Douluo continent's ice remote hidden bottle

Chapter 94 Then You Still Want to Bury Me That Much

Chapter 94 Then You Still Want to Bury Me That Much

In the darkness, Zhang Xiao slowly opened his stinging eyes, his whole mind was still in a state of dizziness.

Where is this?A big question mark appeared in Zhang Xiao's heart.

The meaning of ice-cold permeates.

"It's so cold!" Zhang Xiao couldn't see his fingers, and Zhang Xiao didn't know that he was buried in the coffin
Lightly tapped the partition next to his hand twice, and then there were two muffled bangs.

"Boom! Boom!" Another dull sound sounded without warning.

This time, it was much clearer than last time, everyone's eyes became brighter, could it be
Yue Cheng also jumped into the pit with one leap, pulled Luo Yuxi away, and the Hurricane Thunder Leopard Martial Soul instantly possessed him, and with a slap of the huge leopard paw, the entire coffin lid flew out.

Everyone rushed forward, lowered their heads, and looked at the person lying in the coffin.

So bright!This was Zhang Xiao's first feeling, and then the things in front of him were blindingly white, and he couldn't see anything.

Everyone was a little dumbfounded, didn't they die?

Looking at the pale young man covering his eyes with his hands in the coffin, Luo Yuxi had mixed feelings in his heart, not only surprises, but also indescribable feelings.

At this moment, everyone was just waiting quietly for Zhang Xiao to wake up. At this moment, they were still in an unbelievable state. A person died without breathing, and then came back to life?
At noon, the sun's rays became more and more intense, and everyone felt hot when they went down the mountain.

"You can't leave me anymore." Holding Zhang Xiao's arm tightly, Luo Yuxi said aggrievedly.

Zhang Xiao suddenly remembered how they were sweating profusely while holding a shovel in their hands, so she couldn't help smiling embarrassingly, "Then you still want to bury me so much."

Everyone: "."

But for some reason, Tang Qinyao, who called Zhang Xiao her cousin just now, had an imperceptible sense of loneliness in her eyes.

Xu Minghao and Taitong walked at the end, whispering to each other: "Brother Xiao is really powerful, the dead can become alive."

A look of displeasure flashed across Yue Cheng's face in front of them, and he turned around: "You want to try too?" Although he didn't understand how Zhang Xiao and Luo Yuxi made such friends, Yue Cheng also Didn't say much.

Not long after, everyone went down the mountain and walked towards Shrek City along a path.

The crowd had walked for thirty to forty kilometers before stopping to rest. At this time, it was approaching dusk, and the sunset glow was rendered golden, and the sunlight became much softer.

"The three of us still have some things to do, so we won't go back to the academy, you go back first." Yue Cheng said to Tang Qinyao and the others.

There was a trace of strangeness in Xiaoning's eyes, "What are you doing?"

"Go to the auction." Although a little weak, Zhang Xiao still has no problem speaking.

"Okay, I'm going too, anyway, I'm not going back." Xiao Ning said happily.

"I'll follow my cousin too." Tang Qinyao spoke in a calm tone, as if there was no disturbance in her heart.

Xu Minghao, Taitong, and Mo Binglin, the three wretched partners, nodded wildly in agreement.

On the other hand, Chen Ling thought for a moment, "We only took five days off, and we will be fired if we go back late."

Two days later,
Looking at the gate of Nanhai City, Zhang Xiao and the others sighed in their hearts. This is the place where they grew up!
It turned out that what Yuecheng was talking about was returning to the auction house in South China Sea City. Because he had lived here before, he was quite familiar with the auction house here. In order to save unnecessary trouble, they decided to visit South China Sea. city ​​auction house.

Xu Minghao and Taitong didn't go home, they followed Zhang Xiao and the others home carelessly, which made Yuecheng's head full of black lines, should they come to live in our house?There are so many people, why do you look so reasonable?

Ouyang Zili didn't know why, but a look of displeasure flashed across her face, and she just quietly followed behind the crowd.

Soon, everyone came to a mansion that occupied a huge area. Looking at the wooden gate, Xiao Ning said to Zhang Xiao carelessly: "This is your home?"

Luo Yuxi said unkindly: "It's our family."

Looking at their appearance, Zhang Xiao was filled with emotions, and thought that heaven and man would say goodbye forever, but it turned out that the saying that there is no unparalleled road to man is true.

With great momentum, a group of people entered Zhang Xiao's house.

Entering the compound, except for Zhang Xiao and Luo Yuxi who didn't make any screams of surprise, everyone else let out a burst of tsk-tsk.

Except for Xiao Ning and Tang Qinyao, even Chen Ling and others who were in the same class had never visited their house.

Mo Binglin and Taitong thought their family was rich enough, but their mansion was definitely not as good as the environment here.

In the corridor built by high-quality wooden piles, all kinds of flowers are blooming in the corridor. As soon as you enter the yard, you will feel a faint fragrance. A pleasing feeling.

There is even a small pool in the middle of the yard, which surprised Zhang Xiao and Luo Yuxi. When did there have an extra pool in the house?
Unknowingly, he entered the hall, and a handsome maidservant came out from inside upon hearing the sound.

Still holding a broom in her hand, she should be cleaning the room, a gleam of joy suddenly appeared on her face, "Second Young Master! Miss!"

Zhang Xiao walked to her side with a smile, and gave her a polite hug, "Sister."

The girl's face was reddish, she lowered her head, and said softly, "Hmm."

Luo Yuxi pursed her lips and whispered to Zhang Xiao's ear, "Don't have any other ideas about her, you know?"

Feeling the slightly hot breath, Zhang Xiao didn't know whether to be happy or worried. Be happy, Luo Yuxi cares about her very much, worry, this Luo Yuxi thinks too much, how could she be so fond of this young girl? What other thoughts do you have for a girl who is considered an older sister?

Xiao Ning frowned slightly, the girl in front of her looked like she was only in her early 20s, why was she working as a servant in Zhang Xiao's house by herself.Yue Cheng's brows were directly twisted into a twine, good guy, just ignore him?

Fortunately, the girl didn't know what they were thinking, and said enthusiastically: "Everyone wait in the living room for a while, and I will clean up your room." After finishing speaking, the girl diligently poured tea for ten of them, and then Hurry upstairs to tidy up their room.

Looking around at everything in the room, Zhang Xiao knew that this sister was really diligent, and even the dust on the walls of the room had been cleaned off.It's not that he doesn't trust this sister, but that he is afraid that she will be tired if she is too serious.

After a while, the girl came down from the upstairs, and said with a smile, "I'll make some delicious food for you, please wait a little longer." After saying that, she happily went to the kitchen.Just a moment later, the tempting aroma of vegetables wafted from the kitchen, and Taitong's saliva flowed three thousand feet, causing everyone to laugh.

In the kitchen, the girl was in an extremely happy mood. She had stayed in this house for more than two months, and the loneliness and loneliness in the middle of the night made her almost unbearable.Moreover, she didn't realize it herself. After discovering that Zhang Xiao had returned, her mood changed drastically.

The dinner was very sumptuous. Hairy crabs, braised lobsters, sweet and sour chicken drumsticks and many other delicacies were brought to the table. Then Zhang Xiao realized what a wrong decision it was to bring them home. They were all hungry wolves. It seems that even a few beauties gorged themselves regardless of their image.

On the other hand, Zhang Xiao and Luo Yuxi, the two usual big foodies, watched them gorging on their food in a daze.
(End of this chapter)

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