Chapter 198
Therefore, when Su Fei confirmed that he was immune to the poison attribute, he also confidently predicted the victory of this duel.

After all, Su Fei has an absolute advantage in a duel with only sword energy and sword pressure, as well as sword skills, martial arts, and star soul power.

Although he is currently only a five-star swordsman, his cultivation method is different from ordinary swordsmen.

Ordinary swordsmen use the spirit foundation as the main way of cultivation.

But he completely abandoned the spirit base, and put the internal strength, tendons, and blue pool in the main position.

Although this way of cultivation is more complicated, the effect obtained is the best. No matter what level you are in, you can break through the peak combat power of that level.



The duel with Gao Xuan lasted for a full three hours.

As a nine-star great swordsman, Gao Xuan's combat power is a full hundred thousand points less than Su Fei's, but under the premise that Su Fei didn't use dragon energy, the combat power of the two is always on par. between.


Gao Xuan is old after all.

In physical fitness, compared to Su Fei, it is also slightly inferior.

In the end, Su Fei defeated Gao Xuan.

When Su Fei's long sword rested on Gao Xuan's neck, at that moment, Gao Xuan closed his eyes, with a look of resignation, but it made it difficult for Su Fei to kill him.

"Senior, I heard that you once had a daughter?"

Not only did Su Fei not kill Gao Xuan, but he took back the long sword in his hand.

Gao Xuan slowly opened his eyes and looked at Su Fei in astonishment, "I refuse to answer this question. You are a traitor and I am an official, why don't you kill me."

During Su Fei's battle with Gao Xuan, the little plane had already explained Gao Xuan's past experience to him.

The reason why he was willing to let Gao Xuan go was not only that he didn't want to kill anyone, but also because Gao Xuan's past experience made him unable to bear to do it.

In Su Fei's heart, a father who took the road of eliminating rebels for his daughter is an extremely great existence.

At the same time, he could also see that Gao Xuan's cultivation realm would soon achieve a new breakthrough.

He didn't want Gao Xuan's life to end so quickly.

From Su Fei's point of view, Yan Luo's mission has not yet been completed. He should continue to dedicate himself to the cause of suppressing the rebels and carry this path to the end.


He also knew very well in his heart that Gao Xuan believed that he was that kind of heinous traitor.

So, he said calmly: "I can't bear the name of a traitor. It was not my wish to kill Yun Lie before. If I could, I would rather not kill anyone."

"Is it?"

Gao Xuan looked at Su Fei suspiciously, "You mean, you were wronged?"

"It's not wronged, I will indeed go down that road in the near future." Su Fei said.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Gao Xuan sneered coldly, "In the final analysis, he is always a rebel. The so-called success will lead to death. Since you have decided to rebel, you will kill people sooner or later. It doesn't matter if you kill me one more time."

"Is it?"

It can be seen that Gao Xuan has been living very hard since the death of his daughter.

Perhaps, deep in his heart, he has been looking forward to one day dying in battle!
Of course, this is Gao Xuan's own business and has nothing to do with Su Fei.

At this moment, Su Fei's mood had returned to a calm one, and he sighed softly: "Actually, not all wars will be bloody."

"Hehe, naive."

Although Gao Xuan was defeated, his eyes were still filled with the pride and self-esteem of being the Iron Face Yama.

While taking back the Poison King Sword, he looked down at Su Fei and said coldly: "I can see that you are a very good young man, but you have to know that as long as it is a war, there must be sacrifices. Once a war breaks out, the situation will be dire." It's not something you can control alone."

"Thank you for the reminder. However, please remember one sentence, there is no absolute in everything."

Su Fei said: "Let's talk about today's battle, you didn't die, and I didn't die, did you?"

"I said, you are a traitor and I am an official. Even if you let me go today, it doesn't mean I will let you go tomorrow."

Gao Xuan snorted coldly, turned around slowly, and said coldly: "Soon I will break through the sword king's barrier, and by that time, my combat power will exceed one million, and I will surely tear you to pieces!"

"Then you think I'm going to stay where I am?"

In the past few days, Su Fei has vaguely felt the attribute fluctuations in his body.

The volatility thrilled him.

By feeling, there should be more than one attribute.

How many kinds there are, it is hard to say for the time being.

But according to the reminder of the small plane, it should be done step by step, one by one.

He is still hesitating about which attribute he should learn first.

After cultivating the attribute, breaking through the barrier of the great sword master is also just around the corner.

And the peak combat power of the great sword master is also an existence that breaks through a million!

With Su Fei's cultivation method, he will surely reach the peak combat power.

If Gao Xuan can really break through the sword king's barrier in a short period of time, he will only be equal to Su Fei's combat power by then!
Therefore, after hearing his almost begging death words, Su Fei still did not change his decision to let him go.

Instead, she joked with him very easily.

Gao Xuan suddenly couldn't understand this.

Generally speaking, rebels can't be like this.

At least, none of the rebels he had ever met could be as merciful as Su Fei.

He couldn't even believe what he saw and heard, so he turned around again, looked at Su Fei suspiciously, and asked, "It is said that you are a student of the National Teacher?"

"National teacher?"

In my impression, the current national teacher seems to be Ming Daoren...

So, he nodded and said, "Yeah, I don't know how the teacher is doing in Wangcheng recently."

"It's no wonder." Gao Xuan finally understood.

After all, what Ming Daoren preaches is the way of the benevolent sword.

As a disciple of Ming Daoren, it is really understandable for Su Fei to make such a decision.

However, Gao Xuan still had another doubt in his heart, "Since you are a student of the National Teacher, why would you think of rebelling? Isn't this against your teacher?"

"Like I said, I was forced to do nothing. I believe that the teacher will understand my difficulties. By the way, if you lose, I can let you go, but you have to give me a trophy."

"A spoil of war?"

Gao Xuan took out a black-gold lord token engraved with the word "three" from his waist, threw it to Su Fei, and said coldly: "If you want to save Gu Chen, I'm afraid it won't be that easy. If you can defeat me, you can't He must be able to defeat all Yan Luo in Jueming Ligong."

"It is said that your combat power ranks third among the Thirteen Yamas, and the other two with higher combat power than you should be No. [-] and No. [-]."

Su Fei took the token, but he didn't expect Gao Xuan to be so forthright.

"You have too many questions. You have already got the spoils of war, so let's leave it alone."

After finishing speaking, Gao Xuan summoned the purple-winged phoenix, and left the white snow mountain at top speed.

Su Fei clutched the No. [-] alliance leader's token tightly, and looked at Gao Xuan's back, but there was a ghostly smile on the corner of his mouth.

He could tell that although Gao Xuan was honored as Yan Luo with the iron face, he was actually a very good elder.

The words just now were obviously reminding Su Fei to retreat in spite of difficulties.

But Su Fei has always been the type of person who faces difficulties.

The more difficult it is, the more interested he is.

So, looking at the direction where Gao Xuan had already disappeared, he said to himself: "Don't worry, as long as it's what I want to do, no matter how difficult it is, no one can stop it!"

(End of this chapter)

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