Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 208 Promise to Friends

Chapter 208 Promise to Friends
Right now, apart from the members of the Red Clothes Society, Gao Lie is the only person living in Qingyu Inn.

The Red Clothes Society's wine bags and food bags obviously couldn't interfere with Su Fei's cultivation.

Could it be Gao Lie?

Why did Gao Lie do this?

The little plane suddenly opened his mouth again, and said: "By the way, master, I just found out the relevant information about the master of the fairyland that Qian Mei talked about."

"tell me the story."

Xiaofei said: "According to the historical records of the Immortal Domain, Mu Qingfeng did go to the Immortal Domain 3000 years ago. If it weren't for Mu Qingfeng's appearance, the current Immortal Domain would have collapsed long ago. But even so, After the catastrophe in the Immortal Realm, many ethnic groups were displaced and wandered around the world. Qian Mei, Shaoyin, Ming Chaoying, and Granny Shen are all nobles from the Immortal Realm."

"So that's the case, then why did she call me Immortal Lord?"

Xiaofei said: "This is not clear yet, but I believe this matter must have something to do with Mu Qingfeng."


Speaking of which, Qian Mei did mention Mu Qingfeng before, "In other words, Mu Qingfeng already expected my appearance 3000 years ago?"

Xiao Ji said: "You can say that."

"So, Mu Qingfeng also has the ability to predict the future?"

The little plane said: "Almost."

"What is almost."

Xiao Ji said: "That's about the same meaning."


Su Fei said: "My top priority now is to cultivate my attributes. Don't push me so far, first tell me who is interfering with my cultivation."

"This is..."

The little plane hesitated and said, "I don't know yet."

"Then tell me first, isn't it Gao Lie?"

Little Aircraft said: "It doesn't look like it."

"In other words, a member of the Red Clothes Society?"

The little plane said: "It's possible."

"Okay, I see."

Just think that the naughty little plane is talking nonsense!
Those idiots from the Red Clothes Club obviously don't have that strength.

If it wasn't for Gao Lie, I'm afraid this matter would be very troublesome.

From Su Fei's point of view, it is very likely that Jueming Ligong sent the fifth Yan Luo.



That night, the attribute was still not completed as expected.

The next day, morning.

"Hoo hoo!..."

It was still windy outside.

But the wind noise was much lighter than the previous few days.

Moreover, the heavy snow has finally stopped.

Get up and go to the window, look out, the earth is still a piece of silver.

"Oh, it hurts!"

"It hurts to death!"

"What should I do, I'm going to die."

"This time, I must be dead."

Just going downstairs for breakfast.

Suddenly, there was a painful cry in my ear.

Hearing the voice, it should be a young boy.


The sound of a small plane came from the ear.

"The man is in the backyard."

"I know."

Su Fei's listening and arguing has already been practiced perfectly.

Fly into the backyard.


The little plane said again: "The man is in the woodshed."

"I know."

Even if the little plane didn't say anything, Su Fei had already seen that person.

The man looked about ten years old, dressed thinly, curled up in the woodshed shivering, his body was about to freeze.

"Little brother, who are you, are you a handyman here?"

Su Fei walked up to the little boy and squatted down.

The little boy held his stomach and said in a trembling and weak voice: "Big brother, I haven't eaten for five days. I'm so hungry and my body hurts. Am I going to die?"

Seeing how pitiful he was, Su Fei stroked his head gently with one hand, and said softly: "Let's go, brother will take you to dinner."


Hearing this, the little boy immediately stood up.

But when he stood up, he suddenly found that his legs were made of iron.

Su Fei's eyes lit up, "Your legs!..."

"An old uncle made it for me."

The little boy held his stomach and said innocently: "Big brother, do you really want to take me to dinner?"

"of course it's true."

Su Fei didn't expect that this little boy turned out to be a cripple.What was even more unexpected was that the person who made the legs for the little boy was actually proficient in the art of dunjia!
Could it be that in this world, besides Su Fei, is there anyone else who has comprehended the star soul skill of Qimen Dunjia?

Just when Su Fei had this idea.

Xiaofei said suddenly: "These legs were made for him by Jin Tiancheng."

Hearing that, Su Fei became more interested in this little boy.

So he took his hand and walked into the restaurant of the inn together.

When the members of the Red Clothes Society saw Su Fei coming in, no one dared to act presumptuously in front of him.

However, when the shopkeeper saw the little boy, his face suddenly sank, "Mr. Su, why did you bring him here? He is a thief, and he is still being punished and cannot enter the restaurant."


Su Fei looked at the little boy and asked, "What's going on?"

The little boy held his stomach aggrievedly and said, "Big brother, I'm hungry."


Su Fei looked at the shopkeeper, "After all, I'm still a child, let's talk after eating."


"Why, are you afraid that I won't give you money?" Su Fei's face darkened.

"No, no, that's not what I meant."

The shopkeeper looked troubled.

Thinking that Su Fei has lived here for half a year, bringing a lot of income to the inn.

Moreover, Su Fei's strength must not be underestimated if he survived the death order of the Four Great Yamas in Jueming Li Palace.

After a few days of understanding, the shopkeeper already knew that the Su Fei in front of him was the number one genius of the Five Kingdoms who won the first place in the double ranking in the Dragon Ranking half a year ago.

No one can predict Su Fei's future.

But as long as he can grow up smoothly, sooner or later, he will definitely be the pinnacle powerhouse on this continent.

After some weighing, the shopkeeper could only follow Su Fei's wishes, "Well, it's fine to eat, but he must return the treasure he stole to me intact, otherwise, after eating, he still has to continue eating." be punished."

"I'll talk about the baby later. Let's eat first. If you starve this child, he will almost lose his shape."

As Su Fei spoke, he rubbed the little boy's hands caringly.

Afterwards, the waiter in the shop brought hot soup.

The little boy gulped down a big bowl.

Then, another large table of dishes was ordered.

The little boy devoured it hungrily, and within 10 minutes, it was all gone.

Su Fei didn't eat much, so he was surprised to see how much he could eat.

After the meal, he patted the child's thin shoulder and asked, "Now that the meal is ready, tell me, why did you steal?"

The little boy swallowed the last mouthful of food, wiped the oil from his mouth, looked at Su Fei gratefully, got up and said, "I'm sorry, big brother, although you invited me to dinner, I can't tell you."


Su Fei looked puzzled, and said softly: "The most important thing to be a human being is honesty. Even if you do something wrong, you must never lie or deliberately conceal the truth. Otherwise, you will be a veritable little villain."

"I'm not a little villain!" The little boy said loudly, "I have a reason for doing this!"


Hearing this, Su Fei looked curious, "What kind of reason does it have to be a thief?"

The little boy said: "I can't tell you, anyway, I did this to fulfill my promise to my friends!"

(End of this chapter)

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