Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 212 The teacher is under house arrest

Chapter 212 The teacher is under house arrest

Hearing this, Su Fei smiled lightly, "Actually, there are many kinds of freedom. Perhaps the freedom I understand is different from the freedom that seniors understand."

"Is it."

Gao Lie said: "No matter what kind of freedom you want, judging from your current situation, you don't look like a free person at all."

"Then what kind of freedom does senior think?" Su Fei asked.

Gao Lie said: "A truly free person may not be happy, but he must be ruthless. Only a truly ruthless person can be truly free."

"So what does senior mean to say that the junior cannot be free because he is bound by feelings?" Su Fei asked.

"Isn't it, you ask yourself, are you really free?"

Gao Lie said something meaningful, then got up with a face of indifference, and left Qingyu Inn alone.



Su Fei stared at Gao Lie's back with deep eyes.

The wind seemed to be getting colder at that moment.

And the sky also became darker.

There is no moon tonight, but the Nanchuan area is covered by thick snow, and the road will not be invisible on the street.

Su Fei could tell that Gao Lie was already drunk, but he was not worried about Gao Lie's safety.

He sat alone in the dining room, and he didn't go upstairs for a long time, thinking about every word Gao Lie said.

Perhaps, what Gao Lie said also has a certain truth.

But after thinking deeply, that's not what Su Fei wanted.

Su Fei already had a clear plan for the future.

He knows what he wants.

Therefore, he will not be swayed by what anyone says.

"Bang bang bang!"

Finally, when there was no one in the restaurant on the first floor, he finally got up and went upstairs with steady steps.


The moment he opened the door, he found someone in the room.

With his back turned to him, the man was staring at the silver snow outside the window in a daze.

Based on his slender back, Su Fei has roughly guessed his identity.


At the same time, the sound of a small plane came from the ear.

"Master, he is the one who followed you in the pine forest, and his identity is..."

"Are you... senior brother?"

Before the little plane finished speaking, Su Fei already had a bold guess in his heart.

The man turned around, and at the same time, lit the candle lamp on the table.

Under the flickering candlelight, Su Fei could see his face clearly.


It's really Jingzhai.

Jing Zhai's complexion is much better than before.

Apparently, Jingzhai's body has taken good care of himself in the past few months.

Moreover, his gaze was firmer and more confident than before.

Not only that, but there was a strong internal force emanating from his body.

In other words, he has really returned to martial arts.

But the existence of sword energy could not be sensed from his body.

Therefore, as Gao Lie said, he is not currently a swordsman.

"Su Fei, long time no see!"

Jingzhai put his hands behind his back and looked at Su Fei intently with a warm and doting smile on his face.

"Brother, it's really you!"

Su Fei was excited, and couldn't help rushing forward, hugging Jing Zhai tightly.

To be honest, this is also the first time he has made such a move.

Jing Zhai was shocked at first, but there was always a warm smile on his face, "Su Fei, I heard that you have been dishonest recently."


Hearing this, Su Fei immediately let go of his fasting, and said seriously: "Why am I dishonest?"

Jing Zhai said: "Dare to oppose the imperial court at such a young age, this is not a wise move."

Speaking of this, Su Fei's expression immediately darkened.

"By the way, senior brother, Daru..."

"He's fine."

Jing Zhai said: "I released the rumors. Only in this way can Dalu be better protected."


Hearing this, Su Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief, "As expected, I knew that senior brother would never attack Dalu."

"That's natural, but..."

"But what?"

"Daru is injured and his future is in jeopardy."


Su Fei asked: "What's going on here, brother really saw Dalu?"


Jingzhai said: "They have been hiding in the main city of Nanchuan, and they are not far from Jueming Palace. The reason why they disappeared during this period is precisely because Dalu was seriously injured."

", how do you know this?"

"Don't forget, Xiling Yijian is my father's student."

"Huh? That's right, how could I forget this..."

Hearing what Jing Zhai said, Su Fei finally remembered, ", you already know about Senior Xie?"


Jing Zhai nodded and said: "Father has already told me everything, otherwise, I would not be able to stay in Shadow Studio, and Gao Lie would not be able to call me Young Master."

"Well, also..."

Su Fei heard the words, and said thoughtfully: "By the way, what's going on with that red list, Senior Senior seems to care about that list."

"It's just a mechanism for internal ratings."

Jingzhai smiled lightly, and then patiently explained.



After listening to Jing Zhai's explanation, Su Fei finally understood that there was also great competition within Shadow Studio.

The higher the level of the killer, the more difficult the tasks that can be obtained.

The higher the difficulty of the task, the higher the income and status.

When the status reaches a certain height, you can become a manager, and you don't have to kill people yourself.

Gao Lie's status in the Shadow Chamber is not high or low, and he thought he would have the opportunity to run for the manager this time, but unfortunately, it is still a little bit short.

Moreover, it was already the end of the year, and Gao Lie obviously had no chance to be promoted to a manager within this year.



Of course, that was something inside their Shadow House.

Su Fei is not very interested in Shadow Studio.

So, after listening to Jingzhai's introduction, he said with a smile, "Let's not talk about that, I want to know the exact location of Dalu."

"He doesn't want to see you."

Jing Zhai said: "Dalu has a lot of eyeliners in Nanchuan. From the day you first came to Nanchuan, he already knew you were here."


Su Fei said: "Could it be that in Dalu's heart, he still regards me as his enemy?"

"not like this."

Jing Zhai said: "On the contrary, ever since you restrained more than 200 archers in Weihu Mountain with your own strength outside the Giant Spirit Gang, he has been moved by you and has already regarded you as one of his own."

"In that case, why don't you want to see me?"

"He said that he doesn't want you to participate in the rebellion."

"Is it?"

Su Fei said: "I didn't really think about rebelling. All I did was to protect my friends. Brother, I believe you can see that Sima Jing is different from before. With his way of governing the country , the peace of Qinjian Mountain will be touched sooner or later."

"I know."

Jing Zhai said: "This is the reason why I came to see you. What I want to tell you is that the teacher has been placed under house arrest. Even if we don't rebel, we must stop Sima Jing's evil deeds."

"What, teacher!...How is it possible, teacher, the majestic Great Sword Emperor, how could he be under house arrest!"

Su Fei had a look of disbelief.

Jing Zhai sighed heavily, "Yes, with Master's sword practice, Sima Jing naturally can't do anything to him, but Teacher is too kind. He was put under house arrest voluntarily in order to uphold the core idea of ​​Benevolent Sword Dao."

(End of this chapter)

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