Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 199 Charming Yama

Chapter 199 Charming Yama

After repelling Gao Xuan, there was another continuous period of peace.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Su Fei retreated again.

He didn't leave the room for ten days in a row.

Through the battle with Yun Lie and Gao Xuan, he has gained a deeper understanding of his own strength.

At the same time, he also basically understood the biggest gap between a sword master and a great sword master.


As long as you understand your own attributes, you will soon be able to break through the barrier of the great swordsman.

"Hoo hoo!..."

It was blustery outside, and it was snowing again.

The entire Nanchuan was once again shrouded in bad weather.



Ten days later and another ten days.

That is 20 days later.

early morning.

It was still snowing heavily.

The entire Qingyu Inn is also business as usual.

Su Fei closed his eyes slightly, still meditating in Tianzi No. [-] Room of Qingyu Inn.

Twenty days have passed, and the sense of attributes is still the same as before, extremely weak.

It seems that it is really not easy to comprehend attribute attacks.

Even with system assistance, it still takes a long time.

It doesn't matter how long it takes.

But for some reason, that morning, his consciousness suddenly became chaotic.

In that chaotic consciousness, he felt that his body seemed to be falling, and it seemed to be flying again.

That feeling is extremely subtle.

At first, he mistakenly thought that this was a necessary process for comprehending attribute attacks.

Of course!
It didn't take long before his consciousness finally regained consciousness.

When he opened his eyes again, he was actually hung on a tree branch [-] meters high.

Around the tree is a vast grassland.

Looking around, the entire grassland was extremely empty, except for the big tree hanging from him, it was almost empty.

There were no birds in the sky, not even a breath of wind.

The whole world is terrifyingly quiet, as if it is a dead zone.


He grunted.

The tightly bound wrists have begun to bleed, and the body has lost all strength.

It seems that it has been hung for a long time.

"In the end what happened?"

He wants to understand the situation through the system.

But suddenly found that the system did not respond.

"Could it be that even the system has been disturbed?"

"What the hell is this place?"

Since his soul piercing the Saint Ding Continent, he has never been so nervous like this moment.

His body was so heavy that he couldn't use any strength at all, and he couldn't break free from the restraints on his wrists by himself.


Suddenly, the sound of a young woman's charming laughter came from my ear.

The sound seemed to come from the sky, or from the ground, or even from the inside of the big tree.

"who are you?"

Su Fei shouted towards the sky.


The woman smiled coquettishly again.

Although it sounds out of place, it is undeniable that her laughter is really beautiful.

When he heard his laughter, he could even forget the pain in his wrist, and even the weakness in his body seemed to disappear together.

But! ...

After all, this is just an illusion.

Wanting to take advantage of such a gap to break free from the restraint on the wrist, obviously still can't do it.

So! ...

What kind of woman is behind such a beautiful voice?

Could it be she who hung Su Fei on this big tree? ...

Su Fei was full of confusion, and shouted loudly again: "Hey, if you didn't hang me here, please let me down first."

"Master Su, if you want me to help you, please beg me, as long as you beg me, I can let you go now."

The woman finally spoke.

Although no one has seen her yet, it can be concluded from her voice that this woman must be a beautiful woman with a variety of styles.

But! ...

It can also be seen from the content of her speech that she doesn't seem so friendly.

"Hehe, it's impossible for me to beg you, but..."

"But what?" the woman asked.

"If you let me go, I can do one thing for you." Su Fei said.

Hearing this, the woman hesitated for a while, and said sweetly: "Then tell me first, what can you do for me?"

" depends on what you need me to do for you."

"That can't be done. What if I say it and you can't do it."

The woman hesitated for a long time, and there was a bit of doubt in her voice.


It is indeed a big trouble, "If this is the case, then tell me, what will you do to let me go."

"I've already said, as long as you ask me, I will let you go."

Before the woman finished speaking, her person finally appeared in front of Su Fei.

Her facial features are exquisite, big eyes, high nose bridge, cherry mouth, oval face, fair skin, black and soft hair.

Wearing a pink navel dress, the overall look is sexy and enchanting.

Especially the pair of clear eyes, which seemed to make people feel at ease.

In addition, she wears a very handsome cape on her shoulders, which is not only sexy, but also looks like a royal sister.

Not only that, but also has an extremely proud upper circumference.

Visual upper circumference: 36E!

Visual height: 170 cm.

Visual weight: 55 kg.

Estimated age: less than 20 years old.

What's even more incredible is that she actually stood barefoot on the void?

This! ...

Stepping into the void, doesn't one need to be above level 160 to do it!
"You can't be!..." Su Fei looked at her in surprise.

"Master Su, you are overthinking. My cultivation level is not high. The reason why I can stand in the sky is because I created this world by myself. Don't think too much about me."

The woman interrupted Su Fei, but her tone sounded very gentle.While speaking, those clear eyes kept firing at Su Fei.

"Cough cough!"

Su Fei coughed and said: "You misunderstood, I'm not talking about how high your cultivation base is, but I want to say that you should be No. [-] Yama of Jueming Ligong."

"Ah? You actually!... How did you see it?"

The woman looked shocked, as if she didn't want to be recognized by Su Fei so quickly.

Also, she seemed to think she was doing a good job of disguising herself.

But! ...

She underestimated Su Fei's intelligence capabilities.

Yan Luo No. [-] of Jueming Ligong, known as Mei Yan Luo, is an extremely difficult opponent.

It is said that as long as she is the one to act, there is no need to go to war at all. No matter how powerful the criminal is, he will obediently obey her orders, go to prison voluntarily, and even cut off his own head and give it to her as a gift.

All this, Su Fei had already learned from the little plane.

Name: Qianmei.

Occupation: Dreamer.

Weapon: Butterfly Light Cloud Umbrella.

Repair: Unknown.

Attribute: mysterious.

Star Soul: Light.

Race: Demon.

Common martial arts: endless nightmare.

"If you're not mistaken, everything here is the dream world in the legendary endless nightmare."

Su Fei said it right.

A look of surprise flashed across Qian Mei's face, "Master Su, you are young and have a lot of experience, no wonder you were able to defeat Tie Mian in such a short period of time."

The iron face she was talking about was the iron face Yan Luo Gaoxuan.

On the surface, she seemed to be praising Su Fei's talent.

But when you think about it carefully, it is full of irony.

You know, Su Fei has been hung on a tree by her now, and she can't exert any strength on her body.

Can't help but smile miserably, "So what if you can defeat Gao Xuan, isn't he still your prisoner now?"

(End of this chapter)

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