Chapter 225

"I was disturbed by the overlord-level attribute king!"


Hearing these words again, Su Fei suddenly realized.

That said, the Lord of the Bru is really around the corner.

So, he said eagerly: "Bru, my cultivation level is indeed not high, and I really can't see the existence of you and the King of Bru, so please tell me, is there anyone else here besides you? "

"Blu, blu! No one else, just you and me."

"Just me and you?"

Su Fei immediately understood, that is to say, it is really the King of Blue.


How can it be subdued?
By the way, it said it was waiting for someone.

And that person is a descendant of the Dragon Clan, and possesses the divine power of Nine Dragons.

According to the King of Blue, Su Fei already has the divine power of Kowloon.

As for whether he is a descendant of the dragon clan, it is really hard to say.

You know, judging from the Su family's attitude towards him, maybe he really isn't the biological son of Su Teng and Mrs. Ya?
Thinking about it this way, it's not impossible!
"Cough cough!"

So, he coughed and said, "Brue, now I have something very important to tell you."

"Blu, blu! What's the matter?"

"I'm hungry."

"Bluburu! There is no food here, you can only bear it."

"Okay then, since that's the case, I want to take a break, please stay away from me and don't bother me."

With that said, Su Fei lay down on the spot.

The ground was originally soft.

When he lay down, he suddenly found that it was not only soft, but also hairy.

He suddenly realized that the body of some giant beast must not be under his feet!
While I was shocked, I didn't feel any danger from the giant beast.

So, he still kept calm, and fell asleep just like that.



I don't know if I'm really tired.

Even though he was very clear in his heart that this place was not absolutely safe, he just fell asleep in a daze.

Time passed by every minute.

When he woke up again, it was already dawn in Aoshi Villa.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

The sound of birds chirping came from the maple forest outside.

In this dense forest, the air is extremely fresh.

Su Fei moved his body and found that he had returned to the real world.

"What the hell is going on, I just..."


Just when he was confused, the long-lost voice of the small plane came from his ear.

"Master, congratulations, you succeeded!"


Su Fei looked astonished, "I didn't do anything at all, what's going on here?"

Xiao Ji said: "I don't know the specific situation, but from the moment you returned to the present world, a column of attributes has been added to your basic data."


Hearing this, Su Fei couldn't wait to enter the system's inner vision realm.

Open your personal information and have a look.


In the basic data, the attribute column has really been added.


"Why is it displayed as None?"

The little plane said: "This is what I'm wondering about, maybe a certain step is wrong. However, at the current stage of cultivation, you can no longer enter Jieshan, that is to say, this trip to Jieshan has already It's a paragraph."

Hearing this, Su Fei frowned secretly and said, "What's wrong?"

Xiaoji said: "I have searched for relevant information on attribute cultivation for a long time, but I still haven't found the reason. This time, I'm afraid it's up to you to comprehend the mystery."


Without the assistance of the small plane, with Su Fei's innate aptitude, how could he comprehend such a profound cultivation method!
I'm afraid, this time it's really troublesome.

"By the way, Little Airplane, has Ye Xue returned?"

"Not yet." Little Airplane said: "It's still early, just wait."




This waiting process is also quite boring.

Being bored, he just walked around in the empty backyard of Scarlet Cloud Palace.

Just as he was about to leave the Scarlet Cloud Palace, he was suddenly stopped by an old woman with gray hair.

The old lady has kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and she is a nice person at first glance.

She was leaning on a black cane in her hand, and her legs and feet seemed to be inconvenient.

Seeing her, the first thing Su Fei thought of was Grandma Shen.

Although the last time I was in Chiyun Palace, I only saw Granny Shen's back, but Su Fei had amazing eyesight and recognized her at a glance.

So, he cupped his fists respectfully at the other party and said, "Senior must be the famous Mrs. Shen, Mrs. Shen, good morning!"

"Young Master Su, please be polite."

Recognized by Su Fei at a glance, Grandma Shen didn't have the slightest surprise in her eyes, but slowly stretched out her hand and said, "Help me over there to sit for a while."

over there, where?
Su Fei glanced around, it turned out that there was an octagonal pavilion in the north courtyard.

So, he took a step forward, carefully supported Granny Shen, and said, "Grandma Shen suddenly appeared today, do you have any advice?"

"I don't dare to advise you. According to etiquette, the old woman should call you Lord Immortal Lord, but this is not an immortal realm after all. I'm afraid it will cause gossip. Therefore, I will call you Mr. Su for the time being. My lord, don't blame me, an ignorant old woman."

Grandma Shen said so, but she actually knows etiquette better than anyone else.

From the very beginning, Su Fei felt that the words "Master Immortal Master" were too heavy, and he didn't like such a title.

Therefore, it is quite acceptable to call Grandma Shen like this.

Then he smiled lightly and said, "Grandma Shen, what are you talking about. It can be seen that Granny Shen must have a serious business here today, or it's more important."

"Mr. Su, you are so young, why don't you look like a young man at all? Is there nothing else in this world you can do besides serious things?"

Granny Shen suddenly looked at Su Fei with strange eyes.

Hearing this, Su Fei froze for a moment, "What does Grandma Shen mean by that?"

Grandma Shen said: "Mr. Su, don't think about it too much. My old lady is not very good at talking. In fact, what I mean is very simple. I hope Mr. Su can live like a young man, be more chic, even Be naughty, there is no need to live so rigidly, what do you think?"


Indeed, Su Fei's experience in the Su family made it difficult for him to live so freely.

His heart has always been depressed.

Hearing Granny Shen's words, he also suddenly discovered that in the past ten years, he never seemed to have really smiled.

Such a life always feels that there is some kind of shortcoming.


How can a person like him become free and easy?
Su Fei never thought about this question.

But after hearing Granny Shen's words, he suddenly realized that after all, he had left the Su family now, maybe he really should change his mentality and way of life?
(End of this chapter)

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