Chapter 202
Morning sunlight streamed in through the open windows, brightening the simple furnishings.A neatly arranged bookcase, a writing desk with everything in order, and the rest is only the sleepy-eyed master lying down.

Brad didn't return to his room until two o'clock last night—or early this morning.Of course, in order not to wake up the sleeping Felicia, he walked through the window.

Although the spirit is very exhausted, not all people go out to kill someone in the middle of the night - although that person is a heinous crime - and then go home and fall asleep with a pillow.Brad roughly estimated that he didn't fall asleep until around 03:30 in the morning.

He sat up, tried his best to focus his eyes, and looked at the alarm clock, the time was seven thirty three.I was supposed to get up at seven o'clock, but it was a little late.

With his heavy body, he put on the clothes in a few seconds. The upper body is wearing a fleece sweater with a hood, and white sneakers are the most comfortable choice for running besides the uniform.

As he went down the stairs, he heard the voices of young men and women coming from the kitchen.This is not a rare thing, since Abt was lost at home, Parker came to accompany Fecia almost every morning early in the morning, and they always prepared breakfast together.

To be honest, Brad was very grateful to Parker.He knew that his brother was very incompetent, and he was always away when Fecia lost her father and needed him the most. It was Parker's company that allowed her to successfully go through this difficult period.

"What? Are you talking about that philanthropist, Mr. Wilson Fisk?" Fethia's shocked voice made Brad stop on the third-to-last step, and listen carefully.

Parker's voice sounded: "Yes, he was murdered last night. The media should report it today. I heard it when I was listening to the police's dialogue channel last night."

Parker, like in the movie, has a radio that listens to police conversations to determine his patrol routes, so he's better informed than the media on some fronts.

Fecia lowered her voice: "So... have you gone to see the gentleman's body?"

There was no response, and Brad guessed that Parker should have nodded.

"It's miserable." Parker said after a while, "He was thrown from over a hundred floors onto the roof of his car."

"My God!" exclaimed Felicia, "who. I'm sorry, I can't figure it out. Who would want to kill such a great philanthropist? I mean. He's a good man."

"Yeah, he's a nice guy."

Then, both of them were silent.

Brad listened to their conversation calmly before continuing to walk down.

As expected, crime lord Wilson Fisk died, one of the rare good men in this world.And this person who hides in the dark and upholds justice is the murderer who killed such a "good man". Most people probably think so, right?

But what people think doesn't matter.

The important thing is that the person who did this can have a clear conscience and have done the right thing.

"Brother?" Fethia noticed her brother who was going downstairs, put down what she was doing and leaned over, "When did you come back? I waited for you yesterday until I fell asleep and didn't see you come back."

Brad said guiltily, "I'm sorry. I know you must be very angry. I haven't fulfilled my due responsibilities since my father left."

"What are you talking about, bro." Fessia said with her eyes widened, "You are the one who should be cared about.

I know that Dad's business is difficult for both of us, but Peter has been by my side these days, and I have someone I can talk to and rely on whenever I want.But bro, you don't, you always walk alone and don't say anything to anyone.If this kind of thing is held in the heart too much, it will make people broken. "

Brad looked at Felicia's green eyes, and his heart was filled with emotion.

"So let us help you, bro."

Brad smiled, shaking his head with a gentle smile on his face.

"I guess I'm just different," he said half-jokingly, "I'm fine, thank you, Fezia."

Then he turned to Parker again: "Thank you, too, for spending so much time with her."

The neighborhoods of New York were surprisingly lively today, perhaps more so than any other day.

Walk anywhere and there are people parading everywhere.

It’s like an eruption negotiated by people who have been suppressed for a long time. Everyone chooses to walk on the street on such a day, to show the power of the masses in an ancient and effective way of marching, and to democratize as their strongest Armed combat.

Every inch of air in the city was ignited by anger and heated up sharply.Anger and dissatisfaction spread quickly like an infectious disease, friction and fire in the air made the temperature soar.The scorching sun seemed to be fueling the flames for them too, roasting the earth like a steamer, and the rising heat ignited the dissatisfaction even more.

This was an unprecedented scale. It seemed that everyone in the whole city was involved in this grand banquet. Everyone ran to the street and blocked the block.

why?What are people rioting for and leading to national demonstrations?

This is what is most bizarre and incomprehensible about today's parade.This is not just a single parade, but a large pattern composed of many parades all over the city.Yes, each of them has a different purpose.Some people are using the sign of reducing taxes, some are shouting that a certain official should step down, and some idlers are even playing the sign of "kill the Avengers as soon as possible".

There is no agreement, but all the teams have chosen to run away today.Police officers and even reserve police officers in New York have been mobilized, and riot police can be seen everywhere like a vegetable seller, but there are still not enough manpower.

It's like, someone gave the city a dose of steroids.

With his hands in his trouser pockets, Brad walked along the sidewalk in Lower Manhattan, among the loud, chaotic crowd.The only young man who didn't form a faction with anyone around him seemed so out of place.

Walking on the street, Brad felt as if he had walked into a hodgepodge of negative emotions, with anger and shouts everywhere, everyone trying to show their angriest side, pouring it on the police officers who maintained order, so as to This is to show your fearlessness, and once as a mask to disguise your own soul.

Through the mask, Brad could feel the emotion called fear spreading.Everyone is afraid. It was just a little thing in life, but it is suddenly multiplied by someone. After all the fear is ignited, the way for people to fight fear is to unite and take to the streets holding up signs to tell There is nothing to be afraid of yourself.

But this couldn't hide the deep panic.

Ignoring all the chaotic people around him, Brad walked through the clamoring crowd and felt an obvious strangeness, as if everyone was terrified of something coming for no reason.Riots are like cats and dogs acting abnormally when they feel something before an earthquake.

This is a harbinger of disaster.

A group of big black men with baseball bats in their hands jumped out, shouting arrogantly.The leading black man stopped in front of Brad, shouting like a buffoon on a stage.He spoke too fast, and at the same time mixed with some unknown accent, it is impossible to know exactly what he said, only roughly sure that he seems to be still dissatisfied with the treatment of black people in the United States or something.

Of course, this is usually not a reason to do something to a white male passing by on the street.

But today is different.

The burly black man raised his baseball bat high and smashed it down with a group of people screaming strangely.

In an instant, the field of super speed opened unconsciously, and even the air pressure and wind blade scraped by the baseball bat were stopped by the field of absolute speed.Brad watched the baseball bat fall towards him at a slow speed, and even had time to study the tense muscles on the big man's arm, as well as the face that was trying to be ferocious.

But from the depths of the dark pupils, it was still impossible to conceal the fear from the bottom of my heart.

Brad turned sideways lightly, and his footsteps seemed to stumble "inadvertently" on the black man's advancing route, and the strong man immediately fell into the mud.

Several people didn't see the kid's movements clearly, they only regarded it as the boss's mistake, and rushed forward with the weapons in their hands.

There was a flash of electricity in the pupils, a dagger stabbing at him in the chest, the steel pipe approaching quickly behind him, and the two baseball bats all approached slowly as if slowing down the camera.

He tried his best to control his movements within the speed that humans could achieve, clamped the wrist of a hand holding a baseball bat with both hands, slipped under the guy's armpit, and fell over his shoulder, knocking the guy to the ground.Then he shifted the direction of another baseball bat so that it collided with that section of steel pipe unfortunately, and a sweep kick knocked them down one after another.

In the end, he snatched back the stabbing dagger and restrained the opponent's joint with one hand.

Brad has read a lot of books after gaining super speed, and his knowledge of human body structure may surpass that of professional doctors.His fingers were clasped at the joints of the younger black man's hand, and with a little force, the man howled incessantly, and the dagger fell to the ground.

"Sorry sorry. We didn't mean to."

The man's nose and tears flowed out at the same time, the anger he had pretended to be before was gone, and the real fear in his heart burst out like a flood, and it all showed on his face.

With just a little effort from Brad, this hand can be disabled.

But he didn't do that. Instead, he let go of the other party, silently watching these guys who had been beaten to the ground flee.

Because there's no need, it's just a group of people who have lived their lives oppressed for far too long, and are frightened and trying to prove their mettle and protect themselves in ridiculous ways.

Just like my former self.

(End of this chapter)

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