Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 213 5 Golden Soul Coins

Chapter 213 50 Golden Soul Coins
As the saying goes, good people are bullied, and good horses are ridden by others.

Sure enough, the way of the benevolent sword is indeed difficult to survive in this world.

Not many people can understand Ming Daoren's kindness.


Su Fei sighed secretly, "Brother, what are you going to do next?"

Jing Zhai said: "Let's take a step at a time. As far as the teacher's situation is not too bad, what we should worry about most now is the Mu family."


Su Fei thought for a while.

Given the current situation, the Mu family is indeed in a very dangerous situation.

The biggest danger among them is that the Mu family still maintains absolute loyalty to Sima Jing.

But this situation will be difficult to change for a while.

So, he said solemnly: "Brother, do you know why the teacher is under house arrest?"

Jing Zhai shook his head, "The specific situation is still under investigation, but I heard that this matter may be related to something in the mountain behind Qinjian Mountain."

"The back mountain of Qinjian Mountain?"

The first thing Su Fei thought of was the Gate of Ice.

Could it be that the teacher was put under house arrest to protect the gate of the ice region?

Thinking about it carefully, maybe it is not impossible.

Of course, until the truth is known, everything is just speculation.

Seeing Su Fei's full of thoughts, Jing Zhai asked: "Su Fei, do you know something?"

"It's nothing."

Su Fei's heart quickly recovered, "No matter what the future holds, we are deeply gracious to the Mu family, and we must never be ungrateful."

"Well, you're right!"

Jing Zhai also agreed, "But, after all, I'm a member of Shadow Studio now. It's inconvenient to deal with Qin Jianshan's affairs in the open. Su Fei, the safety of the Mu family in the future will depend on you."

"I will do my best."

As he said that, Su Fei suddenly remembered something, "By the way, brother, is your current job really an assassin?"


Jingzhai said: "Actually, there is nothing wrong with being an assassin. Princess Shangguan Meisha of the Northern Qi Dynasty is not the same as an assassin."

"Actually, I already have a way to help you rebuild the spirit foundation." Su Fei said.

"No need."

Jingzhai said: "I used to be obsessed with the pursuit of swordsmanship, but recently I suddenly discovered that my talent seems to be able to develop to a higher level in the assassin's path."


Su Fei asked curiously: "What is the current cultivation level of senior brother?..."

"In just a few months, I have already reached level 65."

"So soon?"

Su Fei looked at Jing Zhai in surprise, "That is to say, you have already begun to comprehend the star soul?"


Jing Zhai said: "As long as you comprehend the star soul, I believe it will not take long, and I will catch up with you soon."

"Catch me?"

Su Fei looked at Jing Zhai in astonishment, "So, brother already knows my cultivation level?"

Jingzhai said: "Of course I know, it was Gao Lie who told me."

"I see."



Maybe it's because two people haven't seen each other for too long, after meeting, it will be more or less different from what they imagined.

Jingzhai has changed and become more confident.

With such a change, Su Fei was naturally happy for him.

However, it is a pity that Jing Zhai would abandon the spiritual base remodeling system that was finally created.

However, it is indeed rare for Jingzhai to be able to rise to level 65 in such a short period of time.

Perhaps the job of an assassin is the true destination of Jingzhai!

"Brother, when do you plan to return to Wangcheng?"

"Leave tonight."

"So fast?"

"Teacher still needs someone to take care of it. After finishing your work, hurry back to Qinjian Mountain." Jingzhai said.

"Okay, I see."

Su Fei knew that he couldn't keep Jing Zhai, and he had no reason to keep him.

So, with a forced smile, he said, "Brother, can you drink in your current physical condition?"

"What, you want to drink with me?" Jing Zhai looked at Su Fei unexpectedly.

"If possible." Su Fei said.

"Of course, you are my only junior. If you want to buy me a drink, I will naturally not refuse."



That night, they sneaked into the wine cellar of Qing Yu Inn and drank all the wine in the wine cellar.

In the second half of the night, Su Fei was finally so drunk that he passed out.

I don't know when, but he fell asleep lying on the Eight Immortals table in the wine cellar.

"Bang bang bang!"

Early in the morning, I heard someone tapping the table lightly.

"Master Su, did you drink all the wine in the wine cellar?"


Su Fei woke up with a start.

Looking around, Jing Zhai has long since disappeared.

"Master Su, how can you drink so much wine by yourself, are you in good health?"

"I am fine."

Su Fei's head was in a daze, and he couldn't figure out whether Jingzhai had come or not.

Rubbing his swollen and sore eyes, he staggered up, let out a long breath, and said, "Shopkeeper, how much are these wines?"

"Money is not a problem, Mr. Su, are you in good health?"

"It's really fine." Su Fei said.

"Okay then, since that's the case, please go to the counter to pay."

The shopkeeper was also very talkative, and he didn't blame Su Fei for sneaking into the wine cellar at all.

When he came to the counter, the shopkeeper tapped his abacus quickly.

In just a few seconds, the shopkeeper had already settled the accounts.

"Master Su, the total is 50 gold soul coins."

"What, 50!"

Su Fei was stunned, "Why are there so many?"

The shopkeeper said: "Those are cellar wines that have been treasured for many years, and some of them are court tribute wines, which are very valuable. The 50 gold soul coins are already [-]% off."


Su Fei is not a person who is stingy with money.

However, 50 gold soul coins is really not a small amount, and it will be impossible to get it out for a while.

So, he said in a low voice: "Shopkeeper, can you see if this money can..."

"no problem."

The shopkeeper saw Su Fei's meaning at a glance, and hammered his abacus again, "If Mr. Su can't afford so much money, you can use other methods to pay off the debt, or use high interest to compensate, I don't know which one Mr. Su is willing to choose? "


I didn't expect the shopkeeper to be so easy to talk to.

Su Fei said gratefully: "Please tell me the difference between the two methods."

The shopkeeper said: "The first type, of course, is that you have to do whatever we ask you to do. The second type is to give you a three-month deadline. If you pay 50 gold soul coins within three months, then the interest is One hundred thousand, that is to say, just give me 60 gold soul coins in total. If it takes more than three months, you have to give me at least 100 million gold soul coins."


I have seen a black heart, but I have never seen such a black heart.

However, Su Fei did make a mistake first.

He has never been an unreasonable person. If he is suppressed by force, let alone 50 gold soul coins, he can not give him a penny.

But this way is obviously not what Su Fei likes.

"I choose the former. If there is anything, just ask the shopkeeper." Su Fei said helplessly.

"Are you sure?" There was a sly look in the shopkeeper's eyes.

Seeing him like this, Su Fei suddenly suspected that he had chosen the wrong one...

(End of this chapter)

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