New Flash Marvel Reborn

Chapter 203 Odin's Arrival

Chapter 203 Odin's Arrival
Avengers Building.

The automatic door on the top floor swung open, and at the same time Jarvis' smart reminder sounded at the door: "Welcome back, Flash."

The Avengers gathered on this floor all looked over strangely, and were surprised to see Brad strolling in in casual clothes.

"What? Is there something wrong with me?" Brad glanced at everyone and asked.

"No, of course not." Hawkeye glanced at the Black Widow beside him, "It's just... you don't usually come in like this."

Tony also echoed, "Yeah. You suddenly stopped playing the trick of disappearing and reappearing all of a sudden. You're really not used to it."

"Because I'm thinking about something today." Brad replied casually, "I'm thinking about something that is more effective than thinking about it while running."

"Welcome back, Dr. Banner."

Jarvis really deserves to be Tony's housekeeper's smart housekeeper. His database seems to distinguish Banner and Hulk very well.The man in the plaid shirt and oversized jeans that appeared behind the door was really Dr. Banner.

"Hey, nice to see you, big guy," Tony greeted.

Banner nodded and walked up to Brad.

"It doesn't look like there's any aliens coming to smash the earth lately or crazy robots trying to tear us apart, so... I think I need a vacation."

Brad looked at him, tiredness and restraint read in that face.

After joining the Avengers, Banner's transformation time has been extended exponentially, which is very detrimental to his own personality.According to the manga, Banner, whose consciousness has been locked inside his body for a long time, is like being locked in an empty dark room, enduring boundless loneliness.

So it is understandable that he wants to go to a place far away from the city and enjoy the life without transforming into Hulk.

"One day is fine," he added.

Tony touched Thor's arm beside him: "Is it still fake for us to do this?"

To the surprise of others, Brad agreed without thinking: "Of course, there is no problem. Everyone needs private time to rest, and that's a matter of course."

Dr. Banner smiled gratifiedly, "Thank you."

"That sentence really shouldn't come out of someone's mouth." Tony said, "In my opinion, you are the one who needs the most rest."

Rogers also said to Brad: "Stark is right about this, you might as well give yourself a vacation or something, it is also beneficial to maintain the energy of the soldiers."

"No, I'm fine. My energy is also high." Brad said, turning to Hawkeye, "So Hawkeye, is it okay for you to spend a day with the doctor?"

"What? Me?" Hawkeye was a little surprised, and just about to decline, he understood Brad's meaning after a little thought.

"Well, maybe I do need a day when I don't have to save the world," Hawkeye said.

Everyone can see that this is actually a tactful order to Hawkeye to keep an eye on Dr. Banner in case he turns green and bigger and pokes out something.But Banner himself has no objection, because even he himself dare not say that he is [-]% sure to suppress Hulk.

"Then shall we pack up and leave now? How about I take you to the shooting range and teach you archery?"

Dr. Banner waved his hand and said, "Forget about that kind of sport, I still choose to go fishing."

"Please, you're so boring."

Without warning, an extremely bright light descended from the sky, and the strong light that could burn the retina tore the dome, releasing the brightness of the whole body as if to compete with the golden sun in the sky.

A thick and huge beam of light descended from the sky, pierced down vertically, and aimed directly at the top of the Avengers Building.All the demonstrators on the ground stopped arguing for a while, and without exception raised their heads to watch this rare sight that has never been seen in a century.

The instrument was beeping desperately, and the energy intensity was almost off the chart.The Avengers immediately rushed to the top floor and witnessed this huge beam of light vertically lowered from mid-air.

Thor's expression was solemn, his eyes were hot and staring at Ying Ying so painfully that his eyes were full of light, as if he was waiting for the person or thing inside to appear.

The blinding light dissipated, and the huge beam of light carved strange magical runes on the temporary "A" printed on the top floor of the Avengers Building.An old man stood in the center of the rune, dressed in golden armor, holding a spear exuding an unknown atmosphere in his hand, with a hooked nose, gray hair, and a white beard that could almost touch his chest.

"Who is this?" Tony asked.

"My father," Thor said, "Odin the All-Knowing Father."

Except for Brad, the rest of the people were taken aback and looked at the old man again.After confirming that what he held in his hand might really be Odin's artifact Gungnir in mythology, and feeling the breath of the king exuding silently, they finally believed that this was the legendary omnipotent heavenly father Odin. Ding.

Tony said friendlyly: "Hello, I am your son Thor's comrade in arms."

Odin completely ignored the Tin Woodman, didn't even glance at it, as if he and his son were the only ones on top of the building.

Thor half knelt down, put his hands on his knees and performed the etiquette of Asgard: "Father, what are you doing in the courtyard?"

"Of course I'll pick you up." Odin said in a calm manner, but there was an unquestionable order in his voice.

"No, there are still many things worth learning in the atrium, and the atrium still needs my protection. I can't go now." Thor still half-kneeled and explained.

Odin snorted: "I knew you would say that, which is why I came to call you myself instead of sending someone to do it for you. I'm afraid you have no choice this time, Thor. You must go with me."

Thor stood up, his face sank: "Why?"

"A very important thing will happen in Asgard. The situation is very urgent. You must return to Asgard immediately."

Thor was taken aback, then shook his head again and said, "If Asgard has something important to do, how can you, as the father of the gods, walk away?"

Odin's face also darkened: "I knew it would take a lot of work to bring you back, but this time you have to go, no matter what method you use."

Thor froze for a moment.No, it was absolutely not because he was intimidated by his father or something, but because he had never seen his father so unreasonable, he insisted on taking him back without even giving a reasonable reason.

But Thor, the god of thunder, made Odin most proud and troublesome, because he was fearless, even to the point of recklessness.He lifted Thor's Hammer and said, "Then I will show you my determination, father!"

The two gods were at war, and the fierce sun was covered by dark clouds before the battle began.The temperature of the earth, which was still as hot as a steam oven just now, plummeted, as if feeling the wrath of the gods and trembling with fright.

"Since your father wants you to go home and have a look, you can go."

Rogers stepped forward, patted Thor on the shoulder and said.

"Anyway, there is nothing going on on Earth for the time being, so you have to go home a few times."

"Captain, I." Thor looked at the sincere eyes of his comrades, swallowed his words for a while, and unconsciously put down the hammer in his hand.

"Okay," he said, "I'll go with you."

(End of this chapter)

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