Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 219 Nether Way

Chapter 219 Nether Way (Third)


The sound was getting closer.

Until the end, it seemed to be behind Su Fei.

However, when Su Fei looked back, there was still nothing behind him.

"Little plane, tell me quickly, how can I see Bruce?"

Being able to hear voices but not seeing Bruce's physical form made Su Fei feel horrified, and his mood instantly became tense.


Xiaofei said: "The same, look at it with your heart."


At times like this, it's really hard to calm down.

But in any case, the matter has come to this point, and it seems that there is no turning back.

If you want to get out of the predicament, you can only stabilize your emotions as soon as possible.


He let out a long breath.

Afterwards, he sat cross-legged and practiced the Tuna exercises hundreds of times in a row.

Although it took a lot of time, the mood gradually calmed down after all.


Finally, let out a long breath of exhaust gas.

This time, it was finally settled again.

Not only that, but the pitch-black situation in front of his eyes, where he couldn't see his fingers, had finally changed.

Although he closed his eyes tightly, he could see everything around him very clearly.

It is said that the bottom floor of Tianwang Cave is like a tomb, with cobwebs everywhere, and insects and ants can be seen everywhere.



The strange cry came again.

But this time, Su Fei also saw that little guy.

——It turned out to be... an eight-legged monster!
However, the eight-legged monster I saw in front of me was very small, about the size of a palm.



It raised its head and screamed strangely at Su Fei, but it didn't know what its intentions were.

But seeing its long nose pointing to a dark secret passage on the east side, it tentatively asked: "Are you Bruce?"


It wagged its nose and seemed to say "no".

So, Su Fei asked again: "Are you asking me to go over there to find Bruce?"


Its nose wags up and down, as if to say "yes".

Su Fei immediately got up and walked towards the dark secret passage on the east side.


The little eight-legged monster followed behind Su Fei, and there was a trace of fear in its round eyes, as if it was very afraid of that secret passage.


It was at this moment that the sound of a small plane came to my ears again.

"Master, I saw it too, it's the Nether Way."

Su Fei asked: "What is Nether Dao?"

The little plane said: "If you want to see Bruce, you have to go through the Nether. I didn't know the meaning of this sentence before, but now it seems that as long as you go through the Nether Way, you should be able to see Bruce himself."

"So... what is the mystery in this Nether Dao?"

Su Fei stood at the entrance of Nether Road, and saw that the darkness inside gradually changed to the color of flames.

So, he stood still at the entrance, unable to take another step forward for a long time.

Xiaofei said: "This so-called Nether Dao was originally called Nether Ghost Dao, which means that it is a road leading to death."


Hearing this, Su Fei sweated on his forehead, "That is to say, after passing the Nether Dao, I will die?"

"Yes, and no." Xiao Ji said, "It's just a death in a certain sense, but in a practical sense, you are still alive."

"What do you mean, please make it simpler."

The more Su Fei listened, the more confused he became.

The little plane said: "To put it simply, when you pass through the Netherworld, you are already dead within the boundary mountain, and if you want to return to your physical body in the Aoshi Villa alive, you have to follow Bruce's arrangement."

"That is to say, once I pass the Nether Dao, I will be absolutely passive. Is that what you mean?" Su Fei asked.

"Almost." Little Airplane said, "But I'm also curious about one thing, what exactly is this eight-legged monster following you."

Su Fei said: "At first I suspected that it was the real Bruin."

The little plane said: "This is unlikely, I doubt it, it may be the eight-legged king you saw in Jieshan before."

“How come you see?”

The little plane explained: "From a certain point of view, the Eight-legged King is the fear in your imaginary world. At the same time, it is also the overlord of Jieshan. It cannot be completely suppressed by you. Because you have overcome the inner fear, fear It has become smaller, and in contrast, the eight-legged king has also become smaller, even in the state of being conquered by you."


Hearing this, Su Fei glanced back at the eight-legged monster following behind, and asked, "Have we met before?"


The eight-legged monster bobbed its nose up and down.

"So, are you really the Big Mac from before?" Su Fei asked.


The eight-legged monster repeated the previous action again.

What the hell!

It really is!
However, what is the intention of following him?

(End of this chapter)

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