Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 203 Bounty Order

Chapter 203 Bounty Order

Just after leaving Minglou, walking on the street, I met a few regular customers of Qingyu Inn.

They stopped Su Fei and asked, "Master Su, are you going back to the inn?"

Su Fei said, "Exactly."

Those people said: "The inn has been booked, you should find another place to live."


Su Fei was used to living in Qingyu Inn, suddenly someone asked him to change places, which made it hard for him to accept.

Those people said: "Forget it, you will find out when you go back."




When Su Fei returned to Qingyu Inn, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Sure enough, a group of new guests came to the inn.

Those people seemed to come from far away.

One thing is strange, among them, men and women, all of them are wearing red clothes and veils, as if they don't want to be seen by others.

Su Fei walked into the inn and was about to go back to his room when he was stopped by a nine-foot man.

"Boy, we have booked here, please go to another place to live."

"I have lived here for half a year, and I have already regarded this place as half my home. If you want me to leave, unless..."

"Unless something!"

"Unless... sorry, I forgot too!"

Su Fei suddenly forgot what he wanted to say.

"You kid is looking for death purely!"

"I'm living a good life, why should I seek death?"

Su Fei stared at the nine-foot man in front of him, and said without changing his face: "In short, I will not move out of Qingyu Inn."


The sinewy flesh of the nine-foot man, judging from his height and build, gave people an invisible deterrent.

Seeing that Su Fei is only a young man of fourteen or fifteen years old, he doesn't take him seriously at all.

So, in a fit of rage, he punched him hard.


The wind of the fist made a sound, and it seemed that the strength was very light.

Seeing this, Su Fei didn't dodge or dodge, and slowly stretched out his hand, grabbed the fist of the nine-foot man, and secretly exerted force, only to hear a "click".

The bones of the nine-foot man's hand were crushed to pieces.

"Ah! It hurts..."

The nine-foot man screamed and rolled all over the floor in pain.

"Uncle, it seems that you are not too young, why don't you even understand the rules, the so-called preconceptions, you should go!"

No wonder I saw so many acquaintances outside before, it seems that they were kicked out by them.

The nine-foot man clenched his teeth and yelled angrily at Su Fei: "Boy, don't be complacent, you're in trouble, we're members of the Red Clothes Club!"

"What about the Red Clothes Club? Sorry, I haven't heard of it!"

Su Fei glanced quickly at the faces of dozens of people in the restaurant on the first floor.

All those people were staring at Su Fei, and everyone's eyes were full of anger.

But Su Fei didn't feel afraid, he knew at a glance that they were just a mob.

So, he smiled lightly and said, "No matter what your origins are, don't disturb my rest, as long as you keep quiet, I won't attack you."

With that said, he went straight back to the room.

Those people kept staring at Su Fei with angry eyes, but no one dared to act rashly.

After returning to the room, Su Fei continued to meditate on the bed.

In the system space, Xiang Xiaofei had a general understanding of the relevant information of the Red Clothes Club.

It turned out that the Red Clothes Society really came from a very far away place.

——Seven Immortals Terrace.

What will the red clothes from Qixiantai come to Nanchuan for?
Su Fei did not continue to investigate.

After all, in his opinion, this is not the most important event.

I just put this matter aside and continued to read in the system space.



after an hour.

A harsh voice came from the restaurant on the first floor again.

"Hey, this place has been taken over by our Red Clothes Society, please go to another place to live!"

Hearing this, Su Fei poked his head out of the window to take a look, and sure enough there was a new guest.

He was alone, a middle-aged man in blood-colored armor.

It was another nine-foot man who stopped him.


The middle-aged man said coldly, expressionless.

"Hehe, uncle, I think you are impatient, right? It's you who should get out!"

The nine-foot man punched out with a "buzz".


A sword cry.

The nine-foot man screamed "Ah" and fell to the ground with a "plop", blood spurting from his chest.

That sword was surprisingly fast.

Seeing his attack, Su Fei immediately thought of Gu Chen.

It is also impossible to see how he made the move.

No matter what, killing people at the slightest disagreement is really ruthless.

But having said that, the people of the Red Clothes Society really do not regret their death.

Unlike Gu Chen, the middle-aged man was not in a hurry to take back the long sword in his hand after killing people.

Su Fei saw his sword.

There is a faint flame on the blade, which is the primary form of an advanced weapon.

It seems that he should have already practiced advanced exercises.

In other words, his cultivation must be above level 100, and he is at least a swordsman at the level of a sword king.

"My name is Gao Lie. If you are sensible, get out of here!"

Gao Lie!
When the members of the Red Clothes Society saw his sword, no one dared to be rude to him again.


Suddenly, the voice of the little plane came from my ear, "Master, please don't offend this person."


"He's from Shadow House."

"Shadow Studio, what's his purpose for coming here?"

According to Yingyingzhai's style, they never show their faces easily.

This Gao Lie appeared in front of everyone undisguisedly, which is really not like Yingyingzhai's style.

The little plane said: "Please wait a moment, scanning is in progress."

10 minute later.

The shopkeeper has already opened a room for Gao Lie.


After scanning the small plane, he said, "Master, he came here for a reward order."

"A reward order?"

Su Fei asked: "What kind of reward order?"

"It's Daru's reward order."



The little plane said: "People from the imperial court have been unable to find the whereabouts of the Tianji Legion, so they issued a reward order."


That's not a bad idea.

It seems that this time, Daru is in danger.

You know, if there is one Gao Lie, there will be tens of thousands of Gao Lie.

"Master, do you know how much Daru's bounty is?"

"tell me the story."

"1000 gold coins."

"Nani! Ten million?"

This is not a small amount, no wonder even a master like Gao Lie can be tempted by it.

"So...Master, I advise you to give up."

"What do you mean?"

"You can't save Daru."

"Is it."

Su Fei had a look of disbelief, "It's only 1000 million, as long as the masters above the level of Sword Emperor don't make a move, I will definitely find a way to save him."

Xiaofei said: "The Sword Emperor will definitely not make a move for a mere 1000 million, but there are countless sword masters in the Great Qin Empire, and 1000 million is not a small amount for them."

"Ok, I know……"

This is really tricky, "By the way, can Gao Lie's personal information be scanned?"

"Of course, please wait."

(End of this chapter)

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