Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 206 Attribute Sensing

Chapter 206 Attribute Sensing

I don't know what Grandma Shen said to Qian Mei.

Qian Mei's attitude towards Su Fei suddenly became so respectful, which really shocked Su Fei.

After accepting the No. [-] lord token presented by Qian Mei, the gate of Soul Prison still cannot be opened.

I don't know how long it will take to collect the remaining nine leader tokens.

But Qian Mei has already offered to contribute to this, and with her status in Jueming Ligong, she will definitely be able to play a certain role.

So, Su Fei said gratefully: "Thank you for this matter first, and we will talk about other matters after the matter is completed."

"Yes, Lord Immortal Lord!"

Saying that, Qian Mei was about to kneel down again.

"Miss Qian Mei, don't be too polite."

Su Fei held her back in advance, "Also, don't call me Lord Immortal Master anymore, it sounds weird."

"Yes, Lord Immortal Lord!"

Qian Mei has identified Su Fei as the Lord of the Immortal Realm, and if she were to change her name, she would feel that it was disrespectful to the Immortal Lord.

He agreed with his mouth, but still couldn't change his words.

"never mind."

Su Fei didn't care about it either, "Now I have something to do, so I'll go back to the inn first."

"Congratulations, Lord Immortal Lord!"



Back at Qingyu Inn, just as he walked in, he happened to have a face-to-face meeting with Gao Lie.

"Young master, I seem to have seen you somewhere."

Gao Lie stopped in front of Su Fei.

"Is it?"

Su Fei already knew Gao Lie's identity, and also knew the purpose of Gao Lie's trip. He didn't like Gao Lie, but the other party took the initiative to strike up a conversation, so he couldn't ignore it.

So, he said with a smile, "Senior, I heard that you also came to Nanchuan for the 1000 million bounty?"

"How do you know who I am?"

Hearing this, Gao Lie secretly frowned.

He must never have imagined that Su Fei knew his last name.

You must know that the identities of everyone in Shadow Studio are very mysterious, and it is impossible for anyone to know their names the first time they see them.

"I knew it from the first time I saw you. As for how I found out, it's not important. The important thing is that you shouldn't trouble Daru." Su Fei said.


Gao Lie stared into Su Fei's eyes for a long time, and seemed to suddenly think of something, "I remembered, you are the Su Fei who was with the young master before."

Little Lord?

Su Fei already knew that Jingzhai was Xie Wuying's biological son.

Gao Lie is the killer of Shadow Studio, the young master he talks about must be Jing Zhai.

So, he smiled and said, "It's right here."

After confirming Su Fei's identity, Gao Lie's eyes were full of puzzlement, "Young master Su, you are from the Mu family of Qinjian Mountain, and you should have no relationship with Dalu, so why do you stop the old man from chasing and killing Dalu. "

"Just because Dalu is my friend." Su Fei said.

"A friend?"

Gao Lie didn't know the story between them.

But when he heard the word "friend", he laughed mockingly, "Master Su, do you know that in a place like Shengding Continent, the word "friend" is the most unreliable word."

"Really, I don't know what senior senior thinks, what is the most reliable." Su Fei asked.

Gao Lie said firmly: "Money, power, power!..."

Hearing this, Su Fei nodded and admitted, "It is undeniable that these are indeed very reliable..."

"Since Mr. Su has such an awareness, he should be very clear that so-called friends will often betray you for these things!"

"Is it."

Su Fei didn't think too much about it.

In his view, money and power are nothing but emotionless external possessions.

No matter how much money, power, and strength you have, it will never be as good as a sincere friendship.

From Su Fei's point of view, if a person lives only for cold things like money and power, then life is really meaningless.

At least, this life must be unhappy.

Gao Lie didn't know what Su Fei was thinking, and he didn't seem to be very interested. He just said with a serious face: "One day you will understand that friend is the most hypocritical word in the world."

"Hehe, nothing is absolute."

Hearing this, Su Fei's face darkened and said: "No matter what happens in the future, as far as I am at this moment, I only know that if anyone dares to touch my friend, he must step on my dead body first!"


Seeing Su Fei like this, Gao Lie's eyes became even more indifferent, "Master Su, the reason why you have such thoughts can only show that you are still too young, and when you have a certain amount of experience in the world, you will no longer have such thoughts. Wait for childish thoughts."

"Senior, I don't know what you have experienced. In short, if you continue to hunt and kill Dalu, then from now on, we will be enemies!"

As a mere five-star swordsman, Su Fei dared to say such bold words in front of the seven-star sword king, which can be called courageous.

Gao Lie also admired Su Fei's courage.

But he didn't seem to change his mind, looked down at Su Fei, and said coldly: "If you want to protect your friends, you should wait until you become really strong. You are the young master's junior, old man I won't shoot you because of your rudeness. But if you dare to interfere with my business, the old man will make you bloody for five steps!"

"Cough cough!"

Hearing this, Su Fei coughed and said, "Senior, in fact, there is no enmity between you and me, so there is no need to fight each other like this. There is something I want to ask Senior Senior."

"What's the matter?"

"Brother, how is his life with you?"

"he's good."

"Is his current occupation an assassin?"

"Not bad." Gao Lie said.

"Well, I see, thank you Senior Senior."

It seems that Jingzhai's spirit base has not been restored.

Su Fei knew very well that Jing Zhai did not have great expectations for the assassin profession, he only wanted to become a swordsman.

In the past few months, Su Fei has spent a lot of waste crystal mines to successfully create a spiritual foundation remodeling system, and is just waiting for the day when he will reunite with Jingzhai.

Knowing that Jingzhai's current occupation is an assassin, it seems that this spiritual base remodeling system will come in handy sooner or later.

"Master Su, Mr. Su?"

Seeing that Su Fei fell into deep thought for a while, Gao Lie shouted loudly: "Master Su, what exactly do you want to know?"

Hearing this, Su Fei came back to his senses, and said with a happy face: "It's nothing, I just want to know about the brother's recent situation, that's all. Senior, if there is nothing else, I will go back to my room first."


Seeing Su Fei's weird face, Gao Lie muttered to himself, "What a strange guy."



Afterwards, Gao Lie went out.

And Su Fei returned to his room, continued to meditate, and sensed the attributes in his body.

About five hours later, suddenly, a chaotic space appeared in the consciousness.

That piece of chaotic space is still vague, but an extremely powerful mysterious force can be sensed from it.


Suddenly, the sound of a small plane came from the ear.

"Master, please pay attention, the form of the real attribute has been sensed, don't be distracted!"

(End of this chapter)

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