Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 93 Resurrection from the Dead?

Chapter 93 Resurrection from the Dead?
Overlooking from a high place, you can have a panoramic view of the green. It is early morning, and there is still a touch of fish-belly white in the distant sky. The fresh air makes people feel refreshed, and the rich fragrance in the soil hits the nostrils.

The morning mist was a little hazy, and looking down from the sky, one could vaguely see ten figures on the top of the mountain, judging from their stature, they were not yet adults.

There is a slight disharmony among these ten figures, because nine figures are standing, but the last figure is lying down, and it seems to be lying in a coffin, and the lid of the coffin is half on top of the coffin, and there is no cover superior.

The surface of the entire coffin looks brown, but there is always a touch of golden yellow in it. The wood texture is soft and fine, and the lines are smooth and smooth. It is probably a very precious wood.

Standing on an uneven boulder, a young girl stared into the distance and said desolately: "The coffin is made of huanghuali. It has a fragrance. I wonder if he can smell it."

Behind her, the eight boys and girls were silent, all lowered their heads thinking about something.

After a long time, a young girl whose skin was like tender lotus root was sobbing and crying: "I just saw my cousin not long ago, why... what happened to him?" Because he was a little choked up, some of what he said was unresponsive. Intermittent, probably did not hear clearly, the people around did not speak.

After a moment of silence, a purple-haired boy suppressed his grief and said slowly: "Bury him, so that he can be buried in peace." Every time he said a word, his tone began to change to varying degrees. The pain may be deep or shallow, hidden in it.

As he grew older, the purple-haired boy couldn't let go of his only younger brother, even though he picked it up, and the one lying in the coffin at this time was none other than Zhang Xiao.

With tears in his eyes, Yuecheng couldn't help thinking of the unforgettable scene in his life:

Above the black hall, a man wearing a cloak handed a four or five-year-old child to him who was only six years old, "Remember, he will be your younger brother in the future, you must protect him."

Even his happy expression at that time can be vividly remembered, Yue Cheng's heart seemed to be hollowed out.

He doted on Zhang Xiao since he was a child, and he agreed to Zhang Xiao's requests without thinking about it, and never allowed anyone to bully Zhang Xiao. a younger brother.

Thinking of this, Yue Cheng's nails were unconsciously inserted into the palm of his hand, and several streams of blood flowed from his hand to the fingertips, and then slowly fell down.

Not long after, the morning fog dissipated and the sun was shining brightly. The venomous sun seemed to be burning the earth. Under such a sun, nine teenagers were digging with shovels in the soil on the top of the mountain. Regardless of the scorching sun.

Sweat was dripping down their cheeks, and several girls wiped away the gushing sweat with their sleeves from time to time, but they still didn't stop.

After a long time, they gradually stopped what they were doing, and one of them said, "Lift it."

No one answered, silence lay between them again, and the atmosphere gradually became a little more subtle.

At this time, Yuecheng couldn't help but flashed the scene of arguing with Luo Yuxi a few days ago.

Yuecheng sighed softly, "You know exactly what I said was angry."

With eyes in a daze, Luo Yuxi murmured in a low voice: "He's still alive, right?"

"Write a letter tomorrow, and call Zili and the others over." Yue Cheng shook his head helplessly, the world is unpredictable, and no one wants to see such a thing happen.

Luo Yuxi didn't make a sound, turned around, left the room, and walked straight to the main hall of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Although Yuecheng was surprised, she didn't ask any more questions. After about a cup of tea, Luo Yuxi returned to the room, and there were two more letters in her white hands. On the surface of the envelope was written "recommendation letter" three times. big characters.
"Carry it." A trace of sadness flashed in a pair of deep black pupils. Seeing that no one spoke, Chen Ling broke the deadlock helplessly.

It turned out that after Luo Yuxi wrote the letter, the five of Ouyang Zili couldn't help but come, and even Tang Qinyao and Xiao Ning, who were in the same class as Ouyang Zili, asked for leave and came here after hearing about it, so there is only one person on the top of the mountain. There are as many as ten figures.

First put the coffin lid on the ground, and then the nine people worked together to lift the coffin and gently put it into the dug earth pit. Because the soil was dug on a platform on the mountain, everyone was very cautious, and it would be troublesome if it caused a fault .

The pit was four meters long and three meters wide, and about two meters deep. Even if they were soul masters, it took them a long time to carry the coffin into the pit.

Luo Yuxi and Yue Cheng lifted the coffin lid, and gave Zhang Xiao one last look. Luo Yuxi gritted her teeth and put the coffin lid on Zhang Xiao with her own hands.

Yuecheng used the paw of a leopard to drive the nails into the coffin lid, climbed out of the pit, and everyone slowly picked up the shovel and filled the pit with the excavated soil.

Gradually, the soil buried half of the coffin; after a while, the soil was flush with the surface of the coffin lid; after a while, the soil had completely covered the coffin, and the shadow of the coffin could no longer be seen from the outside.

Luo Yuxi's movements slowed down at first, and she even stopped filling the soil, her soft eyes flashed with determination.

No one knew what she was thinking, if Yuecheng knew, he would regret it, Luo Yuxi decided to go to Lingyuan Pool by herself!And when Yuecheng was arguing with her, he brought up this matter, but Yuecheng never expected that his angry words almost became a word.

Seeing Luo Yuxi not moving, the others also stopped.

Just when everyone was hesitating, a strange muffled sound came from under their feet without warning.

"Boom! Boom!".
A muffled sound suddenly sounded, and then disappeared without a trace.

Luo Yuxi's eyes suddenly brightened, "Xiao Xiao!" Before he finished speaking, he rushed out like a whirlwind, quickly dug out the soil with a shovel, and then threw it back.

The eyes of Yue Cheng and several others turned red. After all, people cannot be resurrected after death, so Luo Yuxi probably has mental problems like this.

While digging, Luo Yuxi muttered, "Xiao Xiao, wait, my sister will bring you out soon. Is it dark inside? I know, you have been afraid of the dark since you were young."

Because the digging was too fast, some dirt stuck to her arms, and her pretty face, which was originally very beautiful, looked more simple, but the beauty that belonged to her was still clearly revealed.

After a while, several cubic meters of soil were dug out by Luo Yuxi alone. The soil was just lower than the coffin lid, so Luo Yuxi stopped digging. She knew that if it was later, Zhang Xiao would have to stay in the dark more a while.

But at this time, there was no sound in the coffin, everyone looked at each other, Yue Cheng said: "I heard wrong, Yu Xi, let's let him have a good burial."

Luo Yuxi rolled his eyes at him, did not speak, and was about to open the coffin, but the coffin lid had already been nailed to death by Yue Cheng.

Without even hesitating, without any tools, Luo Yuxi just used her fingernails to dig up the coffin lid. Although she is an auxiliary soul master and has no other abilities, her strength is still superior to ordinary people.

There were eye-catching and sad blood flowing down Bai Nen's arm, but Luo Yuxi didn't seem to notice it, even Yuecheng and the boys saw it, and they all trembled violently.

Luo Yuxi did what they dared not do.

The bright red blood flow is like a psychedelic picture scroll, with no clouds and rains, but only the unforgettable concern and lingering for a person.

(End of this chapter)

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