Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 224 Blue's Waiting

Chapter 224 Blue's Waiting (Third)
Following its roar, the surrounding environment changed again astonishingly.

The bushes that were originally blooming with hundreds of flowers were wiped out before Su Fei's eyes.

And the green distant mountain also became distorted until it was shattered, and even disappeared like smoke and mist!

The blue sky and white clouds that could be seen before are also like a virtual canvas, which has been splashed with thick ink, causing the surrounding environment to become extremely black again.


At the same time, Su Fei heard a voice that made him extremely excited.

Huh?It's a small plane!

"The system is restarting, please wait a moment!..."


"Beep beep!..."

"Sorry, the system restart failed!"

Forehead? ...


"Detecting the cause of failure, please wait a moment!..."

call! ...

so far so good!

"The test was successful!"

Double click 666!

"Reason for failure: I was disturbed by the overlord-level attribute king, please be careful, the small plane is on standby first, please ask the owner for good luck!..."

Forehead! ...


I thought the little plane could be revived with full blood, but...

Forget it, let's rely on ourselves!
and many more!

Just now, the little plane said that it was disturbed by the overlord-level attribute king?
In other words, the real King of Blue has appeared!


The current environment can be said to be a truly dark world.

Even if you close your eyes and feel everything around you with your heart, you still can't see anything in this dark world!
Not only that, it was eerily quiet here, the only thing I could hear was my own breathing and heartbeat.

He tried to take a step forward.

Surprisingly... there was no sound of footsteps?

The feet are soft, as if standing on a cloud.

What's the matter.

Is it back to the bottom of Tianwang Cave?

"What the hell is this place!"

He yelled hard.

However, there was no voice of his own beside his ears.

"No way!"

"I...couldn't have lost my voice!"


He shouted at the top of his voice.


Still can't hear anything.

Did you really lose your voice?


It was at this moment that the mysterious voice appeared again.

"Who the hell are you!" Su Fei asked.

"Blu, blu! I told you, I'm you!"

This time I can hear the sound again, so what happened just now?

Before he had time to think about it, he frowned and asked, "If you are really me, you should stand in my position and focus on my interests, right?"

"Blu, blu! I'm sorry, although I am you, you are not the one I was waiting for."

"What do you mean, can you explain it to me more clearly!" Su Fei said impatiently.

"Blu, blu! Young man, what is your brain for, for display? Don't you just calm down and think about it carefully?"

Do I need to ask you if I can think of it?
Su Fei cursed secretly.

"Bulubu! Young man, it's better to be upright. If you have something to say, you can't say it in person. Cursing people behind your back is not what a gentleman does."


He could actually hear Su Fei's inner voice.

"It's said that I'm not upright enough, so what about you, hiding your head and showing your tail, what kind of a hero are you?"

"Bulubu! You can't see me, it's because you don't have enough cultivation, and I haven't lied to you. Since you don't understand, then I'll make it clear. To be honest, I've been here Waited for a full 10 years."

Holding grass?

10 years! ...

"and then?"

"Bulubu! I'm waiting for my real body. In the past 10 years, you are the first to come here, and you just said that you have seen the Nine Dragon Pagoda in Jiuding Mountain Villa, so you must go It's a new world, isn't it?"

Is it a new world...

Speaking of which, Ji Yueling really mentioned something about the new world before.

The reason why the Nine Great Dragons created the Jiuding Villa is precisely to create a new world belonging to the dragon clan with the Jiuding Villa as the core.


The Nine Great Dragons did not succeed after all.

Of course, this is all off topic.

Why did that guy mention the new world, what is going on here.

Who is it?
Su Fei was full of curiosity and asked: "I have indeed been to the New World, how do you know this?"

"Blu, blu! What's so strange about this, the nine great dragons are all my students."

"Your student?"

Su Fei was shocked.

To be able to become the teacher of the Nine Great Dragons, the strength of this guy must be extraordinary.

Moreover, this product has been waiting here for 10 years, that is to say, it must have at least 10 years of cultivation.

10 years of cultivation, what a terrifying existence!

Thinking of this, Su Fei felt inexplicably excited, "By the way, you said you are the teacher of the Nine Great Dragons, so you must have a name."

"Blu-Bru! Name?"

"Yes, you must not have even forgotten your own name."

"Blu-Bru! My name... what's my name?"

It seems that it is really forgotten!
"Forget it, it's not hard for you. Since you've been calling you Blue, I'll call you Bruce. Bruce, let me ask you, how can I get out of here?"

"Blu-Bru! How do I know!"

"You don't know who knows, haven't you been here for 10 years!"

"Blu, blu! It's just that I don't know how to get out, so I've only been here for 10 years. Are you stupid!"

puff! ...

Really want to vomit blood rhythm!
Hearing it say that, it seems quite reasonable.

So, he continued to ask: "I seem to have sensed the existence of the King of Bru just now, are you the King of Bru?"

"Blue blue! How do I know, I said I forgot."

Forehead! ...

It seems that it is really old.

At least one hundred thousand years old, it is normal to have dementia.

"Forget it, forget it, I don't care about you, you guy's words are not credible. If you say you are waiting for your real body here, then you should always remember who your real body is."

"Blu-Bru! My real body is a descendant of the Dragon Clan. He has the power of the Nine Dragons. I only remember so much."

"Okay, okay." Su Fei said impatiently: "Then let me ask you again, how do you know that I have the divine power of Kowloon?"

"Blu, blu! I can see that, if you don't have the power of the Kowloon, you won't be able to hear me."

Is it like this?
Su Fei suddenly began to suspect that the real body that this guy has been waiting for could be himself!

I am not a descendant of the Dragon Race!
How on earth should this be explained?


Just when Su Fei was confused, the voice from inside the system came again.

"The system is trying to restart, please wait!..."

"Beep beep!..."

"Sorry, reboot failed!"


"Detecting the cause of failure, please wait a moment!..."

"The test was successful!"

"Reason for failure: Interference from the overlord-level attribute heavenly king, please be careful, master!..."

(End of this chapter)

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