Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 209 Suspicious Guy

Chapter 209 Suspicious Guy

"A friend? What kind of friend?" Su Fei asked.

The little boy said: "A friend who can give his life for him."


Su Fei is also the kind of person who can sacrifice his life for a friend.

The little boy is only ten years old, and he has already begun to understand the truth of a man's promise, which is really not easy.His words deeply touched Su Fei's soul.

So, I became even more curious about the experience of the little boy.

He got up and walked to the counter, and asked, "Shopkeeper, what did that kid steal from you?"

Seeing that Su Fei was extremely enthusiastic about the little boy, the shopkeeper reminded him softly: "Young master Su, you have to be more careful, poor people must have something to hate, don't be blinded by appearances."

"thanks for reminding."

Of course Su Fei could hear that there was something in the shopkeeper's words.

But he was still persistent, "Shopkeeper, you should tell me first what he stole from you, as long as I can compensate him for him, I will definitely!..."

"No need."

The shopkeeper interrupted Su Fei's words.

Sighing lightly, shaking his head, he said, "I know Mr. Su has good intentions. Since Mr. Su is determined to stand up for him, I will just pretend that what he did never happened."

"How does this work."

Su Fei said: "If you do it, you do it. Didn't you just say that he stole some treasure from you? A gentleman doesn't take away people's love. Since I have already decided to compensate him, and that thing is your treasure, how can you?" It's so easy."

"Hey!...It's just a chicken." The shopkeeper said.

"A chicken?"

Su Fei was really surprised.

The shopkeeper sighed: "That chicken's life experience is very pitiful. I didn't intend to kill it to eat it, but I didn't expect it to be stolen by that kid."


It was really unexpected that the shopkeeper would treat a chicken as a treasure.

It seems that this shopkeeper is also a lover.

You know, it's just an ordinary chicken, so it's not a treasure for someone like the shopkeeper.

Presumably there must be a touching story between this chicken and the shopkeeper.

Su Fei didn't like listening to stories very much, so he didn't say anything more.

After all, such things cannot be compensated by money.

Since the shopkeeper is so magnanimous, the best outcome of this matter is to let it go.

Feeling slanderous in my heart, I returned to the little boy and asked, "By the way, you haven't told me your name yet?"

"My name is Xiaofeng, the peak of the peak."



Later, Xiaofeng said that he also came to Nanchuan a few months ago.

Not long after arriving in Nanchuan, he met senior Jin Tiancheng.

Jin Tiancheng saw that his feet were disabled, it was pitiful, so he kindly made a pair of artificial legs for him.

But unexpectedly, within a few days, Jin Tiancheng was killed by a group of mysterious people.

Later, he lived on the street, and many things happened around him.

In the process, he made a very important friend.

The reason why he stole the shopkeeper's chicken was entirely to save his friend.

His friend was captured by a group of mysterious men.

Those mysterious people said that as long as he stole a hundred chickens for them, they could get his friends back.

But I didn't expect that after he finally sent all the one hundred chickens over, those people actually said that it was nothing, they had to give a thousand chickens.

So, he continued to steal chickens everywhere.

Unexpectedly, a few days ago, he was caught by the people from Qingyu Inn.



Xiaofeng's experience sounds a little bit bloody.

Su Fei even doubted the authenticity of his story.

However, since he has decided to take care of this matter, with Su Fei's temper, he will naturally take care of it to the end.

So, he continued to ask: "Xiaofeng, tell me where are the people who kidnapped your friend."


Xiaofeng said with a panicked expression: "Big brother, I know you are a good person, but I don't want you to be involved. Those people are not easy to mess with, and you are not very old. I'm afraid you can't afford to offend them."

"It's okay, let's talk about it." Su Fei said.


"Don't worry, you haven't sent chickens there for several days, aren't you afraid that your friend's life will be lost?"

"Of course I'm afraid."

Xiaofeng said with a worried face: "In the past few days, I have had nightmares every night. I dreamed that my friend was cut off by them one by one, and I could still hear their proud laughter. Big brother, I am really happy." Scared, I'm afraid he's dead already."

"Xiaofeng, don't be afraid."

Su Fei put a hand on Xiaofeng's thin shoulder, and comforted him: "Now you must remain optimistic, you should take me to see the situation first. As for whether we can rescue him, we will do our best."

After hearing Su Fei's words, Xiaofeng said suspiciously: "But!... Those people are all practitioners, big brother, are you really not afraid?"

"There is nothing to be afraid of, we will play by ear."

"OK then."



In the afternoon, Xiaofeng took Su to the direction of Dongcheng.

Walking and walking, he came to the pine forest outside Jueming Li Palace.

"Xiaofeng, you really don't know what those people do?"

Hearing the words, Xiaofeng raised his eyes to look at Su Fei, and said carefully, "Big brother, what's wrong with you, why do you suddenly look a little nervous."

"It's nothing."

Su Fei looked around vigilantly, but found nothing unusual.

But he suddenly suspected in his heart that the destination of his trip might be the Palace of Desperation, which terrified the people of Nanchuan.



Walked about two hours on the mountain road.

Finally, I saw a ruined temple not far ahead.

The existence of that ruined temple is very strange, the surrounding area is desolate, there is not even a decent road, and there are no traces of human beings at all.

However, Xiaofeng suddenly pointed at the ruined temple, and said softly, "Big Brother, that's right there."

"Are they hiding in the ruined temple?"




Hearing this, Su Fei squatted down and hid behind a piece of bluestone.

Close your eyes and feel the air around you, but you don't feel the slightest aura of terror.


Suddenly, the sound of a small plane rang in my ear.

"Master, there is no one in the ruined temple."

Su Fei asked secretly: What's going on?
The little plane said: "Master, you may have been deceived by that kid."

What do you mean?
The little plane said: "This may be a trap."

Why do you see it?

The little plane said: "Just wait and see, the truth will surface soon. However, the master must be vigilant at all times, especially Xiaofeng next to you. I just retrieved some of his information. I suspect that he is very It may be someone who left the palace at his death."

Ok! ...

In fact, Su Fei has already started to have doubts since he heard Xiaofeng talk about his experiences these days.

Moreover, he said that it was a group of practitioners who arrested his friend.

No matter what level of cultivator, it is impossible for a person to be exchanged for a hundred chickens or a thousand chickens after catching a person.

Such a boring game doesn't seem like something a practitioner would do at all.

(End of this chapter)

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