Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 227: Ye Xue Chapter Comes

Chapter 227 Yexue is Back


Grandma Shen counted her fingers, "Young Master Su, you don't need to be so anxious. Judging from your horoscope, the future is promising. As for attributes, it's just a trivial matter. You don't need to worry about it. When the time is right, It's yours, it's yours after all."


It's the same as not saying.

However, hearing what Granny Shen meant, Su Fei also immediately understood that everything should go with the flow and there is no need to rush.

He has always been considerate, knowing that Granny Shen, as an astrologer, can't tell the whole story, so he stopped demanding, and said gratefully: "Thank you Granny Shen for your enlightenment. By the way, when will the owner come back?"

"Hey, isn't this already here?"


"Look, isn't it right there?"

Grandma Shen raised her eyebrows in the direction of the south gate.

Su Fei looked back, and sure enough, under the Moon Gate to the south, there stood a familiar woman with fair complexion, beautiful appearance and slim appearance.

She was wearing a Tsing Yi, her jet-black hair fell naturally to her shoulders, her makeup was not ostentatious at all, but it was elegant and refined, showing the femininity of a woman.

Even if she doesn't wear makeup, she is rare in the world.

"It really is Yexue."

Su Fei already knew Ye Xue's identity, and knew that under her youthful appearance, she was actually a thousand-year-old real dragon.

It is really rare to live for 1000 years and still maintain such a young appearance.

In terms of age alone, Su Fei could call her a super super old lady!


Why seeing her appear, Su Fei's heartbeat would become a little weird for no reason, as if he could hear a "bang".

what's the problem?

It seems that she has been looking forward to her appearance for a long time.

Is it because of her coming that the power of the dragon soul can be improved?
Do not!
It doesn't seem to be the reason.

"Master Su, long time no see, what are you doing staring at me?"

Just as Su Fei was in a daze, Ye Xue had already stepped in front of him.

Today's Ye Xue has become the owner of a village, but her words and deeds are still the same as before, she doesn't have the majesty of the owner at all, she looks like a mischievous little troublemaker.

Su Fei came back to his senses, pretending to be calm and said: "I didn't see you, you misunderstood."

"It's not me, so what are you looking at?"

Ye Xue moved closer to his face, their noses almost touching each other.

Su Fei was blushing and heart beating, feeling uncomfortable all over, but he still said stiffly: "I'm just in a daze, are you thinking too much?"

"That's right, you kid, don't have any unreasonable thoughts about me, don't forget, you belong to Sister Yueling."

"What did you say?" Su Fei took a step back.

"It's nothing, let's talk about business."

Ye Xue's complexion suddenly darkened, she went to sit next to Granny Shen, and asked, "Grandma Shen, when did Mr. Su come?"

"Last night." Grandma Shen replied respectfully.

"Why does he come here, does Grandma Shen know?"

"The first is to take refuge, the second is to cultivate, and the third is to enhance the power of the dragon soul." Grandma Shen said.


Nothing can escape Grandma Shen's eyes.

Su Fei came here for nothing more than these three reasons.


She didn't ask Su Fei himself this kind of question, but asked Granny Shen. Does this mean that she doesn't have absolute trust in Su Fei?

Of course, Su Fei really couldn't care what Ye Xue thought.

Ye Xue learned about Su Fei's intentions from Grandma Shen, so she turned to look at Su Fei and asked, "Master Su, what's wrong with your body recently?"

Su Fei said: "No."

"Then is there any abnormality in the dragon energy in the body?"


Hearing this, Ye Xue lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, "If that's the case, you don't need to worry about improving the power of the dragon soul. You should have more important things to deal with right now."

"What's the matter?" Su Fei asked.

Ye Xue said: "Close to Xiao Mei, today, she will go to Qingyu Inn to meet someone."


"The person who interfered with your cultivation before."

Why does Ye Xue feel like she knows everything, just like Granny Shen?

Ye Xue is not an astrologer, she just came back, how could she know everything.

So, there is only one possibility!
——She has been in the Proud World Villa all the time, and all of this was told to her by Grandma Shen in advance.


Why do they lie?
It's fine for them to lie, why even Neptune helps them lie.

In addition, getting close to Xiao Mei can be done at any time, why are they so eager to let themselves get close to Xiao Mei?

More importantly, as a cultivator, shouldn't cultivation come first?

Ji Yueling had made it clear before that she would become the support of the Dragon Clan in the future.

So, shouldn't they help themselves grow faster?

Or, is there something else hidden in it?

(End of this chapter)

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