Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 197 The Strongest Star Soul

Chapter 197 The Strongest Star Soul

"Senior, you came here to kill me, didn't you? If I die here today, then before I die, I will only have one wish. Are you unwilling to grant me even such a small wish? "

"Well, since that's the case, the old man will help you!"

【Hell Scorpion】

Gao Xuan's complexion darkened, and he moved freely, the poison attribute in his body immediately began to activate.


The Poison King Sword trembled coldly.

The surrounding air instantly became thick.

Su Fei could clearly feel that while Gao Xuan activated the poison attribute, a full 50 points of sword energy and sword pressure had been poured into the Poison King Sword.


When the long sword in Gao Xuan's hand made an ear-piercing sound, the surface of his two-meter-high body was lingering with light green poisonous gas.

From a distance, it seemed that he had instantly turned into a poisonous person.

And the white snow under his feet also turned grass green in an instant.

Not only that, but the green snow quickly changed its form and turned into thousands of poisonous scorpions, standing in a ring on the ground, forming a defensive circle of poisonous scorpions.

Turn snow into scorpion?
That formation looked extremely incredible.

How on earth did he do it?
Is this really something that a nine-star sword master can do?
Not only that, in addition to tens of thousands of poisonous scorpions under his feet, the Poison King Sword in his hand also changed its form.

The hilt of the sword, which originally looked like a scorpion tail, suddenly seemed to come alive. The scorpion tail elongated and entangled Gao Xuan's entire right arm. , as if merging with his body.


Just when Su Fei was confused by everything in front of him.

The sound of a small plane came again.

"Master, be careful, that is the initial form of the first-order poison attribute."

Tier [-] poison attribute!

I've heard the little plane mentioned before.

The so-called initial solution of the first-order attribute is the primary phantom fused with the power of the star soul.

——The beginning of hell!

Gao Xuan's star soul is a poisonous scorpion, and the attribute of cultivation happens to be poison.

The combination of these two abilities is poison upon poison.

It's just that he didn't expect that he had already comprehended the form of the beginning of hell.Given time, I'm afraid he will be able to break through the sword king's barrier soon!
"Senior, you really have some skills!"

Su Fei's face darkened, "It seems that I have to get serious."

Although Gao Xuan's primary form of Hell Dao looks extremely terrifying.

But Su Fei didn't feel nervous.

In any case, he is also a five-star swordsman who has already comprehended the power of the star soul.

And his star soul is Nan Yu, and his star soul skill: Qimen Dunjia.

The first star soul skill: Yin Attack Dayan.

The reason why Su Fei would choose this vast snow-capped mountain every time he fought against members of the Thirteen Leagues.

It is precisely because the trick of attacking Dayan insidiously can play a greater role in such an environment.

The water column cut out by each sword can immediately condense into ice as long as it hits the target.

Frozen people die!

Therefore, as long as you can freeze the opponent, you can easily attack the ice to kill the enemy.


With a flick of Su Fei's long sword, the Holy Spirit Sword also buzzed.

【Yin Attack Dayan】

He also activated the Star Soul Skill.

In an instant, the body of his sword became extremely cold.

Although there was no visible change on the surface, the hand holding the sword became more powerful at that moment.

"Come on, senior, you are a senior, I will let you make the first move!"

"Stop talking big, this is not a duel in the rivers and lakes. You are a traitor and I am an official. I will take your life no matter what!"

Compared with Yun Lie, Gao Xuan is obviously too calm.

Before the words fell, there was only a sound of "咻".

Gao Xuan's movement speed increased again, and in a flash, his entire body almost disappeared completely.

Not only that, but even the sword energy and pressure on his body were completely hidden.


However, it will still happen eventually.

This blow also came from behind Su Fei.

"Senior, it seems that you like throwing swords behind others' backs!"

Su Fei had been prepared for a long time, and his sword was always hidden behind his back.

With a sudden flash, he avoided three meters to the left.


Similarly, with a quick counterattack, the target seemed to deviate too far from Gao Xuan.


However, with a loud noise, a column of purple water burst out from the snow field!

The target of the water column was Gao Xuan who was flying into the air.

"Good boy!"

Gao Xuan looked at the scene in front of him in surprise.

With a sound of "咻", after all, he quickly dodged Su Fei's unexpected blow.


Just as Su Fei stood still, he swung his sword again.


Another purple water column soaring into the sky rose from the ground.

Before Gao Xuan's body fell to the ground, the water column was about to penetrate his body, but the poisonous scorpion following him tried his best to protect him.

And Gao Xuan was also very smart to use the power of the poisonous scorpion to complete the second ejection in the void, and flew a hundred meters away.

After finally standing still, he was a little out of breath, and said with a look of astonishment: "Boy, what kind of martial art is this!"

"This move is called Yin Attack Dayan, and it is the first star soul skill I have mastered so far." Su Fei said honestly.

"A dark attack on Dayan?"

Gao Xuan frowned secretly, as if he didn't understand this, so he asked coldly: "Boy, what exactly is your star soul?"

"My star soul, Nan Yu." Su Fei said.


Gao Xuan also had never heard of such a star soul, "What is the shape of Nan Yu, and what type of star soul does it belong to?"

"This is..."

Su Fei said: "According to Xinghun, it should be from the whole department."

"What! All star souls?..."

Generally speaking, star souls are divided into water, fire, ice, plants, animals... there are countless types.

——That is, the soul of the ten thousand stars.

And every cultivator who can comprehend one of them means that he has stepped into the door of martial arts.

Experienced cultivators know that in addition to ten thousand systems, there is also a kind of soul that is one star in a thousand.

——All star souls.

The whole series of star souls is a super rare and strongest star soul that can master all the forms of star souls in the ten thousand series.

Gao Xuan has lived such a long time, although he has heard of the existence of all star souls.

But he has never personally seen someone comprehend the entire series of star souls.

Unexpectedly, Su Fei's Nanyu Star Soul turned out to be of the whole series?
When he heard the words 'all star souls', even a person as calm as Gao Xuan would break out in a cold sweat.

However, his mentality was indeed very good, and within two seconds he recovered his calm posture, and said with a gloomy expression: "Boy, a mere five-star swordsman has already mastered such a terrifying star-soul skill. It seems that if we don't get rid of it today You, I'm afraid there will be endless troubles!"

"Get rid of me? Senior, I'm not bragging. Judging from your attack just now, your attributes won't have any effect on me. Therefore, with your level of combat power, I'm afraid you won't be able to hurt me."

Su Fei looked confident.

Thinking of Gao Xuan's blow just now, while dodging and counterattacking, Su Fei deliberately touched the tail thorn of the Poison King Sword in Gao Xuan's hand with bare hands.

He wasn't poisoned, let alone paralyzed.

Therefore, he has been very sure that not only the mysterious ice attribute has no effect on him, but the poison attribute also cannot.

Moreover, at that moment, the little plane also explained the reason to Su Fei with certainty.

It is precisely because the Nanyu star soul that Su Fei comprehended is a full-system star soul, so it is immune to the three attributes of ice, mystery, and poison.

In addition, I am afraid that the common attributes that exist in nature, such as: ice, fire, mysterious, poison, thunder, wind, water...all cannot have any effect on Su Fei's body.

The so-called strongest star soul, although it has always been just a legend.

But the power of it is not just talk.

(End of this chapter)

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