Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 220 The Call of the 8-legged Monster

Chapter 220 The Call of the Eight-legged Monster

The little plane said: "By the way, master, I suddenly remembered that within the Boundary Mountain, no matter what level of beast it is, once it is conquered, it will become the conqueror's slave."

"Slave pet?"

Su Fei thought for a while, "It means... slave pets?"


"So... what is the function of this slave pet?"

"It works..."

The little plane hesitated and said: "Looking at it like that, it shouldn't be of much use, but please stay by your side for now, and we'll talk about it after the Nether Dao."


Speaking of which, it has been a long time since I came here.

If you don't hurry up, it will be dawn soon.

Xiaoying said before that after dawn, Yexue will return to Aoshi Villa.

That time period will be the best time to meet Ye Xue.

As long as you see Ye Xue, you will have the opportunity to increase the power of the dragon soul.

Once the power of the dragon soul is improved, even if it fails to break through the Great Sword Master's barrier in a short period of time, the situation will not be too bad when it comes to fighting Yan Luo and the Jueming Li Palace in the future.

So, he finally stepped onto the Nether Road.



Although the Nether Road has turned into a flame color, from the visual point of view, there are raging flames burning on the road, but when you really walk up, you can't feel the existence of the flames at all.

Two minutes later, he passed through the Nether Road safely, only to find that the eight-legged monster that followed him stood still in place and did not follow at all.

When Su Fei turned back to look at it, it yelled loudly with a sad face.



Not only that, but there were even tears in its eyes.

"What happened to it?"

Su Fei couldn't understand that little thing at all.


Xiao Ji said: "Maybe it's because I don't want to let you go."

"Reluctance? Then why didn't you follow?"

"Well..." Little Airplane said: "After all, it is a creature living in the boundary mountain, maybe it can't pass through the Nether Dao at all."

"That's it."

No matter what the truth is, seeing the teary eyes of that little thing, Su Fei felt a pang of sadness in his heart.

If he could, he really wanted to take that little thing with him.

Although that thing looks a bit strange, at least it looks loyal, and that's enough.


So, with a helpless sigh, he slowly turned around.



Just as he was about to leave cruelly, suddenly, the little thing let out another burst of heart-piercing yells.

Su Fei frowned, and looking back again, it actually showed an extremely manic appearance, bouncing around in place, as if it was eager to express something.

Seeing Su Fei stop, it even tried to get closer to Nether Road several times.

However, every time he approached, he was repelled by the flames on Nether Road.

Seeing this scene, it was really hard for Su Fei to leave cruelly.

So, he asked secretly: "Little Airplane, didn't you just ask me to take it with you?"

"When did I say that?" Little Airplane said, "I mean, if it wants to follow you, it's fine, but now it seems..."

"The meaning is almost the same." Su Fei interrupted: "By the way, can it pass through the Nether Dao?"

"Alas!" Little Airplane sighed, "It should not be possible."

Su Fei's complexion sank, "What should you mean, Little Airplane, why are you hesitating when you speak now."

"Because I'm not sure, alas!..." Little Airplane said apologetically.


Su Fei was speechless.

Seeing the little thing bouncing around anxiously, his heart softened, and he walked back the same way.

Standing in front of the little thing, he asked, "Little guy, do you want to follow me?"


The little thing saw Su Fei come back, his eyes were full of excitement, his long nose swung up and down quickly, eagerly expressing his affirmation.

Su Fei knelt down and said softly: "Then tell me, why didn't you follow up just now? Is it because you were afraid of the flames on the Nether Road, or because you couldn't pass through the Nether Road at all?"


The little thing looked sad, but he didn't make any moves.

Su Fei couldn't help but reached out and touched its long nose, and said: "If that's the case, you can stay here well, no matter when and where, we will always be friends, how about that?"


Hearing the words, the little thing finally couldn't hold back the tears in his eyes, and at that moment, the long nose softened.

Su Fei looked at it in surprise.

Unexpectedly, it was so big before, but after it became smaller, it turned out to be so spiritual.

Compared to the little Thunder Beast that lived in the space ring, it was even worse.

Of course, judging from the appearance, the little thunder beast is naturally cuter.


Just when Su Fei's mind became complicated.

Suddenly, the little plane reminded: "Master, time is running out, there is no time to think so much now, please make a decision quickly."


Su Fei hesitated.

Facing the tears of that little thing, it was really hard to calm down.

So, he immediately made a very difficult decision and asked, "Little guy, if you can choose by yourself, would you like to stay or go with me?"


The little thing looked up at Su Fei, his big round eyes were full of expectation.

Su Fei guessed: "You mean, are you willing to go with me?"


The little thing shook his long nose up and down excitedly.

Su Fei asked again: "Even if you sacrifice your life for this, are you willing to do so?"


The little thing looked affirmative.

"Okay, let's go!"

Su Fei didn't know if such a decision was correct.

But he knew that no matter what kind of creature, death is something we all face sooner or later.

If it is left alone in this dark world, it may not be happy.

Why not, try to take it through the Nether Dao together, even if you die, I believe it will not regret it!


Then, he let the little thing stand on his shoulders.

Walking on the flaming Nether Road again, the breath of the little thing became obviously disordered.

Su Fei could feel its pain, but it didn't make any sound of pain, nor did it intend to run away.

It can be seen that its heart is very strong, and it is extremely determined to leave this place with Su Fei!


Seeing it in such pain made Su Fei feel uncomfortable.

But this is its own choice. As a friend, the greatest respect is full support!
Therefore, he secretly let out a long breath, then quickened his pace and passed through the Nether Road faster.

At the end, I felt the little guy on my shoulder again, and suddenly found that it had already lost its breath! ...

But even so, its eight legs still tightly grasped Su Fei's shoulders, its long nose raised high, and it looked extremely proud.

Seeing it like this, even a man as calm as Su Fei couldn't help crying.

(End of this chapter)

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