Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 85 Horse Riding Is Disastrous

Chapter 85 Horse Riding Is Disastrous
After feasting, the three of them left the East City Gate.

Following Yuecheng, Zhang Xiao found three fast horses outside the city gate, tied to a tree trunk and grazing with their heads down, and an old farmer-like person was watching beside them.

Could this be ours? "We ride these three horses?"

Yuecheng nodded, "I didn't expect that, I rented these three horses from others before I came yesterday, so that we can come back soon." When he said this, there was a kind of sad feeling. The expression flashed in his eyes.

Even Luo Yuxi, who was next to Yuecheng, seemed to be affected a little, and did not participate in their conversation.

Zhang Xiao walked behind them, so naturally she didn't notice, "Where are you going?"

Yuecheng took a look at Luo Yuxi, and said slowly, "Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School."

Hearing this answer, Zhang Xiao didn't react much, but the suburbs outside Shrek City reminded him of that night not long ago.The feeling of being almost separated from Yue Cheng and Luo Yuxi made him uncomfortable, as if something was stuck in his throat, but he couldn't say it out.

After walking to the side of the three horses, Yuecheng handed the old farmer a golden soul coin, and then the old farmer nodded and walked towards Shrek City.

"Get on the horse!" Yue Cheng jumped on the horse, and Zhang Xiao also jumped on the horse.But the height of the horse's back exceeded 1.8 meters, Luo Yuxi just couldn't jump on it, and then sat on the ground like a fool.

Yuecheng smiled and said: "Be careful we leave you here, we don't care if wild beasts come out to eat you at night."

"How can I be afraid of wild beasts as a soul master?" Luo Yuxi didn't know why, but she was weak when speaking, as if she was uncomfortable.

Zhang Xiao had never ridden a horse before, but he tried to control the horse a little bit, and the horse didn't repel him, but just quietly grazing with his head down, so he would be able to ride after a while.

Seeing that Luo Yuxi was still moving, Zhang Xiao jumped off the horse and walked to her side and stretched out her right hand.


"Help you go up! Isn't it impossible to go up?"

"Look at him, and then at you!" Luo Yuxi threw a provocative look at Yue Cheng while speaking.

If there was a stable boy here, he would be shocked, because after Zhang Xiao got off Luo Yuxi's horse, he walked behind his own horse.

Just as Yue Cheng was about to pull the rein and gallop away, a scream of "Ah—" sounded from behind him.

Both of them looked at Zhang Xiao lying on the ground with all four feet in the air in silence, while the horse's hind hooves were still raised.Obviously, Zhang Xiao was kicked by the horse, and not lightly.

When he came out today, he only wore a white vest, but on his chest, there was an extra horseshoe print.Because the outskirts of Shrek City are in the suburbs, the rain in midsummer is very majestic, and there is a downpour all at once, so the soil in the suburbs is also extremely wet, and the horseshoes are all wet soil, and that imprint is left on Zhang Xiaobai at this time on the vest.

Standing up with a wry smile, Zhang Xiao saw Luo Yuxi's gloating expression, and couldn't help shaking her head helplessly.

Seeing his embarrassing look, Yuecheng laughed, "I feel like you were unlucky today, and you were kicked by a horse just after you came out."

"Why did it kick me?" Zhang Xiao asked suspiciously, except for some knowledge about soul masters, he didn't know much about anything else.

Luo Yuxi grinned, "Horses are easily frightened, and you must never walk behind them."

"It looks amazing."

"That's right, Zili and I went out to play together, and I don't know how many times I have ridden a horse. It's just that I can't get up all the time, and I always ask Zili to help me up." Speaking of this, Luo Yuxi shrugged helplessly. Shrugged, "I haven't seen Zili for a long time."

Zhang Xiao put his hands on the ground and jumped up. This time, he carefully walked around in front of the horse, and then turned to the side to get on the horse.

After sitting on the horseback, he breathed a sigh of relief. His buttock had just fallen in the morning, and it was really bad luck that he fell again.

"Let's go!" Luo Yuxi shouted happily in the empty suburb.

Zhang Xiao followed behind them and thought to himself, they should know how to ride a horse, otherwise they wouldn't be both galloping like flying, but she would be dragged by the horse to slide on the ground!

"Horse riding is a tragedy! I must not be the last one!" Zhang Xiao comforted himself.

Zhang Xiao wanted to let go, but he was afraid that the horse would run away, so he tied the reins of the horse to his hand!A long gully appeared behind them shockingly like this, and it is still extending
After an unknown amount of time, the three of them ran across the wide suburbs and long mountain roads, and came to a huge water pool. Zhang Xiao was a little drowsy at first, but when he saw the lake, he was terrified , This is the disadvantage of being naturally afraid of water.

There was a sly look in the eyes of Yuecheng and Luo Yuxi, but Zhang Xiao was so frightened that he ran quickly. He must look very strange when being dragged by a horse, because Yuecheng and Luo Yuxi looked back and looked at him. Leaning forward and backward with a smile.

However, Zhang Xiao still didn't jump on the horse before the horse entered the pool, and was dragged into the pool.

The pool was not deep, and it didn't even completely submerge the horse's legs. The water splashed violently, the crystal waves splashed, and the mane on the horse was all wet, and Zhang Xiao's appearance really made people laugh. With his eyes closed, the water waves kept rolling Washing his face, his clothes were all soaked.

With his strength, he can hold the horse, but there is a prerequisite for that, at least he must stand firm, but he has been dragged by the galloping horse to "cultivate the land", and it is difficult to stand still.

Finally, the three of them passed through the water pool, and the three horses stopped, shaking the water droplets on their bodies constantly. Zhang Xiao took the opportunity to untie the reins quickly, and then breathed heavily as if he had passed out.

Zhang Xiao accidentally glanced at himself on the pool. The sparkling water reflected a faint luster under the sun, and he suddenly found that his face had become much fairer.

"What's going on here?" Zhang Xiao looked at the pool very puzzled. He found that when he washed up in the morning, his skin was still slightly bronzed, but after passing through the pool, his skin color changed.

The Blue Silver Grass shoots out a vine-like leaf body casually, the blue veins of the leaves glow with a little vivid luster, the Blue Silver Grass dives into the water, disappears, and rolls into a solid sharp shuttle in the bottom of the water, shuttling around, Finally, it broke through the water and raised its leaf body.

Zhang Xiao glanced at it, surprised and inexplicable, some dirty black spots were attached to Ye's body, like maggots attached to the bones.

The spiritual power of the heavens and the earth in this place is somewhat abnormal. I don't know if there are some vicious soul beasts occupying this place, and only if there is such a change in the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth.

The sun shone on a water curtain, and the faint golden light shone dazzlingly. Zhang Xiao walked to that water curtain and stood still to observe.

(End of this chapter)

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