Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 214: You Can't Get Tiger Sons

Chapter 214: You Can't Get Tiger Sons
"Shopkeeper, you are really not kind at all."

Just when Su Fei regretted it in his heart.

Suddenly, Qian Mei walked in from the door.

Seeing Qian Mei, the shopkeeper had a bad feeling in his heart, "Lord Qian Mei, you don't even want to take care of this matter, Mr. Su stole the wine from our shop, he should pay compensation, right?" ?”

"Is it?"

When Qian Mei heard this, she immediately cast her charms and winked at the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper was bewildered by the charm, and his attitude changed 180 degrees in an instant, and he said fawningly: "I will listen to Lord Qian Mei, and if Lord Qian Mei has any orders, just say it."

Qian Mei's complexion darkened, and she said loudly: "You immediately clear all of Mr. Su's accounts, otherwise, you won't have to open this small shop again."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Upon hearing this, the shopkeeper obediently took out the ledger.

He was about to withdraw the account, but was stopped by Su Fei, "Miss Qian Mei, I'm afraid this is inappropriate."

"There's something wrong."

Qian Mei said: "Master Immortal Master, do you know what he wants you to do?"

"What?" Su Fei asked.

Qian Mei said: "He is a member of Xie Yanluo, if you agree to his conditions, I'm afraid you will be doomed in the future."


When Su Fei heard it, he was surprised and said: "Is he a person who has fallen behind?"


Qian Mei said: "Originally, I didn't know about this matter. A while ago, I happened to see him at the Jueming Ligong secret meeting to renounce the sect. Even if he is not the person who renounced the sect, he must have something to do with the sect."


Su Fei thought for a while, "If that's the case, why don't we just follow the plan?"

"Just count?"

Qian Mei was shocked, "Master Immortal Master, don't you mean..."


Su Fei said: "I plan to sneak into the interior of Jueming Li Palace."

"But... it's too risky to do this, you are the one ordered by the Thirteen Leagues to kill!"

"How can you catch a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's den? If you wait for all Yan Luo to come to the door by yourself, I don't know how long it will take to gather all the leader's tokens."

Su Fei couldn't wait any longer.

Now, even Ming Daoren has been placed under house arrest.

If the matter here cannot be dealt with as soon as possible, Qin Jianshan will be in trouble at that time, and the distant water will not be able to save the nearby fire, and I am afraid that I will regret it for life.


Qian Mei said nervously: "Master Immortal Master, how much do you know about Qingzong?"

Su Fei said: "The reason why Qingzong is called Xie Yanluo is because he does things in an eclectic manner and does not use any means to achieve his goals. In fact, this kind of person has the biggest disadvantage."


"Too conceited and, moreover, too much sense of purpose."

"It is."

Qian Mei said: "So, the Immortal Master already has a countermeasure?"

Su Fei shook his head, "No."


Qian Mei said: "Since there is no one, let's not go, we are all waiting for you to help us..."

"I know."

Su Fei interrupted her, "Let's talk about the future. If the shopkeeper is really a person who has lost his family, I really want to go to the Jueming Palace. As for the countermeasures, just adapt to the situation. Besides, aren't you still here?" Is Jueming Li Palace serving, with you here, nothing major will happen."


Qian Mei said hesitantly: "If the Lord Immortal Master is determined to do this, Qian Mei will naturally support it, but... Qian Mei still hopes that the Lord Immortal Master will think twice."

"I've thought it through very clearly. You help the shopkeeper regain his sanity first, and we'll talk about it after we understand the matter clearly."

"it is good!"

Saying that, Qian Mei winked at the shopkeeper again, and the coquettish spell was immediately released.

The shopkeeper came back to his senses, rubbed his eyes in a panic, and said, "That...Master Qian Mei, when did you come, do you want to stay in the store or play a top job?"

"I'm here to find Mr. Su." Qian Mei said.

"Looking for Mr. Su?"

The shopkeeper looked at Su Fei, and then remembered the business, "By the way, Mr. Su, have you really thought it through?"

"of course."

Su Fei said: "Just as you said, if there is anything, you can just order it."


The shopkeeper thought for a moment and said, "Come to the backyard to find me tonight."

"it is good!"



Regardless of what medicine is sold in the shopkeeper's gourd, everything will naturally come to light after dark.

During the day, Su Fei had nothing to do, and was dragged by Qian Meisheng to Ming Lou.

Minglou became very empty, and it seemed that more than half of the people had already left.

When Su Fei asked about this, Qian Mei explained with a smile: "They are usually busy with their own affairs, and they rarely stay at home."


Hearing this, Su Fei asked again: "Then what about Miss Ming?"

Qian Mei said: "She has gone to another place."

"What are you doing out of town?"

"Looking for someone."

"Looking for someone."

"My lord, have you ever heard of a wise man named Kang Bo?"


Isn't that the person Su Fei sent Jue Jiu and Shao Yin to look for, "Miss Qian Mei, do you mean that Miss went to look for Kang Bo?"

"That's right." Qian Mei said, "Kang Bo is her fiancé."


Su Fei raised his eyebrows, "So, Miss Ming must know Kang Bo's whereabouts?"

"Do not."

Qian Mei said: "Kang Bo is a traveler, his whereabouts are always erratic, no one knows his whereabouts."

"So, Miss Ming is going, and I don't know when she will be back?"

"Not necessarily."

"How to say?"

"Ming Chaoying has always been cautious in doing things. She will not go out for no reason. I believe she must have received news about Kang Bo when she went to look for him without hesitation this time."


Su Fei said: "Actually, I am also looking for Kang Bo, if there is a chance to meet him, it would be nice."

"Are you looking for Compaq too?"

Qian Mei was puzzled and said: "Master Immortal Master, what are you looking for with Kang Bo?"

"I want to form my own ace army, and Kang Bo is an important candidate in my plan." Su Fei said.

"I see."

Qian Mei nodded thoughtfully, "It seems that the Immortal Master has a very clear plan for the future, and Qian Mei's previous worries may be superfluous."

"What's your worry?" Su Fei asked.

"Of course it's about Xie Yanluo Qingzong. Qingzong is not an easy guy to deal with. If you really go to Jueming Li Palace, it's like being in a dangerous situation. I'm afraid it's not easy to get out safely. "

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Su Fei looked confident.

Seeing Su Fei's attitude, Qian Mei suddenly thought of something, "It is worth mentioning that the relationship between Qingzong and Zhiyanluo Zhongzhi is very good. In Jueming Li Palace, there are not many people and things that can be hidden. Zhi Yanluo's eyes. In fact, what I am most worried about is not Qingzong, but Zhong Zhi."

"Zhong Zhi?"

Hearing this, Su Fei became more confident.

There is Qian Mei's support by his side, and Zhong Zhi happens to be his old friend Xiong Xingyu.

Now that Xiong Xingyu's wisdom has been recognized by everyone in Jueming Ligong, I believe that no matter how dangerous the trip is, he will be able to save the day.

(End of this chapter)

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