Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 222 Unknown Fog

Chapter 222 Unknown Fog

The little plane reminded: "The king of Bru is found 100 meters ahead, please be careful with the owner."

"Surrender the King of Bru, can you get the overlord-level attribute king?"

"That's understandable."



What kind of form is the King of Bru, and what method should be used to subdue it.In Su Fei's heart, he knew nothing at all.



It's just that the repeated voice is getting closer and closer.

The surrounding air is full of scorching coercion.

As I was walking, I suddenly felt weakness in my limbs, and it was extremely difficult to even breathe.


He took a deep breath, only to find that the air here was extremely turbid, inhaling it into his body was like inhaling a raging fire.

The raging fire was ruthless, constantly burning Su Fei's heart.

And in that raging fire, there seemed to be a very irritable mood.

This kind of emotion undoubtedly made Su Fei's originally calm heart imperceptibly become irritable.

But he kept the little guy's will in mind, and tried his best to remain firm.

But even so, the pain in his body made it difficult for him to move forward.

Therefore, he finally stopped and asked, "Little Airplane, please report the distance."


The little plane said: "It's still 80 meters away."

80 meters!

Su Fei frowned secretly, and asked, "Can you scan the real form of King Bru?"

The little plane said: "No!"

"Do you have the basic data of the King of Blue?"




Sure enough, even the little plane didn't know anything about the Lord of Blue.

Fortunately, Su Fei no longer has the slightest fear of everything here.

But even so, if a major accident happened to the body at this juncture, tension is inevitable.

You know, what he will face is a completely unknown "creature".


Just when Su Fei fell into hesitation, the little plane added: "By the way, master, in the history of Shengding Continent, there was a historical record about the King of Bru."

"Oh? Come and listen."

"Sorry, those historical records were destroyed by the God Realm as early as 10 years ago."

"10 years ago?"

What a familiar figure.

I still remember that the nine great dragons were secretly slaughtered by the gods, which happened 10 years ago.

Is there some connection between these two things?At present, it is also unknown.


"Why did God Realm do this?" Su Fei asked.

"This is..."

The little plane said: "It's not clear yet."


It's also speechless, I really can't find any data!
"It seems that we can only take risks!"



The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles.

At this moment, not only did Su Fei know nothing about the King of Blue, he even didn't know how much energy he could release in such an environment.


But no matter what, the matter has come to this point, and he will definitely not look back.

Since there is no going back, sooner or later you have to face it.

So, he let out a long breath, and covered his chest, which was extremely burning, with one hand.

Suddenly, he found that the place was still cold.

By the way, it's the ice dragon pattern!

The reason why the raging fire in his body failed to burn his body and will was precisely because of the protection of the ice dragon pattern!
Therefore, even though the pain in his body was unbearable, thinking of having so much power protecting him, he gritted his teeth and walked forward again with his head held high.


The little plane reminded: "60 meters."

"50 meters!……"

"30 meters!……"

"Ten... meters!"

Ten meters!

Within such a distance, Su Fei seems to have seen the King of Blue?


It wasn't any kind of creature we imagined.

Perhaps, it should be called a demon?Or the devil?Or a ghost?or strange?
Its body is composed of too many elements to be seen at a glance.

But the most prominent thing is that its body is like a mass of fog as large as a kilometer high mountain.

And in this huge fog, one can clearly feel the existence of fire, ice, mysterious, poison, wind, water, thunder... and many other attributes.

"The so-called overlord-level attribute king, is this the form!"

Su Fei was stunned.

Since his soul passed through the Saint Ding Continent, he never thought that one day he would face such a terrifying...


Do not!
It's clearly not a living thing!


That voice still lingers in Su Fei's ears.

However, Su Fei suddenly discovered that the sound didn't seem to be coming from the giant fog.

Where did that sound come from?

Is the huge fog in front of you the real King of Blue?
Su Fei wanted to get the answer from the mouth of the little plane.


The system seemed to be completely disrupted ten meters away from the giant fog.

It was like meeting Ji Cang for the first time in the cave behind Mu's house.

When Su Fei's body was soaked in the cold pool, even the system was blocked, and finally he was able to restart with difficulty.

But this time, the small plane has completely disappeared, and there is no sign of restarting at all.

It seems that the horror of this giant fog is probably far greater than Ji Cang!

(End of this chapter)

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