Chapter 86
I saw a few ancient small characters engraved on a stone about half a meter high on the shore of the shallow water.

Lingyuan water pool?Zhang Xiao was very puzzled, he had never heard of this pool before, "Have you heard of it?"

Yuecheng shook his head, "I don't know much about it. I only know that this place is the only way to enter the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School. Since the seclusion, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School has disappeared, and few people can see their traces."

Luo Yuxi also nodded, and said, "I have never heard of the origin of this pool, but I think it is very strange."

Looking at the ripples on the water surface, Zhang Xiao felt a special sense of crisis instantly spread to every corner of his body. It was completely touched by the spiritual world. He couldn't explain why he felt this way, but he instinctively believed in his own. Feel.

When the tiptoe touches the water, the whole figure suddenly becomes unreal like smoke, leaving a faint afterimage in the air.In the next moment, a huge figure rushed out of the not-so-deep pool, a huge water curtain rose into the sky, and waves splashed around.

Zhang Xiao had already escaped from the range it could cover when the water curtain surged into the sky because of the timely cast of the ghost shadow fascination.

After the black shadow rushed out of the water, it allowed its body to hit the water heavily. Then, the black shadow suddenly swung its rear tail, and the thick tail was like a rattan whip towards Luo Yuxi. The position is whipped away.

"Be careful!" Zhang Xiao raised his right hand suddenly, and dozens of blue and silver grasses swarmed out from the ground, wrapping around the black shadow in an instant. After this brief contact, Zhang Xiao saw clearly the black shadow that suddenly attacked .

It turned out to be a giant turquoise snake at least 20 meters away, and its shape was completely different from ordinary snakes. The tail of ordinary snakes is pointed, but the tail of this snake in front of me is like a pair of scissors. Divide in two, forming a bifurcated shape.

Yue Cheng's pupils froze suddenly. The cultivation of such a long snake must have surpassed the level of a soul emperor, so they couldn't even leave alive.

Waves of blue-purple snake electricity flowed across Yue Cheng's body, and he roared up to the sky. The purple-haired boy's height instantly soared to more than three meters, his muscles suddenly swelled, and the Hurricane Thunder Leopard spirit instantly possessed him, and the second spirit ring under his feet shone brightly. A bolt of thunder and magnetism burst out suddenly, heading straight for the giant snake wrapped around the blue silver grass.

The finely divided blue runes hovered in the air at high speed, turning into a noose-like form and caged towards the giant cyan snake.Yuecheng's right fist was clenched suddenly, the blue rune was tightened suddenly, and the giant cyan snake continuously emitted magnetic and electric sounds.

Luo Yuxi's Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda was released, and the dense brilliance flickered with blurred colors. In this short period of time, two rays of light shot out towards Yue Cheng.

Yue Cheng felt that his own strength and speed had increased by about 30.00%. Zhang Xiao felt that his blue silver grass was tied to a thorny thorn all over. up.

He never thought that this giant snake was so powerful. The moment Zhang Xiao's blue silver grass restrained the giant blue snake, he realized that this snake was poisonous, but he had to hold on to it.

A dark blue circle of light converged and formed under Yuecheng's feet, strange lines began to rotate slowly, small rays of light rose and merged, and finally formed a circle of regular rings on the corner of Yuecheng's forehead, from the corner of the corner The bottom of the hole began to push towards the tip, and finally turned into a little explosive thunder point containing infinite terror.

I saw all the blue-purple light spots bursting out in an instant, turning into a terrifying force and soaring into the sky. At this time, under the body of the giant cyan snake, a dark blue light circle also appeared, with strange lines slowly turn.

The terrifying power that seemed to be able to tear everything apart easily, seemed to have eyes, and slammed into the position of the giant snake without any deviation.


The blue snake electricity was running around, and even the depths of Yue Cheng's eyes were covered with a layer of faint lightning-colored light. Zhang Xiao could see that this was a manifestation of power out of control, and Yue Cheng became the one who increased the power of the mysterious thunder bite. , and even raised his strength beyond what he could bear.

However, the giant snake seemed to be unharmed. After twisting the snake a few times, it broke Zhang Xiao's blue silver grass, and rushed towards Luo Yuxi like an arrow.

A icy killing intent flashed in Zhang Xiao's eyes, the first soul ring flashed suddenly, the spider web bound instantly, several strands of blue and silver grass intertwined into a huge spider web, appeared in front of the giant snake without warning, the giant snake Because the speed was too fast, he couldn't stop, and directly hit the spider web.

Yuecheng's limbs convulsed a little, and it was not a good feeling to taste the power of his own lightning.Pushing the soul power to run with all its strength, a mass of blue light burst out from between Yue Cheng's brows, and under the body of the giant cyan snake, a circular thunder circle with a radius of more than five meters was instantly formed.

The third soul ring shone brightly, and countless lightning bolts shot up into the sky in the circular area, stabbing upwards like sharp knives, not having actual piercing damage, but having unparalleled paralyzing damage.

No matter how powerful his cultivation is, as long as he is hit by Yuecheng's third soul skill, he will be paralyzed for at least a second.

Apparently, the giant blue python in front of him was also hit. At this time, the lightning force ran on his snake, and fell into a short-term paralysis.

Yuecheng suddenly waved to Luo Yuxi and Zhang Xiao, "Run!"

Yuecheng pulled Luo Yuxi up, jumped on a horse, and fled towards the valley, "Brother!" Hearing Luo Yuxi's shout, Yuecheng suddenly realized that Zhang Xiao didn't run away, it wasn't that he didn't run away, Instead, the giant snake had wrapped around his body.

The huge snake kept squeezing Zhang Xiao. Zhang Xiao felt that he was going to be out of breath. It wasn't that he didn't want to run. When the giant snake rushed up, the emerald on his body fell off. It was his parents. How could he throw away the only token left behind.

When the giant snake picked up the jade, the paralysis effect had already disappeared, and Zhang Xiao's restraint with blue silver grass didn't even have any effect on the giant snake.The giant snake was entangled by the blue silver grass just now because the blue silver grass appeared too suddenly, and it had already been entangled last time, so naturally it was more careful.

Yuecheng turned around in an instant, raised his whip and galloped back, but he had already run a hundred meters, and when he wanted to go back again, the giant snake had already opened its bloody mouth and swallowed Zhang Xiao.

"Asshole!" Yue Cheng was furious.

Luo Yuxi's eye sockets became blurry in an instant, brother, don't worry!In her eyes, it seemed that everything outside had slowed down.

(End of this chapter)

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