her like this, Zhang Xiao also felt a long-lost feeling of happiness in his heart.Being able to look at the people he likes is very happy, which is probably the happiest thing for him.

Then, Zhang Xiao and Yue Cheng saw a pattern that Luo Yuxi was used to, but this pattern made them feel a strong sense of crisis, because if it was later, they would not be able to eat anything!

Zhang Xiao picked up the chopsticks and scooped up a small steamed bun. After taking a small bite, Zhang Xiao swallowed it in one gulp. When his teeth broke through the crystal steamed bun, the slippery fat inside flowed into his throat completely. , the taste of tender oil juice and minced meat bloomed on the tip of his tongue, and he was completely immersed in that wonderful world.

On the small table set up by the steamed stuffed bun stand, there was also a plate of balsamic vinegar and garlic juice. Luo Yuxi and Yuecheng Shuxian also impatiently picked up the steamed buns with their chopsticks, dipped them in the balsamic vinegar, and stuffed them into their mouths. It was so hot that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear, but they swallowed it without chewing.

Zhang Xiao stopped eating after eating two steamed buns, just quietly watched the two of them eating xiao long bao. The skin of the Xiaolongbao, and then sucked the delicious oil juice inside with your mouth, and then soaked it in a vinegar dish, so that the vinegar juice flowed into the Xiaolongbao, and finally put it in your mouth. It's not big in itself, so it's okay to swallow one in one bite.

And Luo Yuxi, who was next to him, didn't dare to be flattered at all. She didn't care about the vinegar and garlic juice, and she swallowed one by one, so fast that people couldn't see her movements clearly, and then piled up The Xiaolongbao just disappeared.

Those who were still in line were stunned, and one of them said, is this the legendary God of Eater?It only took a few tens of seconds, and there were at least two hundred steamed buns in that stack!

When everyone came back to their senses, it was because Luo Yuxi only had the last steamed bun left in front of her. Looking at the steamed bun tenderly, Luo Yuxi reluctantly took a bite of half of it. , some slightly hot juice splashed out.

Zhang Xiao was completely stunned because the oil splashed on his face!
(End of this chapter)

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