Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 217 Emotional Weather

Chapter 217 Emotional Weather
It was only later that I realized that the Eight-legged Heavenly King was not exactly the super strange beast that Su Fei had imagined.

In fact, within the boundary mountain, there is the existence of the Eight-legged Heavenly King itself.

And the reason why Xiaofei didn't tell him the truth was to help him relieve his psychological pressure.


Just as he was talking, suddenly, there was a loud noise in the boundary mountain.

Then, the ground shook.

On the slope behind Su Fei, boulders kept rolling down.

Fortunately, he was in a rocky hill, so he would not be hit by a boulder.


At the same time, the little plane said loudly: "Master, please pay attention, before the sky is engulfed by dark clouds, you must rush to the Tianwang Cave on the top of the mountain, otherwise, it may be difficult to get out from here in a short time."

"Tianwang Cave? Where exactly is it?"

Boundary Mountain is neither big nor small. Even though the small plane has clearly stated that it is on the top of the mountain, if we don't know the exact location, I'm afraid it will take more detours and delay the time.

The little plane said nervously: "Master, you should close your eyes and sense the existence of Tianwang Cave, you should be able to see it."

"it is good."

Su Fei immediately closed his eyes, and the eyes were dark at first.

But soon, looking up to the direction of the top of the mountain, he could really clearly see the existence of Tianwang Cave.

In that dim world, there was a faint light in Tianwang Cave, which looked extremely dazzling.

According to visual inspection, Tianwang Cave is on the top of the mountain at a height of 300 meters.

Now the ground is shaking and the mountains are shaking, and there are huge boulders rolling down the mountain. It may not be easy to climb up in a short time.

But in any case, the target location has been confirmed anyway.

Su Fei didn't hesitate, and immediately stepped forward, rushing to the top of the mountain at the fastest speed.




Countless boulders are still rolling down, and the violently shaking ground makes it difficult to even stand up, and it is really difficult to dodge the boulders that keep rolling down.

Several times, Jushi passed by Su Fei.


You can't use martial arts, and it's really tiring to climb a mountain with only perseverance!
Su Fei had already started to pant, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

But his eyes are still firm, always staring at his target spot!

Suddenly, the sound of a small plane came from my ear.

"Master, come on, there are still 200 meters left!"

Su Fei was so exhausted that he had only completed one-third of the journey?

Just when the mood was solemn, suddenly, there was a thunder in the sky.


Immediately afterwards, heavy rain poured down.

"Hoo hoo!..."

The strong wind is not idle, it is really not the time to come.

The windy and windy mountain road became more difficult in an instant.

I still remember a famous ancient poem: The difficulty of the road to Shu is more difficult than going to the blue sky.

In the meantime, the mountain road under Su Fei's feet is probably no more than this.


Feeling Su Fei's emotions, the little plane reminded: "Master, these are all imagined by you, you must overcome your own psychological barriers."

"Psychological barrier?" Su Fei asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Xiao Ji said: "This is very troublesome to explain."

"Then let's keep it simple." Su Fei said.

The little plane said: "To put it simply, the more pessimistic you are, the worse the situation will become. In short, pay attention to safety first, there is still 180 meters left."


Su Fei had to stabilize his emotions, and said as calmly as possible: "How long is it before the sky is swallowed by dark clouds?"


"Master, please wait a moment!..."

"It has been found!..."

The little plane said: "It's still two minutes and seven seconds away."


Hearing this, Su Fei took a breath, "How far away is it?"

The little plane said: "It's still 170 meters away!"


2 minutes, 170 meters!

If it's flat, it's fine.


This is a slippery and steep mountain road covered by heavy rain, 2 minutes is really urgent!

Just as Su Fei's mood changed, there was another burst of thunder in the sky.


Su Fei cursed secretly, "Is it against me on purpose? Well, let's see who can play better!"


Before the words fell, the rain became thicker in an instant, and it was completely impossible to see the way ahead.

"Is this emotional weather?"


The little plane said: "This term is very accurate, it is the emotional weather. The weather here will change according to your mood. Therefore, if you want to reach the top of the mountain as soon as possible, you must first adjust your mentality."




Before he had time to adjust his mentality, several boulders rolled down from the top of the mountain.


A gust of wind is coming, and the boulder is already close at hand!
The foot shakes violently, and the mountain road is slippery. I'm afraid it will be difficult to escape this time!

(End of this chapter)

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