Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 202 Not For Justice

Chapter 202 Not For Justice
"Aren't you from the imperial court?"

"It wasn't originally." Qian Mei covered her mouth with a smile and said, "From the very beginning, my relationship with the imperial court was just a cooperative relationship."

"Cooperate?" Su Fei looked surprised, "What about Minglou?"

Qian Mei said: "Minglou is my home."

"your home?"

Su Fei looked at Ming Chaoying suspiciously, "Miss Ming, is this true?"

Ming Chaoying nodded and said, "Yes, Qian Mei grew up in Minglou since she was a child."


It's really surprising enough!

Because, according to intelligence, Qian Mei has always been a homeless orphan.

It seems that there is a certain deviation between intelligence and truth after all.


It doesn't matter anymore.

"So you came to me because you want to join my camp?"

Ming Chaoying said: "It was like this at the beginning, but now it seems impossible."

"lets change a topic."

Seeing that the silence was about to come, Qian Mei smiled and said, "Young Master Su, don't forget that you will take me to the Aoshi Villa tomorrow morning."

Speaking of this matter, Su Fei has always been suspicious.

"Miss Qianmei, you should be very clear that only women can go to the Proud World Villa."

"Normally, that's the case, but you're different."

It seems that Qian Mei already knew that Su Fei had been to Ao Shi Villa.

Speaking of which, Yun Lie had personally seen Su Fei enter the Proud World Villa before and come out alive.

It is not surprising that Qian Mei and Yun Lie are Yan Luo who are both Jueming Li Gong, knowing about this matter.

"Miss Qianmei, you know that's not what I mean. I mean, you can go by yourself."

"If I can go by myself, I don't need to ask you to take me there so much."

"What do you mean?" Su Fei asked.

"You also know that most women who go to Aoshi Villa are nothing more than lowly slaves. I don't want to lower my status, but want to go dignifiedly. But with my identity, in Aoshi Villa, I'm afraid is unwelcome."

It seems that Qian Mei's mind is quite clear.

"What is your purpose of going to Proud World Villa?"

"I want to see Grandma Shen."

"Grandma Shen?"

Speaking of which, Granny Shen is the old lady who was said by Xiaoying and Jin Yi to be miraculous and able to predict the future.

"What are you going to see Granny Shen for?"

"I want to know something."

"About the future?"

"No, it's about the past."


"This is what you promised me. Now is not the time to negotiate terms." Qian Mei interrupted Su Fei, although she was still smiling, her attitude was very tough.


Su Fei didn't ask anymore, "Since I'm only going tomorrow morning, can I go now?"

"Young Master Su, don't worry."

Seeing that Su Fei was about to leave, Ming Chaoying got up suddenly and said, "I want to take you somewhere."

"where to?"

"Don't ask so many questions, just follow me."

10 minute later.

Backyard basement.

The surrounding environment is extremely dark.

Walking sideways through a rugged secret passage, he finally entered a spacious dark room.


Ming Chaoying lit a candle lamp.

The dark room finally brightened.

"Miss Chaoying, it's very empty here."

Qian Mei seemed to be here for the first time, and she was full of curiosity about the dark room.

"Look, the history of Sima Jing is recorded on this wall."

Ming Chaoying pointed to the wall on the east side.

"Sima Jing's history?"

Qian Mei and Su Fei walked over at the same time.

It took almost two hours to finish reading the densely packed text above.

Judging from the content, it roughly means that Sima Jing is not from Qin State at all. He came to Qin State to usurp the throne of Qin State.

Sima Zhao's death was also inseparably related to him.

No matter from any point of view, Sima Jing is not qualified to inherit the throne of King Qin at all.

Seeing this, Qian Mei expressed emotion, "Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a member of the royal family of Wei."

Regarding this, Su Fei was disappointed, "Miss Ming, you brought me here just to show me these things?"

"Why, Mr. Su is not interested in this?" Ming Chaoying looked at Su Fei in astonishment.

"Should I be interested in this?"

In fact, not only did Su Fei not have the slightest interest in it, but he found it very boring.

As a cultivator, the most important thing you should care about is your own cultivation.

And those seemingly great family and country affairs should be the concern of those in power who pursue power.

"You want to rebel because you are dissatisfied with Sima Jing's actions. Understanding Sima Jing's past will be of great benefit to the future of your army." Ming Chaoying said.

"Is it."

Su Fei didn't take it seriously, "I wanted to rebel, but it was never because of Sima Jing, it was just to save my friends."

"Master Su, you!..."

Ming Chaoying heard the words, and said with a disappointed face: "Don't you think that Mr. Su really doesn't think Sima Jing's idea of ​​unifying the Five Kingdoms is absurd at all?"

"Unification of the world may also be a good thing."

Su Fei never thought it would be beneficial to divide a world into many countries.

Perhaps, the unification of the world can bring real peace to this world.

"You! You are hopeless!..." Ming Chaoying frowned secretly, "Mr. Su, I thought that what you formed was an army of justice, but I didn't expect you to be such a soulless, thoughtless mortal. "


"Is it?……"

Su Fei didn't think there was anything wrong with his thinking.

It's just that he also didn't expect that Ming Chaoying wanted to rebel because of such reasons?

So, he smiled lightly and said, "To tell you the truth, I would have made a mistake at first, thinking that Miss Ming would join my camp to avenge the family."

"Hehe, revenge is imperative, but it has nothing to do with the great cause of rebellion."

Ming Chaoying said coldly: "Young Master Su, you have also seen that the black clothes I am wearing are filial piety in Nanchuan custom. I will never take off this filial piety until I fail to avenge my family." Come down, not only that, if I can't take revenge, I won't get married for a day!"


This goes a long way.

However, according to Ming Chaoying, this is not a rebellion, it is clearly a chaos.

Even she herself said it was a rebellion, and she really doubted the authenticity of the words carved on the wall.

Of course, Su Fei is really not interested in these things.

So, he said lightly: "Okay, that's your own business. The so-called difference of ways does not conspire with each other. Since you are for justice, you shouldn't think about joining my camp. My motivation is not as great as yours. I just don't want to watch my friends being used."

As he said that, he walked towards the outside of the hint.

"Wait, stop for me!"

Ming Chaoying's face darkened, and she said loudly: "Do you think Minglou is a place where you can come and go whenever you want?"

"Why, do you still want me to stay and talk with you about what justice is? I'm sorry, but I really have no interest in what you call 'justice'."

Su Fei said something lightly, then left without looking back.

Ming Chaoying looked angry and clenched her fists tightly, as if she wanted to attack Su Fei.

Seeing this, Qian Mei immediately stopped her.

"Chaoying, you are not his opponent. Besides, the current Minglou does not have the strength to rebel. No matter how great the justice in your heart is, everything has to be discussed in the long run. Let's talk about it after I come back from Aoshi Villa."

(End of this chapter)

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