Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 223 Darkness and Light

Chapter 223 Darkness and Light (Second Change)
Without the assistance of the small plane, now the real meaning can only rely on yourself!



Under such a tense atmosphere, suddenly, that voice appeared behind Su Fei again.

But the strange thing is, when Su Fei turned his head to look around, he still didn't find any creatures.

Not only that, but the passage behind him has completely disappeared.

Looking down, the road under his feet has also become nothingness.

What's the matter!

Keep your eyes on your feet.

After a while, I finally found something.

This is……

He is actually standing on the void?
And what supported him was a strange black mist.


Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of wind in my ears.

Finally, he felt more definitely that his body was really taking off.

What is that black mist?
When the body rose to a height of about 50 meters above the ground, the burning sensation in the body completely disappeared.

What followed was a long-lost coolness.

"This is……"

Su Fei frowned secretly.



And that voice still sounded behind him.

"Bru, are you the king of Bru?"

Su Fei no longer knew what to do.

So, he asked loudly towards the huge black mist in front of him.

"Blu-Bru! I'm not!"


The other party can speak human words.

Su Fei was shocked, "Then what are you?"

"Blu-Bru! I'm your emotion."

"My emotions?" Su Fei asked, "What do you mean?"

"Blu, blu! Are you impatient now?"


"Blu, blu! That's right, it's because of your impatience that you summoned me."


In retrospect, before the small plane was shielded, it was reminded that there was still ten meters away from the King of Blue.

Although this distance is not far, there is still a certain distance after all.

So, he said loudly: "Since you are my emotion, how can I get rid of you!"

"Bruburu, you have to calm down."


Su Fei thought to himself that he was calm enough.

Such a horrific setting, such a horrific experience.

It is already a rare thing that there is no fluctuation in mental power.

Is it necessary to remain absolutely calm to meet the Lord of Blue?
Su Fei's chest rose and fell.


For a while!
He took a long breath and told himself to be calm!
And such admonition seems to have played a certain role.

When he sat cross-legged again, this time, he completely emptied his mind, not feeling all the darkness around him.

A few minutes later, he opened his eyes, and what he saw was a bush full of flowers.


"What is this place?"

"Why is it completely different from before?"

"Blu, blu! That's because your mentality has changed."

"What do you mean?"

"Bulubu! Because you let go of your mind and completely forgot about the environment you are in, this is another place, and it is no longer the bottom of Tianwang Cave."

Looking around, it is true that the characteristics of Tianwang Cave cannot be seen here at all.

Moreover, the blue sky and white clouds above the head seem to be the world outside the cave.


"How the hell did I get here?"

"Bulubu! Don't worry about how you got here, you must want to know who I am, right?"

"Are you willing to tell me?..."

"Blu-Bru! Of course I am willing, to tell you the truth, I am you."

"You are me?"

That's not what it said just now!

"Blu, blu! Haven't you discovered it yet? I'm the light in your imagination."

"The light I imagined?"

Su Fei was stunned for a moment, that is to say, the voice he heard this time was not the same as what he heard in the world shrouded in black mist before!

However, they sound exactly the same.

The only difference, perhaps, is the difference in emotion in their voices.

Thinking about it carefully, there was indeed a bit of impatience in that voice before.

But this time the voice was obviously much more cheerful.

So, hesitantly said: "Please forgive me for being stupid, I don't quite understand what you mean."

"Blu-Bru! The bottom of Tianwang Cave is the darkness in your heart, and this field of flowers is the light in your inner world."


Hearing this, Su Fei also half understood, "You just said that you are me, so...why do you know everything here so clearly."

"Blu, blu! You really can't remember anything?"

"What do you mean by that? Should I remember something?" Su Fei asked.

"Blu-Bru! I sensed a very powerful Dragon God power from you, aren't you a descendant of the Dragon Clan?"

"I...I'm not." Su Fei said.

"Bluburu! What, you are not a descendant of the dragon clan, so where does the power of the dragon god in your body come from?"

"'s a long story."

"Blu-Bru! Let's make a long story short!"

"To put it simply, due to some coincidence, I got half of the dragon soul from Ji Cang, the elder of the Dragon Clan, and was later taken by the Dragon Clan to Jiuding Mountain Villa. In Jiuding Mountain Villa, I saw the Nine Dragon Pagoda with my own eyes, and then... ...It’s nothing, as for the power of the dragon god you mentioned, I’m not too sure.”

Su Fei stated the related experience in the simplest way.

At the same time, he said suspiciously: "By the way, you just said that you are me, why do you know nothing about my experience?"


This time, the other party did not speak human words, and did not know what it meant.

However, its voice was no longer as cheerful as before, but rather gloomy.



That gloomy atmosphere gradually became thicker.

"Hey, you must calm down, who are you!"

Su Fei was really worried that it would suddenly lose control.

"Blue, blue! You lied to me, you lied to me!"

"What, how did I lie to you?"

"Bluburu! Since you are not a descendant of the dragon clan, why did you appear here? Do you know where this is!"

"Here... you said just now that this place is a field of flowers?"

"Blu, blu! You really don't know anything?"

"I... I'm sorry, I really don't know anything." Su Fei has always been honest.

But judging from the content of the other party's words, it is obviously impossible to be him, nor is it the light he imagined!

Otherwise, it cannot be ignorant of everything about itself.

"Blu, blu! If that's the case, get out of here immediately, this is not where you should come!"

The other party's voice suddenly became angry.

Su Fei was stunned, "So, you've been lying to me just now?"

"Bluburu! I didn't lie to you, but you shouldn't be here, you are now! Immediately! Immediately! Get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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