Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 200 Mei's Expectation and Impulse

Chapter 200 Qian Mei's Expectation and Impulse
"Want to know why you fell into my fantasy world?"

Faced with Su Fei's self-mockery, Qian Mei's eyes brightened.

She had never seen a prisoner as calm as Su Fei.

Therefore, she was not in a hurry to take Su Fei into custody.

Generally speaking, no matter who it is, once she is imprisoned in the fantasy world of endless nightmares, they will lose their minds.

Especially after seeing her real body, no matter men, women, old or young, they will all show flattery, admiration, and even greedy expressions.


You can't see any of this on Su Fei's face.

What she saw was a sober captive.

She was quite surprised by this.

And Su Fei was also unexpected to her sudden question.


According to intelligence, although Qian Mei looks like a charming woman on the surface, the way she treats captives has always been violent torture.

At first, he was lured into the bait by coquetry.

When the prey takes the bait, it will immediately turn its face and turn into an extremely terrifying female devil.

But at the same time as the accident, Su Fei's mind remained absolutely clear.

Anyway, she is now Qian Mei's captive.

Whether he can escape from her hands is really unknown.

With Su Fei's personality, he had already made up his mind.

——Let's go!
So, he smiled lightly and said, "I was still sensing the attributes in my body. As for why I suddenly fell into your dream world, as a dreamer, you should know better than me."

Hearing this, Qian Mei and Su Fei looked at each other.

While Su Fei was talking, she secretly cast a charm on Su Fei.

Unfortunately! ...

Although Su Fei thought she was beautiful, he was not tempted by her.

As long as you don't fall in love with her, the coquettish technique is of course useless.

Seeing that Su Fei's mind could not be disturbed, Qian Mei's small cherry mouth slightly raised, and said with a chuckle: "Mr. Su, did you let me let you go just now?"

"Hmm... It seems that I said so."

Knowing that she is Meiyan Luo from Jueming Ligong, Su Fei didn't think she would let him go so obediently.

"You seem to have said that as long as I let you go, you can do one thing for me?"

There was a sudden emotion in her clear eyes.

That emotion is like a kind of anticipation.

At the same time, it is also like an eager impulse.


What is she expecting?
What are you impulsive about?

Su Fei suddenly became curious, "Indeed, I said so, but you also clearly rejected this proposal, didn't you?"

"Well, I did refuse before!"

Qian Mei lowered her eyes and thought for a while.

Suddenly, he looked up at Su Fei again, and said enthusiastically, "However, I've changed my mind."


Su Fei was startled, she must really be willing to let herself go!
"I can let you go, but you still have to answer the question I just asked."

"Do you have to answer?"


"Well, let me think about it."

According to what Xiaofei said before, the first step for a professional illusionist to construct a dream for others is to enter the spiritual world of the other person.

The first step is extremely critical and extremely difficult.

Especially when encountering such a determined goal, it is basically impossible to achieve it within ten or eight days.

But as long as the first step is successful, the second step will be much easier. Different martial arts will have different specific scenarios when performing the fantasy master martial arts.

In certain scenes, the illusionist himself can do whatever he wants.

Obviously, what I saw in front of me was a specific scene in the endless nightmare.

In this specific scene, Qian Mei is the creator, and everything is dominated by her own thoughts.

But if you want to ask Su Fei why he fell into this fantasy world, think about it carefully, maybe it is because he mistakenly took the confusion in his consciousness as the induction of attributes.

With such a conjecture, Su Fei immediately gave the answer.

When Qian Mei heard Su Fei's statement, she shook her head and said, "Sorry, you got the wrong answer."

"Wrong?" Su Fei asked, "Where is it wrong?"

"It does not matter."

Qian Mei said: "Since you gave the wrong answer, according to the rules, you will be punished next."


"Well, you can do whatever you want."

Su Fei also looked helpless.

I really wonder if Qian Mei has violent tendencies.

"You have to answer my second question."

Just when Su Fei thought he would be punished, Qian Mei suddenly said such a sentence, which really surprised people.

"Tell me, what's the problem."

"Why are you rebelling?"

"Can I change the question?"

Before, the iron-faced Yan Luo Gaoxuan asked the same question.

"No." Qian Mei's face suddenly became serious, "Of course, you don't have to answer."

The result of not answering, can be seen from Qian Mei's sudden change of face, it will definitely not be very good.

Su Fei also became serious, "Actually, it's okay to tell you, it's for friends."

"Friend?" Qian Mei asked, "Which friend?"

"Dalu." Su Fei said.


Qian Mei is the No. [-] Yan Luo of Jueming Ligong, of course she has heard of Dalu's name, "You mean Dalu of the Heavenly Sacrifice Legion?"


"You and Daru are friends, that is to say, you know where Daru is hiding?"

Jueming Ligong has been searching for the whereabouts of the Tianji Legion, but has never found any clues.

"do not know."

Last time at Proud World Villa, Su Fei originally had a chance to learn about Dalu's whereabouts from Neptune, but he was not in a hurry about it.

Because, before the time came, even if he knew Dalu's whereabouts, it was impossible for him to find him now.Even if you find him now, it won't change anything.

Qian Mei stared at Su Fei for a long time... "Mr. Su, since you are Dalu's friend, I'm really sorry. As Yan Luo who is Jueming Ligong, I can't let you go."

Seeing what she said, Su Fei roughly guessed her intentions, "Do you want to take me as a hostage? I'm afraid I will disappoint you."

"how do I say this?"

Qian Mei suddenly couldn't understand.

"In my heart, Daru is my friend, but in Daru's heart, I am his enemy." Su Fei said frankly.

"An enemy?"

In the past, it was because Su Fei participated in the White Tiger List in the Qinjian Mountain area that Daru lost his important partner.

In Dalu's heart, he once regarded Su Fei as an enemy.

This is Qianmei's world of creation, she can feel the sincerity of Su Fei's words.

So, without asking any more questions, the slender white hand moved slightly, and the iron lock that bound Su Fei's wrist was magically opened.

Su Fei's body did not fall because of this, but actually stood firmly on the void like Qian Mei.

"Your fantasy world is really interesting."

Su Fei rubbed his wrist, and the pain gradually disappeared.

Qian Mei turned around, turned her back to Su Fei, and said coldly: "Don't forget, you still owe me something."

"I can't forget, tell me, what do you want me to do for you?"

"Tomorrow morning, take me to Aoshi Villa."


It turned out that the anticipation and impulsiveness in Qianmei's eyes was because she wanted to go to Aoshi Villa? ...

Aoshi Villa is Yexue's domain, so it might be inappropriate to rashly bring an outsider there.

Su Fei was about to refuse, but...

It's too late.

Because, the dream world has been broken.

He has returned to the present world.

The surroundings are still familiar environments.

"Hoo hoo!..."

There was a biting wind in my ear.

Outside the window is still the same as in the past, a vast expanse of whiteness.

(End of this chapter)

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