Chapter 207
That piece of chaotic space seems to be very far away, but it seems to be already in it.

At first, the eyes seemed to be covered with fog and cloudy.

But after a few hours, he suddenly felt his consciousness soaked in a turbid lake.

So, he tried his best to go upstream.

Finally floated to the surface of the lake, there was a dark cloud above the head.

"Hoo hoo!..."

The lake wind was cold, and the sky was drizzling.Looking up, there is a colorful sky beyond the misty mountains.

Behind that distant mountain, there are extremely strong attribute fluctuations.

So, he swam to the shore of the lake with all his strength.

But for some reason, even if the shore of the lake is close at hand, as long as you stretch out your hand, the shore of the lake will immediately flee several feet away.

Not only that, but the colorful sky seemed to be getting further and further away.

"I don't believe it anymore!"

His face darkened.




He swam harder.

However, the shore of the lake also fled faster.


Finally, after counting the hours, he gave up.

Taking a long breath, he lay on his back in the middle of the lake, staring blankly at the dark sky above his head.

"what happened?"

"Isn't it time?"


The sound of a small plane came from the ear.

"Master, be careful, someone is coming!"

Hearing this, the spiritual consciousness returned to its place, and at the same time exited the system's inner vision realm.

"Knock knock knock!"

Sure enough, someone knocked on the door.

Look at the sky, it's already very late.


"it's me."

The voice was full of energy, it turned out to be high intensity.

He got up and opened the door for Gao Lie, and asked, "Senior Gao visited late at night, but what's important?"

"Can the old man go in?" Gao Lie asked.

"of course."

Su Fei stepped back.

Gao Lie walked in, found a place to sit down very bluntly, and said, "Master Su, close the door first."

"it is good."

Su Fei closed the door.

Sitting on the seat opposite Gao Lie, he asked, "Senior Gao, please tell me if you have anything to say."

With a serious face, Gao Lie looked Su Fei up and down, hesitated for a long time, and said, "Mr. Su, I heard that you have been to Aoshi Villa?"


Su Fei said: "It is true that I have been to Aoshi Mountain Villa, why is Senior Senior suddenly interested in this matter?"

Gao Lie said: "The old man is not interested in the Aoshi Villa itself, but I heard that there is an astrologist named Grandma Shen living in the Aoshi Villa. I wonder if this is true?"

Su Fei frowned secretly, "Senior also wants to see Granny Shen?"

Gao Lie said: "As a killer, everyone is very confused about the future. Even this old man really wants to know what the future will be like."

Su Fei said unexpectedly: "I didn't expect Senior Gao, as the majestic Seven Star Sword King, to be curious about this kind of thing, it's really puzzling."

"Why, doesn't Mr. Su want to know about his future in advance?"

"If everything in the future is already known, then what is the meaning of life."

"It seems that the old man and Mr. Su are really not the same kind of people. However, the old man appreciates your idea. Most people in the world want to know what kind of life they will live from the first day they are born. Mr. Su really Not an ordinary person."

"Oh, maybe."

Su Fei originally thought that a cultivator at Gao Lie's level should not have such thoughts.

And Gao Lie also thinks that Su Fei's idea is very unusual.

Perhaps, they all have their own unique way of thinking.

But what Su Fei is most curious about is that very few people should know about Granny Shen's appearance in Aoshi Villa.

Gao Lie just came to Nanchuan not long ago, how did he know?

If he asked directly, Gao Lie might not say it directly.

So, just keep silent.

He wanted to see what kind of tricks Gao Lie was going to play.

Really just want to see Granny Shen?

It's just that things aren't that simple.

If he guessed correctly, he might want to find out the whereabouts of the Tianji Legion from Grandma Shen.




Lengthy silence.

They looked into each other's eyes.

From Gao Lie's eyes, Su Fei couldn't see what he wanted to see.

But he suddenly had an intuition.

He felt that Gao Lie was indeed not the same as himself.

Maybe one day in the future, they will really become enemies.

And Gao Lie also couldn't find what he expected from Su Fei's eyes.

He also had an intuition.

Su Fei was indeed different from everyone he had seen before.

In Su Fei's eyes, there is no passionate desire for anything.

In other words, compared to most people, Su Fei is basically a saint who has no desires or desires.

Su Fei is only 14 years old, obviously it is impossible to reach the height of a saint.

So in this world, what kind of person can achieve no desires and no desires?
Within the scope of Gao Lie's knowledge, he believes that there are only two kinds of people:
One: the person who is born with everything.

The second: it is a mortal who does not seek to make progress.

Obviously, Su Fei is neither the former nor the latter.

Therefore, he couldn't understand Su Fei.



This silence lasted for 10 minutes.

Such a lengthy silence, the two big men staring at each other like this seemed a little strange.

However, it was just the two of them in the room.

Twenty minutes later, Gao Lie stood up suddenly, and said calmly, "Forget it, Mr. Su, it's already getting late, so I won't bother you to rest."

"and many more!"

Su Fei stopped him: "Don't you want to see Granny Shen?"

"No need."

Gao Lie said: "Perhaps you are right, knowing the future too early may not be a good thing."

"Oh? Why did the senior change his original intention so quickly?"

Gao Lie said: "As killers, we may die at any time. If I knew in advance that I would die tomorrow, I would definitely lose a chance to sleep well tonight."

"Oh? Sleep is so important to Senior?"

Su Fei suddenly wondered if he had misjudged the person just now.

Maybe Gao Lie is not the kind of person he imagined?
"If you have a good rest, you can maintain the best mental state. Only with the best mental state can you guarantee to complete the task alive."

Gao Lie said something lightly, then left Su Fei's room.



This time, Su Fei didn't say much.

He didn't take what Gao Lie said at the end.


The little plane suddenly said: "Master, what did you see in your spiritual consciousness just now? I sensed that your spiritual consciousness has become very ethereal. This is not a good thing."

"I'm trapped in a turbid lake, no matter how hard I try, I can't get out of the predicament and reach the other shore." Su Fei said.


Hearing this, even the little plane fell into a long silence.

This situation has never happened before.

Su Fei asked: "What's the matter, why didn't you say anything?"

Xiaofei said: "Master, I'm afraid this matter is very troublesome. I suspect that someone is interfering with your cultivation."

"Someone is interfering? Who is it?"

"It's not known yet, but one thing is for sure, if someone really interferes, that person must be in Qingyu Inn." Xiaofei said.

"In Qingyu Inn?"

(End of this chapter)

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