Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 201 Who Says I'm from the Imperial Court

Chapter 201 Who Says I'm from the Imperial Court
Su Fei got up and walked to the window, feeling the faint pain in his wrist, and believed that what happened just now was not an ordinary dream.

Looking at the strangle marks on her wrist, she wondered in her heart, could the endless nightmare that Qian Mei played really end so easily?
If he has really walked out of the dream world of endless nightmares, he has reason to suspect that Qian Mei never regarded him as a real target to be arrested from the very beginning.

So, is Qian Mei really just to let Su Fei treat her to Aoshi Villa?

"Hoo hoo!..."

The wind in my ear and the chill in the air are so real.

Even the endless nightmares created by the illusionist may not be as real as this.

It seems that he has really returned to the present world.

"Knock knock knock!"

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.


"it's me."

"What's the matter?"

"Mei Yanluo from Jueming Li Palace sent someone to deliver a letter."


Hearing this, Su Fei immediately opened the door.

Take the letter from the shopkeeper.

When I opened it, it turned out to be an invitation letter.


The signature was not Qian Mei's name, but Ming Lou.

It has been a few days since Su Fei came to Nanchuan. Of course, he knew that Minglou was the most prestigious first-class family in Nanchuan before Sima Jing ascended the throne.

It's a pity that since Sima Jing ascended the throne, Minglou was identified as a rebel army on the grounds that they did not do their best during Dalu's rebellion.

Today's Minglou has been suppressed into a third-rate family in Nanchuan area.

Of course, in fact, the people in the court are also very clear that the former Minglou had no rebellious heart at all.


Today, Mei Yanluo actually sent someone to deliver a letter to Minglou's people, what is the intention?
Su Fei felt confused for a while.

Although he couldn't figure out the reason, he still went to Minglou himself after all.

Minglou is located in the center of the main city, only three streets away from Qingyu Inn.

In the blink of an eye, he was outside the gate of Minglou.

Seeing Su Fei, two young swordsmen immediately went up to meet him, and said respectfully: "Master Su, the Patriarch has been waiting for a long time, please come inside."

The current owner of Minglou is Ming Chaoying, a nine-star bow king who is only 30 years old.

Su Fei also knew a little about her personal information.

Gender: Female.

Attribute: Wind.

Star Soul: Winter Bird.

Her star soul is extremely rare. In the history of Saint Ding Continent, there is no record of a star soul like Dongniao.

As for what this Dongniao's ability is, so far no one knows about it except inside Minglou.

Three 10 minutes later.

Finally, under the leadership of the two young swordsmen, they came to the main hall.

Inside the main hall sat the eighteen elders of Minglou, the Patriarch Ming Chaoying, and Meiyan Luoqianmei.

This formation is unavoidably a little strange.

According to the rules of Jueming Ligong, coupled with Minglou's identity as a suspected rebel, Mei Yanluo, as a member of the imperial court, should not have appeared here.

Su Fei looked at Qian Mei curiously, "Miss Qian Mei, why did you find me here?"

"Hahaha...Miss? It's so interesting that you call me Miss."

Since Qian Mei came to Nanchuan, no one has ever called her by this title.

When most people heard her name Mei Yan Luo, they were basically scared out of their wits.

And once she casts her coquettish spell, those panicked guys will immediately wag their tails in front of her like a pug.

"It's just a title, don't worry about it."

Su Fei walked up to the main hall and found an empty seat to sit down.

His attitude today is different from usual.

After all, what he was facing today was Qian Mei and Ming Chaoying, the new owner of Minglou.

Neither of these women was easy to deal with.

However, contacting them does not require so much red tape.

Because before that, I had a certain understanding of them.

Too many etiquettes are regarded as hypocritical politeness in their eyes.

"I have my reasons for looking for you. Mr. Su, your complexion looks very good. It seems that you have not been affected by the fantasy world."

Qian Mei's attitude is the same as what she saw before, she still has a foxy look.

With her posture, it's really hard for an ordinary man to resist.

Here, in the main hall, except for Su Fei, the other eighteen male elders have been fascinated, their eyes are blurred, and they have completely lost the reason and demeanor of being an elder of a clan.

"Cough cough!"

Seeing everyone's appearance, Su Fei finally understood that Minglou's decline was not unreasonable.

But it's just a woman.

No matter how clever the seductive technique is, as long as one's body is not disturbed, it will have no effect at all.

Of course, the ups and downs of Minglou have nothing to do with Su Fei.

So, he just coughed and said calmly, "Miss Qian Mei, tell me what your reason is."


"Let me tell you."

Before Qian Mei could speak, Ming Chaoying immediately stopped her, "Master Qian Mei, your charm skills are too strong, if you continue to talk like this, I am afraid that all the elders of the Eighteenth Palace in Minglou will be ruined by you." .”


After hearing Ming Chaoying's words, Qian Mei couldn't help laughing out loud.

When the eighteen elders heard Qian Mei's laughter, their bones were already crisp, and their faces were extremely intoxicated.

"Let's go, let's talk in another place."

Ming Chaoying couldn't stand it anymore, so she took Su Fei and Qian Mei to the backyard together.

It was quiet in the backyard, just the three of them.

"Miss Ming, you can speak now."

Su Fei sat down casually, but his face looked very serious.

Ming Chaoying didn't seem to be used to such a title, and felt a little awkward, but she didn't insist on it, and said with a serious face: "I heard that Mr. Su wants to form an undefeated trump card army?"

"That's what happened." Su Fei said.

"How's the plan going now?"

"It's just the beginning."

"I want to join you, I don't know..."

"No." Su Fei directly rejected her request.

"Why?" Ming Chaoying looked at Su Fei puzzled.

"What we want to form is an ace army, so the people I want to recruit are naturally all aces." Su Fei said.


Hearing this, Ming Chaoying's face immediately sank, "So in the eyes of Mr. Su, all of us in Minglou are just poor people."

"That was not what I meant."

"Then what do you mean?" Ming Chaoying's eyes showed a trace of anger.

"Let me ask you, how many people are there in your Minglou?"

"Currently there are more than 1000 people."

"What is the level of combat power of these more than 1000 people?"

"This!..." Ming Chaoying asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Su Fei said: "Actually, I know that even if you don't tell me, more than half of you are old, weak, women and children, and less than 20 of you have more than [-] combat power. At present, what you should do is to keep yourselves safe and recuperate. As for fighting This kind of thing is really not suitable for you."

"I understand."

Ming Chaoying sighed heavily, "Actually, you are right, if we are against the imperial court, we are indeed..."

"You don't need to say anything." Su Fei interrupted Ming Chao, turned to look at Qian Mei, and asked, "Miss Qian Mei, aren't you from the imperial court? What Miss Ming said just now should be considered correct." It's a crime of disrespect for the royal family, but you didn't show it at all?"

Qian Mei said: "Who told you that I am from the imperial court?"

(End of this chapter)

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