Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 221 Blue World

Chapter 221 Blue World (fifth change)


So far, the calmest thing is still the small plane.

She reminded: "Master, this is its own choice. No matter what the outcome is, judging from its posture, its departure must be happy."

"I know."

Su Fei understood this very well.

It is precisely because he understands that he is so sad deep in his heart.


However, at the moment when Su Fei shed tears.

Suddenly, the little guy's excited cry came from his ear.


I rub!

Su Fei looked sideways, and it was... still alive!

"You bastard!..."

How naughty!
Su Fei turned from sadness to joy.


The little guy was overjoyed, let go of Su Fei's shoulders, and jumped to the ground with incredible speed.


The tragedy happened.


A loud bang.

I don't know if it's because it's too heavy, or because of something else.

When its eight legs fell to the ground, the underground passage in front of it collapsed instantly.


Su Fei cursed secretly.

What dog luck!


Just thought there was nowhere to escape.

The voice of the little thing came to the ear again.

And this time, its voice was weaker.

Su Fei kept as calm as possible.

Only in this way can he see the existence of that little thing in this dark world.

Suddenly, it became bigger.

Moreover, at the moment the tunnel collapsed, it actually used its own body to protect Su Fei under it.

Because it has eight legs, like eight pillars, supporting the originally collapsed passage.

Looking up, you can still see the corner at the end.


Su Fei looked at that guy with a complicated expression, "Could it be that you came with me just for this?..."


The little guy has grown bigger, but Su Fei is still willing to call it the little guy.

Meanwhile, the little guy looked at Su Fei with a look of relief.

Although it no longer has the cuteness it had before after it became bigger, and it even looked a little scary, but Su Fei was already moved by it and shed tears.


The little plane reminded: "Master, hurry up, don't disappoint its good intentions."


For a moment, Su Fei didn't know what to do.


Seeing Su Fei's troubled look, the little guy gently pushed his long nose against him, reminding him to leave as soon as possible!

"Why, why did you do this?"

Su Fei looked at it complicatedly.

Thinking of how the little guy was bouncing around on the other side of Nether Road just now, I have always been suspicious that it seems to have something to say.

Now it seems that it is simply worried about itself.

And it risked its life to follow itself through the Nether Dao. It was clearly weakened by the Nether Dao, but it still maintained a proud posture with strong willpower and survived strongly.

His ultimate goal was to save his own life!

The little guy's eight legs had already started to tremble, but it was still pushing Su Fei's body with its long nose.

"Thank you! Little guy, I, Su Fei, owe you my life!"

Just as the little plane said, if you don't leave, you will let down the little guy's painstaking efforts.

When he finished saying thank you, he took one last look into the little guy's eyes, only to find that there was no sadness in his eyes, only endless satisfaction.

It seemed that it was alive just to wait for Su Fei's arrival, to save Su Fei's life.

As long as Su Fei can leave here safely, it will have completed its mission.


When Su Fei quickly ran to the end, the little guy was finally unable to support himself and was buried alive!



Su Fei stood at the corner, unable to move for a long time.

He could no longer control his tears.

When tears welled up in his eyes, he could still hear the little guy's excited voice when he passed the Nether Road.




Such a voice could not stop echoing in his ears.

And he couldn't control his emotions for a while.


The little plane reminded: "Master, the deceased is gone, don't worry about it. You know, it is a product of your imagination. In the final analysis, it is just your fear."

"My fear?"

Su Fei asked: "How do you say that?"

The little plane said: "Master, think about it carefully, why did it suddenly become bigger in the end?"

Su Fei was always curious, "Why?"

The little plane said: "That's because when you saw the tunnel collapse, you felt greater fear in your heart, so it became bigger at that moment."

"It means that my fear saved me?" Su Fei asked suspiciously.

"Yes." Xiaofei said.


Su Fei still has a lot of things he can't understand.

For example, he knew very well that his fear could not have predicted the collapse of the tunnel.




In any case, the living should inherit the will of the dead.

That little guy protected Su Fei's life with his own life.

Su Fei is not an ignorant person.

Even if he knew very well in his heart, what Xiaofei said was just to hope that he would feel better.

Therefore, he tried his best to stabilize his emotions and regain his former calmness in the shortest possible time.


He took a long breath, knelt on the ground slowly, and kowtowed three times to the little guy.

Afterwards, he told himself in his heart that no matter what, he must leave here alive, and successfully surrendered the overlord-level attribute king, and took Bru for his own use!
Because, this is the only way to live up to the little guy's sacrifice!



When he stood up again and walked to the left passage, no matter his expression, gaze, or heart, he became more determined at that moment!


The small plane reminded: "Turn right 30 meters ahead."




Turn right.

Ahead lies a world that looks darker.

Inside, there seemed to be an extremely tyrannical force hidden.



Not only that, there was a cry like a little guy from inside.

But Su Fei can be sure, that is definitely not the little guy himself!

So, he secretly asked: "What is that?"


The little plane said: "That's the real Bru. After entering the real dark world, it means entering the real Bru world."

"Bru World?"

Su Fei didn't know what Bru's world was like.

But he no longer has any fear in his heart.

Go into the real dark world with your head held high.



When his whole body was surrounded by the so-called real darkness, the world in front of him suddenly became very real.


It's like purgatory!
He felt that his soul was about to be burned.

However, he still didn't stop.

Because he could clearly feel that he was getting closer and closer to the Bruce he was looking for.

 (Because a flag was set up yesterday, it is the first five shifts today, and I feel very refreshed.)
(End of this chapter)

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