Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 216 Eight Legged King

Chapter 216 Eight-legged Heavenly King
The boundary mountain is not big, and Su Fei can't use the empty ghost step in his current state.

Otherwise, within two seconds, you can reach the boundary mountain shrouded in the colorful sky.

"Master, be careful. There are strange beasts all over the boundary mountain. If you want to truly comprehend the attributes, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort."


This point, Su Fei has long been mentally prepared.

The more precious something is, the more impossible it is to obtain it easily.

As long as you understand the attributes, you will soon be able to break through the barrier of the great swordsman.

Therefore, no matter how difficult it is, today is bound to be achieved.


Sure enough, he didn't go far when he heard the roar of a strange beast.

When he heard the sound, the ferocious ancient beast had stopped in front of Su Fei.

Looking up, the guy probably has a height of more than 100 meters, and his head can't be seen at a glance.

Not only that, but also a strange-looking eight-legged monster!
The body is so huge that just one leg is as strong as a century-old tree!
In front of it, Su Fei was as insignificant as an ant.

"What the hell is this!"

Su Fei has never seen such a strange beast.

"This is a super beast in the illusion world." Xiaofei said.

"What do you mean? Can you make it simpler." Su Fei asked anxiously.

The little plane said: "To put it simply, you imagined this thing, and according to Jieshan's historical experience, the stronger the alien beast imagined, the stronger the attribute you comprehend will be!"

"So... what level is this thing?"

Su Fei stared at the colossal monster with serious eyes, and found that it didn't seem to have discovered its own existence, so he stepped back step by step, hoping to find a temporarily safe place to hide for a while, and launch an attack after analyzing the colossal monster thoroughly. Not too late.

What's worth mentioning is that the main reason why the colossal creature didn't notice Su Fei was precisely because Su Fei's body was as small as an ant in front of that servant.

This is like saying that when you are walking on the street, an ant quietly walks by under your feet. If you don't look carefully, it is naturally difficult to find its existence.



Closer to home, the giant is still moving, and every step it takes may trample Su Fei to death!
While Su Fei asked the little plane for advice, he also had to pay attention to avoiding the giant's big feet!




Every time it takes a step, the ground will shake three times!

The little plane also explained anxiously: "As the master thought, it is indeed an eight-legged monster, but among the eight-legged monsters, it is at the level of a heavenly king, that is to say, it is an eight-legged heavenly king."

"Eight-legged Heavenly King?"

Su Fei said: "You should tell me first, what level does this guy belong to in Jieshan?"

"Overlord class!" Xiaofei said.

"Overlord class?"

Su Fei frowned, "Then what type of attribute does it correspond to?"

"Unfortunately, it's the dark system!" Xiaofei said.

Holding grass?

What a coincidence! ...

The little plane just reminded Su Fei not to choose the dark system, but...

"Master, since this is destined, then don't run away, and try your best to fight!"

"War? How to fight?"

Su Fei looked at the mountain-like eight-legged king, and really didn't know what to do.

More importantly, he hasn't cultivated his soul yet, and in his current state, he can't use any martial arts at all, not even sword qi.

Therefore, he didn't know how to fight this eight-legged king at all!

The little plane said: "Master, look carefully, it's too big to notice your presence, and it's trying to turn around."

Looking up, sure enough, the Eight-legged Heavenly King was turning around.

It turned around, in Su Fei's opinion, it was really terribly slow.

Every step takes a few seconds.

Even if Su Fei's people stand where it is going to land, they can escape safely at will.

"But... what is it going to do?"

Su Fei couldn't understand the Eight-legged Heavenly King's intentions, because the distance was too close, and he couldn't even see its overall appearance clearly.

The little plane said: "It couldn't find you, and it was planning to destroy your boundary mountain."


This will not work!

Su Fei frowned, "Then what should I do next?"

Xiao Ji said: "In the final analysis, it is just a virtual thing imagined by you, you need to use your mind to defeat it!"

"Is it a thought?"

Although Su Fei's understanding of martial arts is not high, he still understands such a simple truth.

Hearing this, he immediately hid in a safe rocky hill, held his breath and sat cross-legged on the spot, with his eyes slightly closed, using his mental power to feel the existence of the Eight-legged Heavenly King.


In the spiritual world, the eight-legged king is Su Fei's fear.

He soon saw the eight-legged king, and it was at a very long distance.

The place was dark, but the presence of the Eight-legged Heavenly King was obvious.

A ray of moonlight shrouded the body of the Eight-legged Heavenly King.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be an eight-legged giant elephant.

How can it be defeated?
At first, Su Fei was at a loss.

It didn't take long, though, to find a way to beat it.

Since the eight-legged king is the fear in his heart, the way to overcome it is naturally to overcome fear.

So, how can we overcome fear?

According to scientific experience, if you want to conquer fear, you must face it.

So, in the spiritual world, he bravely stepped forward and slowly approached the Eight-legged Heavenly King.

At first, he walked very slowly.

As he walked, he observed the reaction of the Eight-legged Heavenly King.

The strange thing is that the Eight-legged Heavenly King is like a dementia. Although he has been staring at him fiercely, he has never moved.

Su Fei thought to himself, could it be that it cannot move at all?
Or is fear itself a static form?

And it may be his own thoughts that tend to fear and enter the state of motion.

When he really dared to get close to fear, it was actually nothing to fear at all.

This is like when we were afraid of climbing trees when we were young, but once we have the experience of climbing trees once, we will no longer be afraid in the future.

Some people are also afraid to swim in deep water.

But once we learn how to swim, first of all, we will dare to go out in the shallows.

Since the inner world of deep water is unknown to us, we dare not explore it easily.

But if someone takes the lead in diving into deep water to explore the secrets, we will also muster up the courage to follow.

Over time, deep water ceased to be our fear.



During this time, Su Fei approached the Eight-legged Heavenly King, getting closer and closer.

Until he was already standing at the foot of the Eight-legged Heavenly King, he suddenly discovered that the giant mountain-like giant was not as terrifying as he imagined.


At this moment, the sound of the small plane came again.

"Congratulations, Master, for overcoming your psychological fear. Next, you will be rewarded by the Eight-legged Heavenly King."

"What do you mean?"

Su Fei was dumbfounded.

The little plane said: "You will know in a while, it will be a very interesting experience, but you must be careful, and you must keep in mind the purpose of your trip and my previous reminder to you."

(End of this chapter)

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